Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Март 8, 2002



Constitutional amendments on strengthening status of state language handed over to Saeima commissions. The ruling coalition’s amendments were supported by every party in Saeima except the left wing For Human Rights In A United Latvia. They believe that adoption of the amendments will stop Latvia’s integration into the EU and NATO. According to FF/LNNK chairperson Grinblats Saeima Legal Committee will review the amendments on 12 March and the Saeima could review the amendments in the first reading on 20 March.

Constitutional amendments on strengthening status of state language handed over to Saeima commissions. The ruling coalitions amendments were supported by every party in Saeima except the left wing For Human Rights In A United Latvia. They believe that adoption of the amendments will stop Latvias integration into the EU and NATO. According to FF/LNNK chairperson Grinblats Saeima Legal Committee will review the amendments on 12 March and the Saeima could review the amendments in the first reading on 20 March. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Yesterday Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga met with the representatives of political parties of the Saeima. Vaira Vike-Freiberga said that the amendments are one way of easing the concern of the population that the official Latvian language could be under threat. After the meeting

Yesterday Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga met with the representatives of political parties of the Saeima. Vaira Vike-Freiberga said that the amendments are one way of easing the concern of the population that the official Latvian language could be under threat. After the meeting Latvijas Vestnesis asked the leaders of the parties whether the next step could be the introduction of the amendments to the Election Law. Peoples Party leader Skele said, securing the state language in the Constitution is our most important task now. If it is done in appropriate manner, Peoples Party is ready for further discussions. FF/LNNK chairperson Grinblats said that in the opinion of his party these amendments are just a part of laws to be revised to provide additional security to the Latvian language and that the amendments to the Constitution is not directly linked to the amendments to the Election Law. Latvias Way chairperson Libane says that Latvias Way has always been open for discussion regarding the amendments to the Election Law.

The representatives and the President also agreed that the amendment which provides for that only citizens have rights to participate at municipal elections do not contradict to international law.

The representatives and the President also agreed that the amendment which provides for that only citizens have rights to participate at municipal elections do not contradict to international law. Diena.

Latvijas Vestnesis

informs about the course and some results of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. In total 1523 people attended 20 information booth, 100 000 non-citizens received information about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship in direct mail, toll free information phone line received about 120-150 calls per day. Since December last year the number of applications for naturalization has increased and now it remains a little bit over 1000 applications a month. Now the results of the campaign have been measured and assessed. Already now the Naturalization Board is convinced that information reached its target audience and the demand for information proves that the campaign was necessary. informs about the course and some results of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. In total 1523 people attended 20 information booth, 100 000 non-citizens received information about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship in direct mail, toll free information phone line received about 120-150 calls per day. Since December last year the number of applications for naturalization has increased and now it remains a little bit over 1000 applications a month. Now the results of the campaign have been measured and assessed. Already now the Naturalization Board is convinced that information reached its target audience and the demand for information proves that the campaign was necessary.

Vesti Segodnja

informs that yesterday the Naturalization Board organized a press conference regarding the Public Awareness Campaign. The newspaper notes that the discussion was very interesting and useful. informs that yesterday the Naturalization Board organized a press conference regarding the Public Awareness Campaign. The newspaper notes that the discussion was very interesting and useful. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii Commentator Aivars Ozolins in today’s

Commentator Aivars Ozolins in todays Diena points out that the Constitution already contains an article that Latvian is the official language in Latvia. "Adding texts that elected officials and government agencies must use the Latvian language is nationalistic redundancy that is disharmonious with the Constitutions concise and clear style of expression".

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Indulis Berzins today is in Skopje, Macedonia, participating at the meeting of foreign ministers from NATO candidate states. The ministers plan to discuss the preparation of candidate states for NATO membership, cooperation and contribution to the alliance's fight against terrorism, as well as the possible decisions on NATO expansion in Prague.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Indulis Berzins today is in Skopje, Macedonia, participating at the meeting of foreign ministers from NATO candidate states. The ministers plan to discuss the preparation of candidate states for NATO membership, cooperation and contribution to the alliance's fight against terrorism, as well as the possible decisions on NATO expansion in Prague. LETA

Latvia’s Way member Andrejs Pantelejevs writes about the language issue. He believes that the amendments should be introduced to the Election Law and that the language should be strengthened not so much by administrative measures but rather with changing Latvians’ attitude towards their language. Pantelejevs thinks that the amendments to the Election Law will make political parties review their programs and activities, as “Russian speaking citizens are voters, too, and parties will have to pay attention and work with their problems”.

Latvias Way member Andrejs Pantelejevs writes about the language issue. He believes that the amendments should be introduced to the Election Law and that the language should be strengthened not so much by administrative measures but rather with changing Latvians attitude towards their language. Pantelejevs thinks that the amendments to the Election Law will make political parties review their programs and activities, as Russian speaking citizens are voters, too, and parties will have to pay attention and work with their problems. Jauna


interviews one of the State Language Commission members, professor Janina Kursite. Kursite says we are fighting not so much with the others and other languages but rather with ourselves and our language. She believes that the Latvians themselves have to treat the language with more respect and keep speak Latvian with people whose first language is not the Latvian language. interviews one of the State Language Commission members, professor Janina Kursite. Kursite says “we are fighting not so much with the others and other languages but rather with ourselves and our language”. She believes that the Latvians themselves have to treat the language with more respect and keep speak Latvian with people whose first language is not the Latvian language.


interviews Daugavpils City Mayor Rihards Eigims. He agrees that language situation in Daugavpils is not the best as the City lacks funding and study books. However, the Council tries to deal with the problem organizing monthly language courses free of charge. The Mayor suggests that people could come to Daugavpils to work as volunteers and teach the Latvian language. interviews Daugavpils City Mayor Rihards Eigims. He agrees that language situation in Daugavpils is not the best as the City lacks funding and study books. However, the Council tries to deal with the problem organizing monthly language courses free of charge. The Mayor suggests that people could come to Daugavpils to work as volunteers and teach the Latvian language. The Russian Foreign Ministry today released a statement again criticizing the attitude of the Latvian authorities to the issue on national minorities. Moscow calls on Riga to approximate Latvian legislation to European standards. The Russian Foreign Ministry declines recent statement made by the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins who had stated that Russia’s policy against Latvia is provocative. The document says that Latvia's institutions themselves have created obstacles for the solution of non-citizens' problem in the state. The Russian Foreign Ministry also criticizes a slow course of the naturalization process in Latvia, which is due to the attitude of Latvia's authorities in developing relations with minorities. The statement declares that even after becoming citizens, people do not obtain the same democratic rights that minorities in European countries enjoy. Double standards are applied to national minorities in Latvia, the document points out.

The Russian Foreign Ministry today released a statement again criticizing the attitude of the Latvian authorities to the issue on national minorities. Moscow calls on Riga to approximate Latvian legislation to European standards. The Russian Foreign Ministry declines recent statement made by the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins who had stated that Russias policy against Latvia is provocative. The document says that Latvia's institutions themselves have created obstacles for the solution of non-citizens' problem in the state. The Russian Foreign Ministry also criticizes a slow course of the naturalization process in Latvia, which is due to the attitude of Latvia's authorities in developing relations with minorities. The statement declares that even after becoming citizens, people do not obtain the same democratic rights that minorities in European countries enjoy. Double standards are applied to national minorities in Latvia, the document points out. LETA

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