Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Авг. 23, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The Russian State Duma Foreign Commission Chairman, Dmitry Rogozin, has given a very negative assessment on the removal of Peter the Great's statue form Latvia's capital, Riga. The century old statue of a former Russian tzar has still not completely been restored, but was temporarily placed in a central park of Riga last weekend during the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations. "This fact demonstrates to everyone the peculiarities of Latvian politician mentalities - small-country chauvinism and narrow-mindedness," said Rogozin to the Interfax news agency. He emphasized that "if Latvians want nasty feelings from many generations of Russians for long years to come, then they have managed it." Meanwhile, the most extreme Russian National Bolshevik Party promises to "answer adequately," if the mayor of Riga or the Riga City Council decide to take the statue for Russia's tzar, Peter the Great, outside the city limits.

The Russian State Duma Foreign Commission Chairman, Dmitry Rogozin, has given a very negative assessment on the removal of Peter the Great's statue form Latvia's capital, Riga. The century old statue of a former Russian tzar has still not completely been restored, but was temporarily placed in a central park of Riga last weekend during the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations. "This fact demonstrates to everyone the peculiarities of Latvian politician mentalities - small-country chauvinism and narrow-mindedness," said Rogozin to the Interfax news agency. He emphasized that "if Latvians want nasty feelings from many generations of Russians for long years to come, then they have managed it." Meanwhile, the most extreme Russian National Bolshevik Party promises to "answer adequately," if the mayor of Riga or the Riga City Council decide to take the statue for Russia's tzar, Peter the Great, outside the city limits. BNS, Diena

Closing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Latvia at the end of this year would be a logical result, considering the mission's achievements since its opening and the positive evaluation given by the OSCE, claims Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins. Berzins told reporters Wednesday that "I believe that the mission should be closed this year, and Romania, holding OSCE presidency, knows this" and personally believes that "we can do this." Nevertheless, Latvia's aim is not "get rid of the mission," but to close it at the right time, making it a "story of success," as it has been until now, said the minister. The OSCE has been mainly concerned with naturalization and citizenship issues in Latvia, while lately it has also been involved in the process of forming an ombudsman institution and strengthening other human rights institutions. The OSCE mission also monitors the implementation of the state language law in Latvia. Latvia hopes that the OSCE mission will be closed at the end of this year together with the mission in Estonia, hinting at the fact that the OSCE sees no serious problems in the sphere of human rights.

Closing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Latvia at the end of this year would be a logical result, considering the mission's achievements since its opening and the positive evaluation given by the OSCE, claims Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins. Berzins told reporters Wednesday that "I believe that the mission should be closed this year, and Romania, holding OSCE presidency, knows this" and personally believes that "we can do this." Nevertheless, Latvia's aim is not "get rid of the mission," but to close it at the right time, making it a "story of success," as it has been until now, said the minister. The OSCE has been mainly concerned with naturalization and citizenship issues in Latvia, while lately it has also been involved in the process of forming an ombudsman institution and strengthening other human rights institutions. The OSCE mission also monitors the implementation of the state language law in Latvia. Latvia hopes that the OSCE mission will be closed at the end of this year together with the mission in Estonia, hinting at the fact that the OSCE sees no serious problems in the sphere of human rights. BNS, Jauna Avize, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

If Latvia does not join the European Union and NATO net year, there may be no other chance, said Latvia's Foreign Minister, Indulis Berzins at a press briefing on Wednesday. "The right things have to be done at the right time, and if don't use these chances - the EU and NATO - our friends... fate may not give us a second such chance," said Berzins, adding that the "EU and NATO for Latvia are two sides of one coin - a golden coin." Berzins stated that this year and the next will be decisive for Latvia's integration into NATO and the European Union, because NATO will be deciding on accepting new members at the Prague summit in November 2002, while the EU could be accepting the most successful candidates by early 2003. Relations with Russia are based on Latvia soon being a NATO and EU country bordering Russia. "Certain responsibilities thus follow, and ... Latvia realizes these responsibilities - to develop good relations with its neighbors," said Berzins, adding, "this is our geopolitical responsibility" because both the EU and NATO are interested in good neighborly relations, especially with Russia.

If Latvia does not join the European Union and NATO net year, there may be no other chance, said Latvia's Foreign Minister, Indulis Berzins at a press briefing on Wednesday. "The right things have to be done at the right time, and if don't use these chances - the EU and NATO - our friends... fate may not give us a second such chance," said Berzins, adding that the "EU and NATO for Latvia are two sides of one coin - a golden coin." Berzins stated that this year and the next will be decisive for Latvia's integration into NATO and the European Union, because NATO will be deciding on accepting new members at the Prague summit in November 2002, while the EU could be accepting the most successful candidates by early 2003. Relations with Russia are based on Latvia soon being a NATO and EU country bordering Russia. "Certain responsibilities thus follow, and ... Latvia realizes these responsibilities - to develop good relations with its neighbors," said Berzins, adding, "this is our geopolitical responsibility" because both the EU and NATO are interested in good neighborly relations, especially with Russia. BNS, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Jauna Avize states that Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs dramatizes the situation.

Jauna Avize states that Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs dramatizes the situation.

Research carried out by specialists in Latvia shows that extensive alienation exists between citizens and non-citizens, as well as Latvian-speakers and other language speakers in Latvia. The research carried out by Doctors of Science Artis Pabriks, Elmars Vebers and Master of Social Sciences Reinis Aboltins, was presented in Riga on Wednesday. The research is based on the hypothesis that the alienation of the state and society, as well as the alienation between various social groups is one of the largest current social problems in Latvia, states the introduction. Alienation of society is also promoted by the fact that the it is the group of citizens that decides on what takes place in the country by participating in elections, but those left outside this group perceive this strenuously, states the research. The research goes on to claim that ethnic problems amongst teenagers are no less than they are amongst grown-ups. School children from schools that teach in Russian feel emotionally alienated from Latvia and its symbols. Head of the naturalization board, Eizenija Aldermane, noted the importance of the research, but said that it would not count as serious research and analysis. Aldermane also said that naturalization issues are used by Latvia's political forces in order to divide society. According to the naturalization board, early July figures show that Latvia is populated by 58.1 percent ethnic Latvians and 41.9 percent non-Latvians, mostly ethnic-Russians. Of the 2.4 million strong population in Latvia, 500,000 are non-citizens and 30,000 are foreigners.

Research carried out by specialists in Latvia shows that extensive alienation exists between citizens and non-citizens, as well as Latvian-speakers and other language speakers in Latvia. The research carried out by Doctors of Science Artis Pabriks, Elmars Vebers and Master of Social Sciences Reinis Aboltins, was presented in Riga on Wednesday. The research is based on the hypothesis that the alienation of the state and society, as well as the alienation between various social groups is one of the largest current social problems in Latvia, states the introduction. Alienation of society is also promoted by the fact that the it is the group of citizens that decides on what takes place in the country by participating in elections, but those left outside this group perceive this strenuously, states the research. The research goes on to claim that ethnic problems amongst teenagers are no less than they are amongst grown-ups. School children from schools that teach in Russian feel emotionally alienated from Latvia and its symbols. Head of the naturalization board, Eizenija Aldermane, noted the importance of the research, but said that it would not count as serious research and analysis. Aldermane also said that naturalization issues are used by Latvia's political forces in order to divide society. According to the naturalization board, early July figures show that Latvia is populated by 58.1 percent ethnic Latvians and 41.9 percent non-Latvians, mostly ethnic-Russians. Of the 2.4 million strong population in Latvia, 500,000 are non-citizens and 30,000 are foreigners. BNS, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

To make FF/LNNK, which after withdrawing from the coalition in Riga City Council kept their posts there, to state their position openly on their future work in the Council, People’s Party Council came out with a call to form a right opposition in the City Council. It would male FF/LNNK the leave all the posts they have. While FF/LNNK leaders are still thinking what to answer, left-wingers plan to call an extraordinary council meeting and demand dismissing of FF/LNNK representative I.Vaidere from the post of Deputy mayor.

To make FF/LNNK, which after withdrawing from the coalition in Riga City Council kept their posts there, to state their position openly on their future work in the Council, Peoples Party Council came out with a call to form a right opposition in the City Council. It would male FF/LNNK the leave all the posts they have. While FF/LNNK leaders are still thinking what to answer, left-wingers plan to call an extraordinary council meeting and demand dismissing of FF/LNNK representative I.Vaidere from the post of Deputy mayor. Diena

A Latvian lawmaker will join the delegation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers monitoring presidential elections in Belarus from Sept. 6 to 10. Lawmaker Antons Seiksts, who chairs the parliamentary human rights and social issues committee, told BNS he will be the only official representative of the Latvian parliament in the OSCE delegation but other lawmakers may travel to Belarus as private individuals and at their own cost. "Only I will have the right to give to the OSCE an official opinion about elections in Belarus," said Seiksts. The OSCE mission will send him to some specific election district which will probably be not Minsk but some remote rural area. Seiksts' responsibility will be to monitor the compliance of election procedures with the OSCE standards and Belarus law.

A Latvian lawmaker will join the delegation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers monitoring presidential elections in Belarus from Sept. 6 to 10. Lawmaker Antons Seiksts, who chairs the parliamentary human rights and social issues committee, told BNS he will be the only official representative of the Latvian parliament in the OSCE delegation but other lawmakers may travel to Belarus as private individuals and at their own cost. "Only I will have the right to give to the OSCE an official opinion about elections in Belarus," said Seiksts. The OSCE mission will send him to some specific election district which will probably be not Minsk but some remote rural area. Seiksts' responsibility will be to monitor the compliance of election procedures with the OSCE standards and Belarus law. BNS

Opposite to the opinion expressed a few years ago that ethnic problems would temper with time, researchers lately are becoming more worried about youngsters who now clearly voice their attitude towards an idea of multicultural state and a possibility how people of several nations could live together on one territory. The examples are youth movement Solidarnostj event in Mezaparks, Garda’s contest for students. The latest example is a demonstration at the Monument of Freedom when youngsters from Club 415 gathered there demanding for “Decolonisation”. Some regard them as extremists, but Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks thinks that they should not be labeled like that because they so far have not called for violence and kindling of ethnic hatred.

Opposite to the opinion expressed a few years ago that ethnic problems would temper with time, researchers lately are becoming more worried about youngsters who now clearly voice their attitude towards an idea of multicultural state and a possibility how people of several nations could live together on one territory. The examples are youth movement Solidarnostj event in Mezaparks, Gardas contest for students. The latest example is a demonstration at the Monument of Freedom when youngsters from Club 415 gathered there demanding for Decolonisation. Some regard them as extremists, but Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks thinks that they should not be labeled like that because they so far have not called for violence and kindling of ethnic hatred. Diena

Neatkariga writes that these youngsters wanted to remind the society August 23, 1939, the day when was signed Molotov- Ribentrop pact.

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Chas states Club 415 got a permission from Riga City Council to organize this activity with no problems while the request of the youth movement Solidarnostj request to organize a picket at the Council building in support of education in their mother tong was refused.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party came out with a public statement where they said that due to the defeat at the local government election right wingers had started a total war against Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party. The aim of this action is to prevent their total defeat in the 8th Saeima election. From completely sure sources there is information that the first plan is to subvert Social Democrats Riga City Managing Director M.Tralmaks and the Mayor G.Bojars. Next move will be to start court proceedings against the Party Chairman Prof. J.Bojars, oust him from the post of Party Chairman and replace him with a marionette.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party came out with a public statement where they said that due to the defeat at the local government election right wingers had started a total war against Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party. The aim of this action is to prevent their total defeat in the 8th Saeima election. From completely sure sources there is information that the first plan is to subvert Social Democrats Riga City Managing Director M.Tralmaks and the Mayor G.Bojars. Next move will be to start court proceedings against the Party Chairman Prof. J.Bojars, oust him from the post of Party Chairman and replace him with a marionette. Diena,

Representatives of Russian National Bolshevik organization Limonovci circulated an announcement where they called the Monument to Peter the Great the symbol of Russia’s power and assured that this tzar turned the provincial, tiny and poor Latvia to a developed country.

Representatives of Russian National Bolshevik organization Limonovci circulated an announcement where they called the Monument to Peter the Great the symbol of Russias power and assured that this tzar turned the provincial, tiny and poor Latvia to a developed country. Jauna Avize


Newspaper Panorama Latvii quotes the speech of Saeima Speaker J.Straume, made at the solemn meeting to commemorate the adoption of the law On the Republic of Latvia Status. J.Straume stated that the dialog between Russia and Latvia might be revitalized by a common opinion on the past events, i.e. colonization of Latvia. Of course, this fact is not officially recognized either by the government of the Russian Federation Council. J.Straume called parliamentarians of Russian Federation to make this step and acknowledge the fact that has been evident to the international community for a very long time.

The Latvian government appointed the Education and Science Ministry's state secretary, Andris Sarnovics, as its representative in cooperation with the international holocaust-working group, reported the government. The representative was chosen from the Education and Science Ministry, because this ministry is responsible for educating youth on issues of the holocaust. Government representatives will have to develop a common action plan based on projects submitted by state institutions and non-governmental organizations. The action plan is to be called: The holocaust: memory, research and education in Latvia; and the representatives will also have to cover information exchange between Latvia and the working group and coordinate implementation of the action plan.

The Latvian government appointed the Education and Science Ministry's state secretary, Andris Sarnovics, as its representative in cooperation with the international holocaust-working group, reported the government. The representative was chosen from the Education and Science Ministry, because this ministry is responsible for educating youth on issues of the holocaust. Government representatives will have to develop a common action plan based on projects submitted by state institutions and non-governmental organizations. The action plan is to be called: The holocaust: memory, research and education in Latvia; and the representatives will also have to cover information exchange between Latvia and the working group and coordinate implementation of the action plan. BNS


Newspaper Vesti Segodnya interviewed Minister of Education and Science K.Greiskalns about the future of Russian schools. Answering to the question why there were no books published on bilingual education, Minister answered that there were some publications but as the Ministry had developed four bilingual education programs and schools have chosen different ones, the Ministry limited its activities with providing schools with methodological materials corresponding to their chosen program. When asked about the problem that students learned subjects better in their own language, K.Greiskalns said that he did not see any problem there. New-Latvians K.Barons and many others went to St.Petersburg to study; and nowadays in Latvia there were schools with the English language of tuition. Commenting the fact that the state was financing only those private schools where the language of tuition is Latvia, Minister just stated, Law is law.

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