Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Май 3, 2005

  • Views of Andrejs Veisbergs, Chairman of the Official Language Committee, on the situation of Latvian in Latvia
  • Interview with the Education Minister
  • Interview with Social Integration Minister
  • Vesti Segodnya prints views of Norberts Klaucens on the upcoming visit of the USA President to Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya: Latvian state has launched a massive attack against the Russian community

Diena prints an article by Andrejs Veisbergs, Chairman of the Official Language Committee, on the role of nation state and language in modern times. Andrejs Veisbergs argues that due to globalisation nation states and national languages do not play a very significant role any more. In his opinion, the situation is changing because people have many identities not only ethnic and rapid development of modern technologies. Nowadays it is a lot easier for immigrants/minorities to maintain close relations with their home countries of origin and live in another communication space than their actual place of residence. In the second part of the article the author refers to the situation in Latvia. He notes that there have been occasions when Latvians are afraid to stand up for their language, for instance, discussions around the strict statement of the Education Minister when she said that she would speak Latvian to Russian schools. Andrejs Veisbergs concludes that the main tasks are ‘consequent implementation of the minority education reform, integration and strong, continuous demands to know Latvian in all functions provided by the EU.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Minister of Education Ina Druviete. When asked to comment on the implementation of the minority education reform, the Minister states that the State Education Inspection continues to inspect minority schools. The Inspection has concluded that ‘the level of pupils knowledge has improved. Regarding use of languages in Latvia, the Minister reproaches Latvians for'not promoting use of the Latvian language. She adds that ‘officials should speak in Latvian with everybody because it is provided by law, while private persons should speak Latvian because they should realise their responsibility towards society. She admits that municipal officials may provide responses in other languages, however, it is ‘a transitional provision.

Chas interviews the Minister for the Special Assignments for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis. The Minister believes that Latvias society is very tolerant and ethnic tensions are raised artificially by politicians. He argues that ‘politicians are not interested in solving many issues, for instance social, which do not have ethnicity. Regarding ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the Minister assures that no practical changes will take placeafter the Convention is ratified. Ainars Latkovskis does not support the proposal of several MPs to examine loyalty of recently naturalised citizens towards Latvia. He believes that if a person holds different political beliefs it may not serve for a reason not to grant him/her Latvian citizenship.

Today Latvia marks the anniversary of the Proclamation Day of Latvia’s Independence. All newspapers look back at 15 years of independent Latvia. Russian language newspapers stress that 15 years ago Russians and Latvians were united, however, now the situation is completely different.

Today Latvia marks the anniversary ofthe Proclamation Day of Latvias Independence. All newspapers look back at 15 years of independent Latvia. Russian language newspapers stress that 15 years ago Russians and Latvians were united, however, now the situation is completely different. Chas prints an article by a member of the Association of Russian Organisations in Latvia (OKROL) who states that for Russians this day is both the day of Latvias independence and the day of big lies. The author stresses that many Russians participated in the re-establishment of Latvias independence; however, they had never expected that ‘they will be awarded with deprivation of citizenship and other rights.

Vesti Segodnya prints an article on the views of the former consul of Latvia to Chicago Norberts Klaucens published on the national radical webpage Noberts Klaucensemmigrated from Latvia when he was a child and was active in fighting for Latvias independence. The webpage published comments of Noberts Klaucens on the upcoming visit of the USA President to Latvia ‘[Latvian officials] will have to silently observe how George Bush will visit places important for Jews and meet Russians in Latvia. The power in Latvia belongs to Russians and Jews.The newspaper claims that the views of Klaucens reflect the views of the majority of Latvians living abroad.

Vesti Segodnya argues that last year the Latvian state has launched a massive attack against active representatives of the Russian community in Latvia. The author of the article believes that it has been caused by Latvias accession to the EU and NATO ‘ruling Latvian politicians feel very secure under the EU and NATO. The author concludes with the question ‘what will be our reaction?

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