Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Сен. 23, 2005

  • Saeima did not support Nils Muiznieks for post of director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office
  • Human and media experts condemn invitation of national radical extremist to a political discussion show
  • Interview with Israeli President
  • FHRUL submits to the Saeima a draft law that provides granting Latvian citizenship to non-citizens
  • Organisers of the meeting in support of the Russian language will hold a rock concert despite the Riga City Councils refusal to give a permission
  • Activists of the Headquarters reveal details of previous protest actions and future plans
Yesterday the Parliament did not approve the candidacy of the former integration minister Nils Muiznieks for post of director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office – only 45 out of 98 MPs voted for the candidacy of Nils Muiznieks, while 51 MPs were against - both left and right wing MPs. After the vote Nils Muiznieks stated that ‘obviously, many politicians are not able to accept my European views on national issues.’ For the moment the Parliament has not agreed on a new candidacy for the post.

Yesterday the Parliament did not approve the candidacy of the former integration minister Nils Muiznieks for post of director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office – only 45 out of 98 MPs voted for the candidacy of Nils Muiznieks, while 51 MPs were against - both left and right wing MPs. After the vote Nils Muiznieks stated that ‘obviously, many politicians are not able to accept my European views on national issues. For the moment the Parliament has not agreed on a new candidacy for the post. Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Diena discusses the limits of freedom of speech versus incitement to ethnic hatred referring to the analytical night talk show ‘What Is Going On in Latvia? anchored by journalist Janis Domburs. The show is aired once a week and a number of experts discuss thats week topical issue in the studio. In the last Wednesdays show the topic whether Nils Muiznieks should be the head of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO) was discussed by representatives of political parties, the LNHRO, Gay and Lesbian Youth Association and the radical national organisation DDD Liene Apine. Liene Apine took an opportunity and announced the main ideas of her radical organisation, such as deportation of colonists, anti-Semitism and others, which according to many human right experts are calling to ethnic hatred. Human rights and media experts, such as Abrams Kleckins and Ilze Brands Kehre, believe that analytical programmes should not support extremists and give them platform to spread their ideas. While Janis Domburs does not consider that he had been given Liene Apine a possibility to call to ethnic hatred.

Diena interviews the Israeli President Moshe Katzav who is on the official visit to Riga. When asked to comment Latvias efforts in evaluating its history during the Nazi occupation and attitude towards Jews, the Israeli President says that it is up to the society of Latvia to decide whether it has given an objective evaluation of this time. He adds ‘it is not the responsibility towards the Jews, it is a responsibility towards your nation.

MPs of FHRUL have submitted for the Parliament’s revision a draft law, which provides granting the status of a Latvian citizen to non-citizens. MPs argue that citizenship should be granted to all non-citizens born in Latvia, non-citizens who have reached the age of 60 and disabled non-citizens.

MPs of FHRUL have submitted for the Parliaments revision a draft law, which provides granting the status of a Latvian citizen to non-citizens. MPs argue that citizenship should be granted to all non-citizens born in Latvia, non-citizens who have reached the age of 60 and disabled non-citizens. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas reports that the Riga City Council has issued a permit to hold the meeting ‘Russian Resistance with the aim to support the Russian language, but refused to give permission to organise a rock concert, which was, planned as a part of the action. However, the organisers of the action state that the concert will take place - ‘it will be a meeting where songs will be sung. The organisers are convinced that there will not be any disorders.

Vesti Segodnya prints a comprehensive article revealing ‘unknown details about protest actions held by activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and their plans about new protests. Activists agree that intensity of protests has dropped, however, general activity level of Russians is still higher than till 2003. They conclude that they want to live in an integrated society, however, it is impossible because Latvians and Russians are not equal in their rights in Latvia.




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