Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Авг. 19, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Chairman of Saeima faction TB/LNNK A.Pozarnovs accused Prime Minister A.Skele of violating the government forming coalition agreement by not informing the faction leaders about the fact that the government planned to discuss the composition of the high school reorganization commission.

The Chairman of Saeima faction TB/LNNK A.Pozarnovs accused Prime Minister A.Skele of violating the government forming coalition agreement by not informing the faction leaders about the fact that the government planned to discuss the composition of the high school reorganization commission. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

The government forming coalition faction does not have a united opinion on the time when the Language Law should be adopted. K.Libane from

The government forming coalition faction does not have a united opinion on the time when the Language Law should be adopted. K.Libane from Latvijas Cels told the journalist that she stood for a rather long term to submit proposals, because this is the last time when we can adopt a harmonised law corresponding to international norms. A.Pozarnovs from TB/LNNK pointed out that the best time for adopting the law could be the beginning of the next year. G.Berzins from Peoples Party thinks that the law should be adopted this November. Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis’s personal opinion is that the law should be adopted already in November this year because only the two articles the President had objections to should be discussed by the Saeima.

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikiss personal opinion is that the law should be adopted already in November this year because only the two articles the President had objections to should be discussed by the Saeima. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume announced amendments to the state budget of 1999 envisaging a decrease of the revenues part for 60 million lats.

Yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume announced amendments to the state budget of 1999 envisaging a decrease of the revenues part for 60 million lats. Neatkariga

Russian MFA circulated an announcement on Wednesday where it criticized Latvian policy concerning national minorities. The Ministry stated that there were differences between citizens and non-citizens in more that 70 positions, including a possibility to hold posts, property rights, private entrepreneurship, etc. Answering to this Latvian MFA stated that the situation was just the opposite - Latvia had been congratulated for the progress achieved, and Russia had just expressed her opinion which was nothing new.

Diena, Chas

On August 23 the Union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK will organize the annual march from Sigulda to Riga protesting against the Molotov-Ribentrop pact of 1939.

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel has confirmed that he would come to Riga on August 25 and expressed a wish to speak about the Language Law. Lauku Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Professor R.Janson from Tver University writes about the fate or Russians living in Latvia. He stated that the Russian authorities are eager to accuse Latvia of violating the rights and freedoms of the Russian speaking population in Latvia but did nothing to help those who wanted to move to Russia. Russian leaders want to preserve the current demographic situation thus maintaining their influence here. This is also confirmed by their statements about Russia’s geopolitical interests in this region.

Professor R.Janson from Tver University writes about the fate or Russians living in Latvia. He stated that the Russian authorities are eager to accuse Latvia of violating the rights and freedoms of the Russian speaking population in Latvia but did nothing to help those who wanted to move to Russia. Russian leaders want to preserve the current demographic situation thus maintaining their influence here. This is also confirmed by their statements about Russias geopolitical interests in this region. Diena (Russian version)

The two week hunger strike of O.Morozov from Tallin made the Russian National Council to take a decision to put on the agenda for the next meeting a proposal to discuss imposing of certain measures on Estonia to make this country to increase the rights of Russian speakers living there.

The two week hunger strike of O.Morozov from Tallin made the Russian National Council to take a decision to put on the agenda for the next meeting a proposal to discuss imposing of certain measures on Estonia to make this country to increase the rights of Russian speakers living there. Bizness & Baltiya

The Chairman of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia Vy.Altuhov whites about the changes in the original goals of this organisation. After the adoption of the amendments to the Language Law RSL is ready for some compromises but only on bilateral basis. RSL will not demand the state language status for the Russian language if the Saeima allows free use of the Russian language in all spheres of human activities, but the documents concerning state acts. If these compromise proposals were ignored by the state officials, then the international society would get a clear picture who are against integration and international peace.

The Chairman of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia Vy.Altuhov whites about the changes in the original goals of this organisation. After the adoption of the amendments to the Language Law RSL is ready for some compromises but only on bilateral basis. RSL will not demand the state language status for the Russian language if the Saeima allows free use of the Russian language in all spheres of human activities, but the documents concerning state acts. If these compromise proposals were ignored by the state officials, then the international society would get a clear picture who are against integration and international peace. Panorama Latvii

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