Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Фев. 2, 2002



President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who is visiting the United States where the World Economic Forum takes place, held a meeting with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus, who confirmed the unquestionable right of the Latvian language to be the only state language in Latvia. Vike-Freiberga told Ekeus about the recently established State Language Commission and its tasks for protection and development of the state language. The Latvian President invited the High Commissioner to visit Latvia at the beginning of March.

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who is visiting the United States where the World Economic Forum takes place, held a meeting with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus, who confirmed the unquestionable right of the Latvian language to be the only state language in Latvia. Vike-Freiberga told Ekeus about the recently established State Language Commission and its tasks for protection and development of the state language. The Latvian President invited the High Commissioner to visit Latvia at the beginning of March. Diena, LETA

On Friday the leaders of the ruling coalition parties and Saeima factions held the meeting in order to discuss proposed amendments to the Election Law - lifting the requirement that candidates for Saeima and municipal seats must have a top-level command of the Latvian language. FF/NNK Chairman Maris Grinblats pointed out that these were introductory talks during which time an exchange of opinions took place. In his view, such a discussion on the state language matters between the ruling coalition parties could take place once a week. The issue on boosting the state language's position through introduction changes in the Constitution was the main focus of the discussion. The possible amendments to the Constitution have been discussed in order to secure the state language's positions in governmental and municipal institutions. According to Grinblats, during the meeting, less attention was paid to the issue on amendments to the Election Law since a majority does not back them. Prime Minister Andris Berzins said earlier that the ruling coalition meeting is set to outline measures for strengthening the Latvian language. If the method for strengthening the Latvian language is found, the requirement set for deputies in the election laws could be stricken. The coalition task force could continue operations for three to four weeks, Berzins forecasted.

On Friday the leaders of the ruling coalition parties and Saeima factions held the meeting in order to discuss proposed amendments to the Election Law - lifting the requirement that candidates for Saeima and municipal seats must have a top-level command of the Latvian language. FF/NNK Chairman Maris Grinblats pointed out that these were introductory talks during which time an exchange of opinions took place. In his view, such a discussion on the state language matters between the ruling coalition parties could take place once a week. The issue on boosting the state language's position through introduction changes in the Constitution was the main focus of the discussion. The possible amendments to the Constitution have been discussed in order to secure the state language's positions in governmental and municipal institutions. According to Grinblats, during the meeting, less attention was paid to the issue on amendments to the Election Law since a majority does not back them. Prime Minister Andris Berzins said earlier that the ruling coalition meeting is set to outline measures for strengthening the Latvian language. If the method for strengthening the Latvian language is found, the requirement set for deputies in the election laws could be stricken. The coalition task force could continue operations for three to four weeks, Berzins forecasted. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

Lauku Avize

asks couple questions to Education Minister Kalis Greiskalns about the situation regarding false Latvian language certificates among teachers. The Minister informs that there have been several cases when teachers have presented false state language certificates. In that case a teacher is either asked to re-take language exam or his/her job agreement is terminated. asks couple questions to Education Minister Kalis Greiskalns about the situation regarding false Latvian language certificates among teachers. The Minister informs that there have been several cases when teachers have presented false state language certificates. In that case a teacher is either asked to re-take language exam or his/her job agreement is terminated.

Lauku Avize

informs that former Latvian Social Democrat Workers Party member Baldzens is going to establish his party at the end of March. For the time being he is not disclosing the names of other possible members. informs that former Latvian Social Democrat Workers Party member Baldzens is going to establish his party at the end of March. For the time being he is not disclosing the names of other possible members. Dr.hist. Ilga Kreituse looks into the issue concerning the abolishment of language requirement for election candidates. Kreituse provides a brief insight in legal norms and activities concerning the Latvian language at the end of 80-ties. She believes that due to historical background and activities of local soviet administration in Latvia the country is in unique situation and language requirements should not be abolished. She also considers the work of politicians insufficient as they have to explain to international institutions and officials the particularities of the country.

Dr.hist. Ilga Kreituse looks into the issue concerning the abolishment of language requirement for election candidates. Kreituse provides a brief insight in legal norms and activities concerning the Latvian language at the end of 80-ties. She believes that due to historical background and activities of local soviet administration in Latvia the country is in unique situation and language requirements should not be abolished. She also considers the work of politicians insufficient as they have to explain to international institutions and officials the particularities of the country. Lauku Avize

In his interview for newspaper

In his interview for newspaper Vesti Segodnja E.Repse voices full support to Presidents initiative to abolish language requirement for election candidates.

When talking about his party’s perspectives and work at the next Saeima, E.Repse says that no coalition is possible with left wing parties, that is FHRUL, and that he is also sure that non-Latvians who want stability and welfare in the country would vote for his party.

When talking about his partys perspectives and work at the next Saeima, E.Repse says that no coalition is possible with left wing parties, that is FHRUL, and that he is also sure that non-Latvians who want stability and welfare in the country would vote for his party. Chas


editorial is about naturalization process in Latvia. It has been already 7 years since the process was launched, however, in the opinion of the columnist there is no serious development achieved. There is still the status of a non-citizen which in fact is no status." The columnist concludes that politicians also degrade the status of citizens, as few people take all decisions in the country. editorial is about naturalization process in Latvia. It has been already 7 years since the process was launched, however, in the opinion of the columnist there is no serious development achieved. “There is still the status of “a non-citizen” which in fact is no status." The columnist concludes that politicians also degrade the status of citizens, as few people take all decisions in the country.


publishes the responses of Latvian Governments representative in the case Slivenko v. Latvia K.Malinovska from the TV discussion Froma Position of Power. K.Malinovska believes that 99% of Latvian legislation corresponds to the Convention on Human Rights and that the Court will issue the ruling without considering emotional aspects of the case. publishes the responses of Latvian Government’s representative in the case Slivenko v. Latvia K.Malinovska from the TV discussion “From a Position of Power.” K.Malinovska believes that 99% of Latvian legislation corresponds to the Convention on Human Rights and that the Court will issue the ruling without considering emotional aspects of the case. TelegrafTelegraf NATO Secretary General Robertson has voiced that “Baltic States have to fulfill a number of political and military requirements in order to be accepted to NATO” and that the decision about their membership is not taken yet. The observance of human rights of national minorities Robertson named as one of these requirements.

NATO Secretary General Robertson has voiced that Baltic States have to fulfill a number of political and military requirements in order to be accepted to NATO and that the decision about their membership is not taken yet. The observance of human rights of national minorities Robertson named as one of these requirements. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Amendments to the Constitution are to be introduced because at this point the Constitution does not specify clearly the possibility to delegate competence of state institutions to international institutions. The constitution also should be accomplished with procedural issues regulating accession of Latvia to the EU. The draft amendments envisage to incorporate into the constitution a norm that a part of competence of Latvia's state institutions can be delegated to international institutions in order to strengthen democracy in Latvia. Under the amendments all international agreements settling issues that should be solved through legislation should be approved by the parliament.

Amendments to the Constitution are to be introduced because at this point the Constitution does not specify clearly the possibility to delegate competence of state institutions to international institutions. The constitution also should be accomplished with procedural issues regulating accession of Latvia to the EU. The draft amendments envisage to incorporate into the constitution a norm that a part of competence of Latvia's state institutions can be delegated to international institutions in order to strengthen democracy in Latvia. Under the amendments all international agreements settling issues that should be solved through legislation should be approved by the parliament. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

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