Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Фев. 18, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Since the regaining of the independence some 4 thousand persons have repatriated to Latvia, Head of the Repatriation Centre Juris Dombrovskis told DIENA. According to the Law on Repatriation adopted in 1995, a repatriate is a person who is a citizen of Latvia or whose one parent or grandparent is a Latvian or a Liv, and who moves to Latvia for permanent residence. The Repatriation Centre helps to solve the housing and the work related problems, as well as assists with the state language training. Although the state does not have a special language training program for the repatriates, the Repatriation Centre co-operates with Latvian People’s School and covers the course fees. The repatriates are entitled to have the travel and resettlement expenses compensated, and in case the Employment Service has not been able to offer the job, to receive allowance in amount of 90% of the minimum wage for 6 months. These expenses are covered from the Repatriation Fund which receives 51 thousand Lats annually from the state budget. Mr. Dombrovskis believes that the repatriation rate will continue increase and, according to the Centre’s calculations, the Repatriation Fund would need some 113 thousand Lats annually.

Since the regaining of the independence some 4 thousand persons have repatriated to Latvia, Head of the Repatriation Centre Juris Dombrovskis told DIENA. According to the Law on Repatriation adopted in 1995, a repatriate is a person who is a citizen of Latvia or whose one parent or grandparent is a Latvian or a Liv, and who moves to Latvia for permanent residence. The Repatriation Centre helps to solve the housing and the work related problems, as well as assists with the state language training. Although the state does not have a special language training program for the repatriates, the Repatriation Centre co-operates with Latvian Peoples School and covers the course fees. The repatriates are entitled to have the travel and resettlement expenses compensated, and in case the Employment Service has not been able to offer the job, to receive allowance in amount of 90% of the minimum wage for 6 months. These expenses are covered from the Repatriation Fund which receives 51 thousand Lats annually from the state budget. Mr. Dombrovskis believes that the repatriation rate will continue increase and, according to the Centres calculations, the Repatriation Fund would need some 113 thousand Lats annually. Diena

It is planned that the Saeima will consider the draft budget for 1999in the second reading on 25 February.

It is planned that the Saeima will consider the draft budget for 1999in the second reading on 25 February. Diena

Germany as the EU presiding country, believes the EU should take a decision about the starting the accession talks with Latvia this year, in an interview for the DIENA the German State Minister Gunter Verheugen said. According to him, Latvia has achieved the progress that was acknowledged in the European Commission report, and the conclusions should be made accordingly.

Germany as the EU presiding country, believes the EU should take a decision about the starting the accession talks with Latvia this year, in an interview for the DIENA the German State Minister Gunter Verheugen said. According to him, Latvia has achieved the progress that was acknowledged in the European Commission report, and the conclusions should be made accordingly. Diena

Commenting the 16th of March Commemoration Day, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Institute Atis Lejins tries to answer the question why this date creates the sense of insecurity un political tension in Latvia and undermines the Latvia’s image in the world. Mr. Lejins believes that the present Parliament will have to abolish the decision of the previous Saeima to have the 16th March as the Second World War Soldiers Commemoration Day.

Commenting the 16th of March Commemoration Day, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Institute Atis Lejins tries to answer the question why this date creates the sense of insecurity un political tension in Latvia and undermines the Latvias image in the world. Mr. Lejins believes that the present Parliament will have to abolish the decision of the previous Saeima to have the 16th March as the Second World War Soldiers Commemoration Day. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima fraction

Yesterday the Saeima fraction For Human Rights decided to ask the government to take an initiative and abolish the Commemoration Day of the Latvian Soldiers before the 16 March of this year. The deputies think that there are certain forces on both sides that will try to use this day for increasing their popularity. B&B, Panorama Latvii

The Press Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Toms Baumanis told journalists that the visa free regime with the countries of the Schengen treaty will apply only to the Latvian citizens.

The Press Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Toms Baumanis told journalists that the visa free regime with the countries of the Schengen treaty will apply only to the Latvian citizens. SM, commenting this fact, argues that this is one more restriction of the Latvian non-citizens rights.

During last four years some 17, 355 person applied for the Latvian citizenship. In 1805 cases the application was denied. 11, 576 persons were granted the citizenship, of which 54% were Russians, 17,6 -Lithuanians and Estonians, 10, 4% - Belorussians, 8,1% - Poles, 5,6% - Ukrainians, and 0.6% - Latvians and Livs.

During last four years some 17, 355 person applied for the Latvian citizenship. In 1805 cases the application was denied. 11, 576 persons were granted the citizenship, of which 54% were Russians, 17,6 -Lithuanians and Estonians, 10, 4% - Belorussians, 8,1% - Poles, 5,6% - Ukrainians, and 0.6% - Latvians and Livs. SM

Some time ago the Saeima fractions received a draft law on amendments to the Law on Municipal Elections prepared by the public organisation “Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens,” allowing non-citizens to participate in the elections of the local authorities. Yesterday the 

Some time ago the Saeima fractions received a draft law on amendments to the Law on Municipal Elections prepared by the public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens, allowing non-citizens to participate in the elections of the local authorities. Yesterday theChas asked 27 deputies to assess such amendments. All, except for the deputies of the fraction For Human Rights, were against the amendments arguing that the non-citizens have the opportunity to naturalise. Chas

Irina Osadchaya, the CHAS journalist, discuss the world security issue in connection with the closing of the Skrunda Early Missile Warning Radar Station. According to the journalist, Russia and the United States still hold the Cold War nuclear doctrines, main of which is the conception of the guaranteed mutual destruction. The danger of continuing to apply this doctrine increases because of the collapse of the Russian early missile warning system, including the dismantling the Skrunda Radar Station.

Irina Osadchaya, the CHAS journalist, discuss the world security issue in connection with the closing of the Skrunda Early Missile Warning Radar Station. According to the journalist, Russia and the United States still hold the Cold War nuclear doctrines, main of which is the conception of the guaranteed mutual destruction. The danger of continuing to apply this doctrine increases because of the collapse of the Russian early missile warning system, including the dismantling the Skrunda Radar Station. Chas

Panorama Latvii journalist Sergey Zaletayev analyses the Cabinet of Minister Regulations on the Procedure of Receiving and Considering the Applications for the Naturalisation. He argues that some provisions of these Regulations contradict with the provisions of the Citizenship Law. For example, the Regulations enlist the documents that should be presented by the person when applying for the naturalisation, including the statement that the person does not hold the citizenship of another country, if the person is a citizen of the former USSR who on 4 May 1999 permanently resided in Latvia. It means that the persons who are citizens of the former USSR permanently residing in Latvia who already hold citizenship of another country, in fact are ineligible to apply for the Latvian citizenship. This, however, is not restricted by the Citizenship Law. The Article 12 paragraph 1 subparagraph 7 states that citizenship of Latvia shall be granted through naturalisation to those persons who are registered in the Residents Register and have submitted a statement of renunciation of their former citizenship and have received an expatriation permit from the state of their former citizenship, if such permit is provided for by the laws of that state, or have received a document certifying the loss of citizenship, but citizens of the former USSR who on May 4, 1990 permanently resided in Latvia - a statement that they have not received citizenship of other country. These documents, according to the Citizenship Law, should be submitted after the person has been officially notified that there are no obstacles to grant him/her the citizenship. In conclusion Mr. Zaletayev states that in the state power institutions there are certain political forces that actively make obstacles to obtaining of the Latvian citizenship by permanent residents of Latvia who have received the Russian citizenship.

Dienainforms that the Estonian parliament adopted the law about the person identification documents according to which starting 1 January 2001 each Estonian citizen permanently residing in Estonia and foreign citizen whose residence permit is issued for at least one year, will have to have a person identification card for the domestic transactions.

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