Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Окт. 6, 2004

  • Paul Gouble: Russia and Belorussia may attempt to make pressure on the Baltic States through the European Union
  • National Radio and TV Council of Latvia imposes a fine on the First Baltic Channel
  • Head of the Peoples Harmony Party parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics sends an open letter to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga
  • Head of Greens and Farmers parliamentary group August Brigmanis talks about social integration issues
  • Opinions of MPs on the conclusions made in the study Assuring Access in Key Strategic Regions. Toward a Long-Term Strategy
  • Statement of the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry on the procession against the former ‘red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs
  • Study on motivation of representatives of ethnic minorities to join minority organisations
  • Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione is concerned about violation of rights of non-citizens in Latvia
‘Russia and Belorussia may attempt to make a pressure on the Baltic States through the European Union. And that could intensify the pressure of the international community on these states,’ foresees the former advisor of the USA government Pol Gouble. According to the Pol Gouble, statements made by high Russian and Belorussian officials about violations of rights of  Russian-speakers may promote discussions among European states and that could lead to formation of opposite views concerning the Baltic States among EU and NATO member states.

‘Russia and Belorussia may attempt to make a pressure on the Baltic States through the European Union. And that could intensify the pressure of the international community on these states, foresees the former advisor of the USA government Pol Gouble. According to the Pol Gouble, statements made by high Russian and Belorussian officials about violations of rights of Russian-speakers may promote discussions among European states and that could lead to formation of opposite views concerning the Baltic States among EU and NATO member states. Latvijas Avize

The National Radio and TV Council of Latvia has imposed a fine in the amount of 2,000 lats (EUR 3,000) on the First Baltic Channel for broadcasting a historical programme ‘The Secrets of the Century,’ which according to the conclusion of the historian committee contained a one-sided and historically incorrect depiction of the Molotov- Ribentrop Pact.

The National Radio and TV Council of Latvia has imposed a fine in the amount of 2,000 lats (EUR 3,000) on the First Baltic Channel for broadcasting a historical programme ‘The Secrets of the Century, which according to the conclusion of the historian committee contained a one-sided and historically incorrect depiction of the Molotov- Ribentrop Pact. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf prints an open letter of the Head of the Peoples Harmony Party parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, pointing to the necessity to grant to Latvian non-citizens political rights. Janis Urbanovics believes that in Latvia there is a democracy deficit because more than 350,000 residents of Latvia are not given the right to participate in the countrys political life.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of Greens and Farmers parliamentary group August Brigmanis. The MP believes that Latvian legislation should be amended so the representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis and other persons who are not loyal to Latvia, could not naturalise. August Brigmanis also believes that the latest statements by the Peoples Harmony Party that they will not support the government of Indulis Emsis any more are related to the forthcoming municipal elections. According to Brigmanis, the Peoples Harmony Party was aware that neither the Law on Education, nor the Law on State Language would be amended already long time ago.

Latvijas Avize features views of MPs about the conclusions of the study Assuring Access in Key Strategic Regions. Toward a Long-Term Strategy, prepared by the RAND Corporation for United States Army. The study speculates that Russia may increase her support for extreme Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia. By increasing violent activities local state security institutions would get involved into conflicts, which would serve as an argument for Russia to plan invasion into the Baltic States claiming that she defends rights of Russian-speakers. Most of MPs state that these conclusions are biased and exaggerated.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement on the procession against the former red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs. The statement describes the procession as immoral and says that there were no legal grounds to initiate the case and hence it is a intentionally made up case based on the desire of officials to revise the outcomes of the World War II. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry notes that lawyers of Vasilijs Kononovs have already applied with the European Court of Human Rights.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement on the procession against the former red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs. The statement describes the procession as immoral and says that there were no legal grounds to initiate the case and hence it is a intentionally made up case based on the desire of officials to revise the outcomes of the World War II. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry notes that lawyers of Vasilijs Kononovs have already applied with the European Court of Human Rights. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports on results of the study conducted by Riga Stradins University about motivations of minority representatives to form and join minority organisations. According to the results of the study, at beginning of the 90-ties people joined minority organisations wishing to maintain their traditions, while now representatives of ethnic minorities participate in activities of minority NGOs to be involved in social integration processes and promote a more effective dialogue with the state and inform broader public about their culture.

Russian language newspapers report on the parliamentary hearing of the new EC Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione (Italia). Responding to a question asked by Tatjana Zdanoka, Rocco Buttiglione expressed concern about the situation of Latvian non-citizens, in particular, that they do not have rights to participate in municipal elections.

Russian language newspapers report on the parliamentary hearing of the new EC Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione (Italia). Responding to a question asked by Tatjana Zdanoka, Rocco Buttiglione expressed concern about the situation of Latvian non-citizens, in particular, that they do not have rights to participate in municipal elections. Vesti Segondya, Chas

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