Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Март 19, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus: OSCE fully supports one state language in Latvia
  • Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre requests the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer to explain nomination of the two rapporteurs to evaluate minority situation in Latvia
  • Prime Minister requests to form a work group for development of the dialogue about the education reform
  • Saeima adopts amendments to the law On meetings, walks and pickets
  • Saeima rejects proposed amendments to the European Parliament election law
  • Amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia reproaches Russia about distortion of the historical facts
  • Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks visits the UN Human Rights Committee session
  • Planned general strike of minority students on 15 and 16 April
  • Defenders of the Russian-language schools present lemons with the inscription ‘Experience taste of the reform to all Saeima MPs of the right-wing parties
  • Interview with the deputy editor-in-chief of Neatkariga Rita Avize Sandris Tocs about the education reform
During his visit to Estonia, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus has stated that the OSCE fully supports existence of one state language in Latvia. OSCE also does not allow for the possibility of renewal of OSCE missions in Latvia and Estonia.

During his visit to Estonia, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus has stated that the OSCE fully supports existence of one state language in Latvia. OSCE also does not allow for the possibility of renewal of OSCE missions in Latvia and Estonia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre has sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer, requesting to explain the decision of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s Monitoring Committee to nominate two rapporteurs to evaluate minority situation in Latvia and implementation of the education reform. The positive rapport of the head of Monitoring Committee Josette Durrieu, who does not supports the renewal of monitoring procedure, was not taken into account when making this decision.

Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre has sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer, requesting to explain the decision of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys Monitoring Committee to nominate two rapporteurs to evaluate minority situation in Latvia and implementation of the education reform. The positive rapport of the head of Monitoring Committee Josette Durrieu, who does not supports the renewal of monitoring procedure, was not taken into account when making this decision. Latvijas Avize

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has asked the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics to form a work group for developing a dialogue with the non-governmental organizations about implementation of the education reform. The Prime Minister has also suggested to evaluate the possibility of establishing a Minority Education Department within the Ministry.

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has asked the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics to form a work group for developing a dialogue with the non-governmental organizations about implementation of the education reform. The Prime Minister has also suggested to evaluate the possibility of establishing a Minority Education Department within the Ministry. Diena, Telegraf

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law “On meetings, walks and pickets” in the last reading, stipulating that outdoor meetings of Saeima and municipality deputies and deputy candidates with their electorate, as well as organized and publicly announced pickets and walks, must be coordinated with the municipality. Amendments were supported by 70 deputies from coalition parties, the New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. Municipality’s decision can be appealed in court. If children are participating in the meeting, the organizers should ensure protection of the children’s rights in accordance with the law ‘Protection of the Rights of the Child’.  

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law On meetings, walks and pickets in the last reading, stipulating that outdoor meetings of Saeima and municipality deputies and deputy candidates with their electorate, as well as organized and publicly announced pickets and walks, must be coordinated with the municipality. Amendments were supported by 70 deputies from coalition parties, the New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. Municipalitys decision can be appealed in court. If children are participating in the meeting, the organizers should ensure protection of the childrens rights in accordance with the law ‘Protection of the Rights of the Child. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Neatkariga Rita Avize, LAtvijas Avize, Chas

Yesterday Saeima rejected amendments to the European Parliament election law, which stipulated prohibition to stand for elections for ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and those individuals who were members of the Communist Party and related organizations after January 13, 1991.

Yesterday Saeima rejected amendments to the European Parliament election law, which stipulated prohibition to stand for elections for ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and those individuals who were members of the Communist Party and related organizations after January 13, 1991. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law “On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State”, stipulating that people who have obtained a residence permit in another country can be deprived of the non-citizen status in Latvia. The MPs from Saeima left-wing parties have asked the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to announce these amendments, naming them as discriminatory.

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State, stipulating that people who have obtained a residence permit in another country can be deprived of the non-citizen status in Latvia. The MPs from Saeima left-wing parties have asked the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to announce these amendments, naming them as discriminatory. Chas, Telegraf

Representative of the Russia embassy to Latvia was summoned to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia to be informed of the Latvia’s attitude towards the statement expressed by Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry after the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion, which called it the rehabilitation of persons, convicted by the Nuremberg tribunal. Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry has pointed that historical facts have been deliberately distorted, including the verdicts of the Nuremberg tribunal, which were cited selectively. Ministry’s representatives have also pointed to the fact that Russia has not evaluated its own history and has not acknowledged the occupation of Latvia.

Representative of the Russia embassy to Latvia was summoned to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia to be informed of the Latvias attitude towards the statement expressed by Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry after the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion, which called it the rehabilitation of persons, convicted by the Nuremberg tribunal. Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry has pointed that historical facts have been deliberately distorted, including the verdicts of the Nuremberg tribunal, which were cited selectively. Ministrys representatives have also pointed to the fact that Russia has not evaluated its own history and has not acknowledged the occupation of Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Vesti Segodnya writes about the visit of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks to the UN Human Rights Committee session. The Minister has stated that the education reform in Latvia complies with the international human rights standards.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools is planning to organize the general strike of minority students on 15 and 16 April.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools is planning to organize the general strike of minority students on 15 and 16 April. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools presented lemons with the inscription ‘Experience taste of the reform’ to all MPs of Saeima right-wing parties, as a protest action.

Yesterday representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools presented lemons with the inscription ‘Experience taste of the reform to all MPs of Saeima right-wing parties, as a protest action. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Chas features an interview with the deputy editor-in-chief of the Latvian newspaper Neatkariga Rita Avize Sandris Tocs, who believes that moratorium on education reform is the only possible way to reduce strain in the society.

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