Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Март 14, 1994

Press Review

Talks between Latvia and Russia are resumed on March 14 and will continue until March 16. The negotiations will be focused on the rent for the Skrunda radar and social guarantees for retired army officers. Mr.Vovers, the deputy-head of the latvian delegation to the talks refused to forecast their possible results. Still, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr.Andreyevs said that there are 50/50 chances for the final agreement on the issues. He also assumed that the rent for the Skrunda radar might not be among the issues discussed and could be left for the presidents of the both countries to agree upon. He also suggested that certain arguable questions regarding retired servicemen could be discussed with the participation of CSCE representatives. That according to the Minister would guarantee that the problem would not influence the ratification of other agreements. Mr.Anreyevs also informed the press that according to Russian Ambassador Mr.Rannikh the schedule for the withdrawal of Russian troops had been prepared already and was at the disposal of the North-Western Group Headquarters. According to the Ambassador the scheduled will be handed over to the Latvian party upon the ratification of the agreements. Mrs.Ilga Grava, the former member of the Latvian delegation, expressed her doubts as for the possibility of the achievement of the final agreement during next round of talks. She also admitted that there was a chance of Russia coming up with additional demands again.

Talks between Latvia and Russia are resumed on March 14 and will continue until March 16. The negotiations will be focused on the rent for the Skrunda radar and social guarantees for retired army officers. Mr.Vovers, the deputy-head of the latvian delegation to the talks refused to forecast their possible results. Still, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr.Andreyevs said that there are 50/50 chances for the final agreement on the issues. He also assumed that the rent for the Skrunda radar might not be among the issues discussed and could be left for the presidents of the both countries to agree upon. He also suggested that certain arguable questions regarding retired servicemen could be discussed with the participation of CSCE representatives. That according to the Minister would guarantee that the problem would not influence the ratification of other agreements. Mr.Anreyevs also informed the press that according to Russian Ambassador Mr.Rannikh the schedule for the withdrawal of Russian troops had been prepared already and was at the disposal of the North-Western Group Headquarters. According to the Ambassador the scheduled will be handed over to the Latvian party upon the ratification of the agreements. Mrs.Ilga Grava, the former member of the Latvian delegation, expressed her doubts as for the possibility of the achievement of the final agreement during next round of talks. She also admitted that there was a chance of Russia coming up with additional demands again. Diena, Labrit

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr. Georgs Andreyevs stated that the main subject of his visit to Germany were the relations between the Baltic states and Russia. The German party confirmed that it would do everything to make August 31 the final date of the presence of Russian troops in Latvia. The Minister of Defence of Russia Mr.Pavel Gratchev called the position taken by Germany to be the intrusion into internal affairs of Russia. He said that Russia had not promised anybody to withdraw its troops until August 31. Mr.Andreyev also said that a visit to Moscow by the representatives of Germany, France, and Poland is scheduled for May.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr. Georgs Andreyevs stated that the main subject of his visit to Germany were the relations between the Baltic states and Russia. The German party confirmed that it would do everything to make August 31 the final date of the presence of Russian troops in Latvia. The Minister of Defence of Russia Mr.Pavel Gratchev called the position taken by Germany to be the intrusion into internal affairs of Russia. He said that Russia had not promised anybody to withdraw its troops until August 31. Mr.Andreyev also said that a visit to Moscow by the representatives of Germany, France, and Poland is scheduled for May. Diena

A rally organized by the Latvian Popular Front was held on the Dome Square in Riga on March 12. The participants of the event called upon the Government not to conclude any agreements on the Skrunda radar Station which would legalize its status. The position of the Latvian delegation to the talks was criticized severely. 

A rally organized by the Latvian Popular Front was held on the Dome Square in Riga on March 12. The participants of the event called upon the Government not to conclude any agreements on the Skrunda radar Station which would legalize its status. The position of the Latvian delegation to the talks was criticized severely. Diena, Neatkariga, Rita

Kaspars Kaulins, the "DIENA" columnist, analyzes the attitude of the West towards the situation in the Baltic states. He stresses that Russia is trying to re-establish its international influence and will not abandon its interests in the Baltics. The journalist quotes the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Mr.Kinkiel who stressed that the Baltics could become a serious problem among other aspects of conflict of interests between the West and Russia. The author also stresses that the talks between Latvia and Russia are not the talks between equal parties since there are Russian troops are present on the Latvian soil.

Kaspars Kaulins, the "DIENA" columnist, analyzes the attitude of the West towards the situation in the Baltic states. He stresses that Russia is trying to re-establish its international influence and will not abandon its interests in the Baltics. The journalist quotes the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Mr.Kinkiel who stressed that the Baltics could become a serious problem among other aspects of conflict of interests between the West and Russia. The author also stresses that the talks between Latvia and Russia are not the talks between equal parties since there are Russian troops are present on the Latvian soil. Diena

On March 11 the "Latvijas Cels" fraction had a closed meeting on the Draft Citizenship Law. It was decided not to provide the press with any specific details of the meeting. The Chairman of the Party Mr.Birkavs explained those restriction with the wish to avoid misunderstanding on the part of the both communities. He said that the amendments to the draft regarding the quota principle would be introduced in response to recommendations made by international experts. He stressed that the amendments would not mean the total abandonment of the principle but would specify it. According to the new Draft the Cabinet of Ministers will not name the number of persons to be naturalized during a coming year. The groups of inhabitants will be strictly specified instead.

On March 11 the "Latvijas Cels" fraction had a closed meeting on the Draft Citizenship Law. It was decided not to provide the press with any specific details of the meeting. The Chairman of the Party Mr.Birkavs explained those restriction with the wish to avoid misunderstanding on the part of the both communities. He said that the amendments to the draft regarding the quota principle would be introduced in response to recommendations made by international experts. He stressed that the amendments would not mean the total abandonment of the principle but would specify it. According to the new Draft the Cabinet of Ministers will not name the number of persons to be naturalized during a coming year. The groups of inhabitants will be strictly specified instead. Neatkariga

A rally organized by the Association of Independent Trade-Unions and the League of the Stateles was held on March 14 in the "1905" Park. Mr.Modris Lujans, the leader of the Association, and other speakers accused the Government in trying to split the nation into Latvians and non-Latvians instead of improving economical situation and living conditions of the poor. The participants of the rally called upon the Government members to resign since they act only for their own benefit but not for the benefit of the people.

A rally organized by the Association of Independent Trade-Unions and the League of the Stateles was held on March 14 in the "1905" Park. Mr.Modris Lujans, the leader of the Association, and other speakers accused the Government in trying to split the nation into Latvians and non-Latvians instead of improving economical situation and living conditions of the poor. The participants of the rally called upon the Government members to resign since they act only for their own benefit but not for the benefit of the people. Labrit

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