Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Май 17, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

After several months of delay the government yesterday adopted the short version of the society integration program providing for the priority tasks in each of four fields civil participation, social integration, education and language. It was decided to establish the Society Integration Fund for financing the implementation. However, the government has not agreed on the institution that would coordinate the integration activities. Making of this decision was delayed for two weeks after the suggestion by Fatherland an Freedom/LNNK. The government supported setting up of the Society Integration Council and the Consultative Council. The estimated expenses during the first year are almost 133,000 lats.

After several months of delay the government yesterday adopted the short version of the society integration program providing for the priority tasks in each of four fields civil participation, social integration, education and language. It was decided to establish the Society Integration Fund for financing the implementation. However, the government has not agreed on the institution that would coordinate the integration activities. Making of this decision was delayed for two weeks after the suggestion by Fatherland an Freedom/LNNK. The government supported setting up of the Society Integration Council and the Consultative Council. The estimated expenses during the first year are almost 133,000 lats. Diena

The government yesterday supported the concept of identity cards which will be possibly issued starting next July. The cards will be issued to all residents of Latvia for the use inside the country and passports will be mainly to travel abroad. The cards will have the holder’s name, personal code, sex, birth dates, upon the person’s choice – nationality.

The government yesterday supported the concept of identity cards which will be possibly issued starting next July. The cards will be issued to all residents of Latvia for the use inside the country and passports will be mainly to travel abroad. The cards will have the holders name, personal code, sex, birth dates, upon the persons choice – nationality. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Jauna Avize

In contrary to the reserved comments Efraim Zuroff released right after the meeting with Latvia prosecutors, his statements in the Russian-language newspaper Panorama Latvii reproach the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Latvian President of unwillingness to turn against the Nazi crimes. Zuroff predicts increase of international pressure. In response, the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins said yesterday that Latvia maintains its approach that all war crimes should be investigated and the guilty persons punished but investigation in a lawful country cannot be influenced.

In contrary to the reserved comments Efraim Zuroff released right after the meeting with Latvia prosecutors, his statements in the Russian-language newspaper Panorama Latvii reproach the Prosecutor Generals Office and the Latvian President of unwillingness to turn against the Nazi crimes. Zuroff predicts increase of international pressure. In response, the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins said yesterday that Latvia maintains its approach that all war crimes should be investigated and the guilty persons punished but investigation in a lawful country cannot be influenced. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Jauna Avize

Saeima’s Commission for Education yesterday did not support the draft law on financing the construction of the National Library. Six of the ten MPs abstained from voting as they were not satisfied with the offered financing model.

Saeimas Commission for Education yesterday did not support the draft law on financing the construction of the National Library. Six of the ten MPs abstained from voting as they were not satisfied with the offered financing model. Diena, Chas

Press Secretary of the DCMA Diana Urtane informed

Press Secretary of the DCMA Diana Urtane informed Neatkariga that in may the activity of exchanging the old USSR passports has dropped by 20%, in total in May 2006 applications were submitted. As of May 1administartive protocols are created in case a person does not have valid identity documents.

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins on a radio interview announced that Latvia cannot accept the methods Russia uses to fight terrorism since they harm civilians.

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins on a radio interview announced that Latvia cannot accept the methods Russia uses to fight terrorism since they harm civilians. Neatkariga

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