Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Апрель 27, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minster V. Kristopans assured journalists that he would suppress all attempts to thoughtlessly overthrow the government. Besides, the Prime Minster will not rush with inviting the social democrats to join the coalition.

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minster V. Kristopans assured journalists that he would suppress all attempts to thoughtlessly overthrow the government. Besides, the Prime Minster will not rush with inviting the social democrats to join the coalition. Diena

Referring to the draft language law the Prime Minister regretted that the hopes to have the constructive action by the People’s Party concerning the draft language law did not prove right. The deputies of the People’s Party act in destructive way and by doing it they might turn Latvia into “a small isolated country on the border with Russia.” The Prime Minster reminded the journalists that he had submitted to the Saeima the proposals which correspond with the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner. “My proposals are logic and do not discriminate the Latvian language by any means.”

Referring to the draft language law the Prime Minister regretted that the hopes to have the constructive action by the Peoples Party concerning the draft language law did not prove right. The deputies of the Peoples Party act in destructive way and by doing it they might turn Latvia into a small isolated country on the border with Russia. The Prime Minster reminded the journalists that he had submitted to the Saeima the proposals which correspond with the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner. My proposals are logic and do not discriminate the Latvian language by any means. Lauku Avize

Answering the question whether the coalition partners will support his proposals, Mr. Kristopans said that there will be discussions on this issue within the coalition. Commenting the Prime Minster’s statements yesterday at the press conference, SM writes that the fraction

Answering the question whether the coalition partners will support his proposals, Mr. Kristopans said that there will be discussions on this issue within the coalition. Commenting the Prime Minsters statements yesterday at the press conference, SM writes that the fraction For Human Rights, all of a sudden, has obtained a powerful ally - the Prime Minister on the issue of the liberalisation of the language law. SM

Mr. V. Krustins (

Mr. V. Krustins (Lauku Avize) argues that the revision of the draft language law required by the Prime Minister, in essence, means the restriction of the use of the Latvian language, which in political sense is the precondition for the dissolution of the Latvian state.Journalist Sallija Beinfelde questions the purpose of the transitional provision suggested by the OSCE High Commissioner stating that no sanctions should be applied to the persons violating the Language law provisions till the year of 2001. It is obvious that some kind of investment flooding is expected. The only question is who are those foreign investors who want to invest huge amount of money in Latvia, in the case the Latvian language is not being used there. Jauna Avize

Rigas Balss interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about the concept document of the State Integration Program. According to Ms Aldermane , the main elements of the program are education, language and culture. She believes that the public discussion of the concept document will continue till the end of July. Ms. Aldermane invites people to express their opinion not only about this document, but also submit their proposals for the drafting of the very program. Jauna Avize

Rigas Balss journalist J. Rimsans argues that the Latvian public seems to be more engaged the solving of the daily bread problems than in discussion of the strange undertaking called integration. According to him, the Latvian society is not ready to fruitfully discuss the rather complicated integration program during the remaining couple of months of the public hearing. Rigas Balss

Commenting the discussion of the chapter on Education of the conception of the State Integration Program, PANORAMA LATVII journalist A. Novickaya questions the reason for having such a discussion since the chapter on Education is an exact copy of the Law on Education which has already been adopted. She argues that any amendments to the chapter on Education of the concept document will cause the contradictions with the adopted Education Law. She suggests the Soros Fond not to waste money on the organisation of such discussions, but use it for the Latvian language training and the re-training of teachers.

Commenting the discussion of the chapter on Education of the conception of the State Integration Program, PANORAMA LATVII journalist A. Novickaya questions the reason for having such a discussion since the chapter on Education is an exact copy of the Law on Education which has already been adopted. She argues that any amendments to the chapter on Education of the concept document will cause the contradictions with the adopted Education Law. She suggests the Soros Fond not to waste money on the organisation of such discussions, but use it for the Latvian language training and the re-training of teachers. Panorama Latvii

MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights) tells about the consideration of the draft Emigration law at the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights. According to Mr. Mitrofanov, initially the draft law was full of bureaucratic restrictions. That caused the negative evaluation from the European institutions, and even from the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the activities of the National Human Rights office and other organisations, the draft law has been improved.

MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights) tells about the consideration of the draft Emigration law at the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights. According to Mr. Mitrofanov, initially the draft law was full of bureaucratic restrictions. That caused the negative evaluation from the European institutions, and even from the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the activities of the National Human Rights office and other organisations, the draft law has been improved. Panorama Latvii

MP Boris Tsylevich argues that the ratification of the UN Convention relating to the Status of the Stateless Persons (1953) will not amend the discriminating restrictions for the non-citizens imposed by the Latvian legislation, particularly by the Law on the Status of the former USSR Citizens.

MP Boris Tsylevich argues that the ratification of the UN Convention relating to the Status of the Stateless Persons (1953) will not amend the discriminating restrictions for the non-citizens imposed by the Latvian legislation, particularly by the Law on the Status of the former USSR Citizens. Chas

SM publishes the story of a worker of the Laima factory Raisa Kostina who was fired twice. She had resumed her duties by the court decree. After being fired the third time, she did not want to appeal against the decision of the factory administration because we, Russians, will be fired anyway. We will obtain the citizenship, learn the Latvian language, but still, we will be fired and replaced by the Latvians. It is said - we do not need you to learn the Latvian language, we need you to know your place., Ms. Kostina told the SM journalist.

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