Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Окт. 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

After meeting with a the State President Guntis Ulmanis, Vilis Kristopans told 

After meeting with a the State President Guntis Ulmanis, Vilis Kristopans toldDiena that Mr. Ulmanis would respect the opinion of the Latvian Way concerning the candidate of a next Prime Minister. At the same time, the leader of the Peoples Party Andris Skele who also met with the State President on Friday, said that the discussion was about the government forming process. The Poeples Party is sure a disagreement with the Latvian Way will be clarified next week during the meeting of both parties. Diena

Journalists of other newspapers (

Journalists of other newspapers (Chas, Neatkariga) speculate about the interest of the State President in having Andris Skele on the post of Prime Minister. B&B (19 October) writes that among the candidates for the post of Prime Minister there also might be the present Minister of Finance Roberts Zile (For Fatherland and Freedom), and a Latvian Way politician Ojars Kehris. Analysing amendments to the Satversme adopted by the Saeima on Thursday, Diena journalist Aivars Ozolins argues that the process of discussion and adoption of these amendments should have been accompanied with creation of a real implementation mechanism, otherwise each legal norm is doomed to discreditation. Diena. Chas journalist Leonid Fedoseev also questions application of the new;y adopted Satversme provisions, especially a stipulation concerning the status of the Latvian language.

PanoramaLatvii publishes opinions of three deputies - Juris Dobelis, Antons Seiksts, and Ilga Kreituse - about the amendments to the Satversme in which all three deputies emphasize a historical importance of these amendments.

Dienain Russian publishes an interview with Tatjana Liguta, President of the Association for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, in which she argues that in order to achieve the command of the Latvian language and culture as well as integration through the language, there are other ways than the one proposed by the Ministry of Education in the Law on Education. According to her, an alternative could be an introduction of a new subject Lettonica in schools with other language of instruction than Latvian. This subject would help the Latvian language become not only an object but also a tool of learning. Other important issue emphasized by Ms. Liguta is the need of the state program for training of Latvian language teachers for schools of national minorities. Nobody even knows how many such teachers are needed now, Ms. Liguta states. According to Ms. Liguta, Russian schools should be preserved because it might become the means of integration. Diena

On Saturday the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the Language of Instruction organized a conference “Education in a Native Language - a prerequisite and means of non-violent integration.” Mr. Igor Pimenov one of the organisers said that the Education Law and State Language Law should provide the right of children belonging to national minorities to acquire education in a native language. The Association has prepared an alternative model of education according to which in schools of national minorities some 8 lessons per week would be assigned to teaching of a new subject - Lettonica, including history, geography and politics of Latvia. The association also suggests to establish a new department of education of national minorities at the Ministry of Education. Parliamentary secretary of Ministry of Education Andris Tomasuns who also attended the conference, positively evaluated the willingness of the association to discuss these issues as well as readiness to presentalternative solutions.

On Saturday the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the Language of Instruction organized a conference Education in a Native Language - a prerequisite and means of non-violent integration. Mr. Igor Pimenov one of the organisers said that the Education Law and State Language Law should provide the right of children belonging to national minorities to acquire education in a native language. The Association has prepared an alternative model of education according to which in schools of national minorities some 8 lessons per week would be assigned to teaching of a new subject - Lettonica, including history, geography and politics of Latvia. The association also suggests to establish a new department of education of national minorities at the Ministry of Education. Parliamentary secretary of Ministry of Education Andris Tomasuns who also attended the conference, positively evaluated the willingness of the association to discuss these issues as well as readiness to presentalternative solutions. Diena

A two day conference “National ethnopolitics towards the civil society” organized by Centre of Ethnic Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took place in Riga last week. In an opening presentation, Dr. Phil. Elmars Vebers introduced the audience with thesis of the conception of social integration commissioned by the government. The main question answered by the state program is how to provide preservation and development of Latvian identity and at the same time to participate in realization of national minority rights and development of their culture. 

A two day conference National ethnopolitics towards the civil society organized by Centre of Ethnic Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took place in Riga last week. In an opening presentation, Dr. Phil. Elmars Vebers introduced the audience with thesis of the conception of social integration commissioned by the government. The main question answered by the state program is how to provide preservation and development of Latvian identity and at the same time to participate in realization of national minority rights and development of their culture.Diena

From October 19 till 24 the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will be on a working visit in Belgium, Germany and France. During the visit he will meet with the President of European Commission Mr. Santer and the Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Mr. van den Broek.

From October 19 till 24 the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will be on a working visit in Belgium, Germany and France. During the visit he will meet with the President of European Commission Mr. Santer and the Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Mr. van den Broek. B&B

A member of a Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Duma Vladimir Averchev thinks that the outcome of the referendum on liberalization of the Citizenship Law in Latvia does not solve the main problems of Russian speaking population. According to Mr. Averchev, Latvia does not implement the OSCE recommendations and continues language and other type of discrimination of non-citizens.

A member of a Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Duma Vladimir Averchev thinks that the outcome of the referendum on liberalization of the Citizenship Law in Latvia does not solve the main problems of Russian speaking population. According to Mr. Averchev, Latvia does not implement the OSCE recommendations and continues language and other type of discrimination of non-citizens. B&B

The most complaints received by the National Human Rights Office in the third quarter of 1998 concerns the work of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs,and in 80% cases the complaints were valid. Majority of them are related with the family reunion issues.

The most complaints received by the National Human Rights Office in the third quarter of 1998 concerns the work of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs,and in 80% cases the complaints were valid. Majority of them are related with the family reunion issues. B&B

On Friday the Latvian- Estonian intergovernmental commission on Valka -Valga issue finished a preliminary co-ordination of border agreement which would facilitate the border crossing for residents of both towns. An official co-ordination is scheduled for November. According to the agreement, citizens as well as non-citizens residing in Valka and Valga will be able to stay in other country for 180 days per year ( instead of existing limit of 90 days). Furthermore, persons who are studying or taking care of relatives in a neighbouring city, will be able to prolong the period with the consent of local authorities.

On Friday the Latvian- Estonian intergovernmental commission on Valka -Valga issue finished a preliminary co-ordination of border agreement which would facilitate the border crossing for residents of both towns. An official co-ordination is scheduled for November. According to the agreement, citizens as well as non-citizens residing in Valka and Valga will be able to stay in other country for 180 days per year ( instead of existing limit of 90 days). Furthermore, persons who are studying or taking care of relatives in a neighbouring city, will be able to prolong the period with the consent of local authorities. Diena

According to information provided by the Russian Federal Migration Service, the number of Russian guest workers in Latvia has increased from 19 persons in the period from January till July of 1998, to 71 in the period till October, the news agency LETA informs.

According to information provided by the Russian Federal Migration Service, the number of Russian guest workers in Latvia has increased from 19 persons in the period from January till July of 1998, to 71 in the period till October, the news agency LETA informs. Neatkariga

Extraordinary certification of employees of the Interior Ministry having special ranks, is completed, and the results will be summarized during this week, the Press Service of the IM informs. During the certification a special attention was paid to the command of the state language.

Extraordinary certification of employees of the Interior Ministry having special ranks, is completed, and the results will be summarized during this week, the Press Service of the IM informs. During the certification a special attention was paid to the command of the state language. Neatkariga

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