Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Май 15, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The commission established by the Minister of Interior Affairs has examined assumptions made by the means of mass media that persons who are not entitled to hold identification documents of Latvia have received them. The commission concluded that out of 1075 examined persons there were 72 cases on retrieving non-citizens status that have already been started. Department of Citizenship and Migration considers that 2700 persons should be examined in the future. DCMA head M.Bichevskis says that the examination has not revealed any new facts as DCMA already had information about these persons.

The commission established by the Minister of Interior Affairs has examined assumptions made by the means of mass media that persons who are not entitled to hold identification documents of Latvia have received them. The commission concluded that out of 1075 examined persons there were 72 cases on retrieving non-citizens status that have already been started. Department of Citizenship and Migration considers that 2700 persons should be examined in the future. DCMA head M.Bichevskis says that the examination has not revealed any new facts as DCMA already had information about these persons. Neatkariga, Jauna

Members of the Latvian parliament have established a task force for the promotion of repatriating people to their ethnic origin. Chairman of the group Juris Vidins of the right-from-centre For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party said that Latvia is also populated by non-loyal foreigners that wish to return to their ethnic homeland, but are troubled of doing so for the lack of money. Vidins claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has also publicly announced that it would be beneficial for Russians to return to Russia, as the country lacks work force and that the country's demographic situation has worsened. "No Latvian institution has reacted to this statement of Russia, knowing that there are people in Latvia willing to return to their homeland," said Vidins. Vidins said that the aim of the task force made up of seven parliament members from the People's Party, FF/LNNK and social democrats, is to attract funds from foreign countries and Russia and that they have already talked to Norwegian Government and it has not refused the proposal.

Members of the Latvian parliament have established a task force for the promotion of repatriating people to their ethnic origin. Chairman of the group Juris Vidins of the right-from-centre For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party said that Latvia is also populated by non-loyal foreigners that wish to return to their ethnic homeland, but are troubled of doing so for the lack of money. Vidins claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has also publicly announced that it would be beneficial for Russians to return to Russia, as the country lacks work force and that the country's demographic situation has worsened. "No Latvian institution has reacted to this statement of Russia, knowing that there are people in Latvia willing to return to their homeland," said Vidins. Vidins said that the aim of the task force made up of seven parliament members from the People's Party, FF/LNNK and social democrats, is to attract funds from foreign countries and Russia and that they have already talked to Norwegian Government and it has not refused the proposal. Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The Latvian Prosecutor General has produced a specification of its charge against the former Soviet partisan accused of war crimes, Vasily Kononov. Even though Latvian official institutions had not publicly announced the charges produced on May 8, the move had already been criticised by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday. Head Prosecutor Janis Osis said that specified charges have been submitted against Kononov accused of war crimes. "Nothing has changed, the charge is the same," said Osis. He did not forecast when the case may be sent to the courts, as it is yet to be looked into by the accused. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry representative Alexander Yakovenko assessed Latvia's action as a "new challenge to all that hold in honour deeds of heroism, carried out by those fighting against Nazism, liberating Europe of the brown plague in 1945".

The Latvian Prosecutor General has produced a specification of its charge against the former Soviet partisan accused of war crimes, Vasily Kononov. Even though Latvian official institutions had not publicly announced the charges produced on May 8, the move had already been criticised by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday. Head Prosecutor Janis Osis said that specified charges have been submitted against Kononov accused of war crimes. "Nothing has changed, the charge is the same," said Osis. He did not forecast when the case may be sent to the courts, as it is yet to be looked into by the accused. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry representative Alexander Yakovenko assessed Latvia's action as a "new challenge to all that hold in honour deeds of heroism, carried out by those fighting against Nazism, liberating Europe of the brown plague in 1945". Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The members of the Cabinet of Ministers have gave a positive assessment to the work of National Human Rights Office Director O.Bruvers and think that his mandate should be prolonged.

Lauku Avize Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers approved draft amendments to Regulations No 296 “On Necessary Level of State Language Proficiency to Perform Job and Professional Duties and on State Language Proficiency Examination Procedure”. According to the amendments the examination in the Latvian language for 9 graders are to be comparable to naturalisation language examination.

Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers approved draft amendments to Regulations No 296 On Necessary Level of State Language Proficiency to Perform Job and Professional Duties and on State Language Proficiency Examination Procedure. According to the amendments the examination in the Latvian language for 9 graders are to be comparable to naturalisation language examination. Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Riga City Council is not able to solve state language proficiency problem. The deputy of Mayor S.Dolgopolovs presenting FHRUL at the Council suggested to hire an interpreter thus people would be able to hand in their complaints also in the Russian language. G.Bojars has decided to examine language proficiency of 6 FHRUL deputies by any means – if Riga Council Legal Committee is not able to find a way to make these deputies take an examination in the language, Mayor would ask for help the Saeima Legal Committee. The State Language Centre has not received the letter from City Mayor, therefore they have not decided about their further steps.

Riga City Council is not able to solve state language proficiency problem. The deputy of Mayor S.Dolgopolovs presenting FHRUL at the Council suggested to hire an interpreter thus people would be able to hand in their complaints also in the Russian language. G.Bojars has decided to examine language proficiency of 6 FHRUL deputies by any means – if Riga Council Legal Committee is not able to find a way to make these deputies take an examination in the language, Mayor would ask for help the Saeima Legal Committee. The State Language Centre has not received the letter from City Mayor, therefore they have not decided about their further steps. Rigas Balss

Yesterday the booklet “Ten Questions about Integration of Society in Latvia” was presented by the Naturalisation Board. The booklet in a plain language explains issues regarding integration to a broader public.

Yesterday the booklet Ten Questions about Integration of Society in Latvia was presented by the Naturalisation Board. The booklet in a plain language explains issues regarding integration to a broader public. Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Respublika provides rather detailed reflection of the preparation and content of the booklet, as well as gives the names of the sponsors.

Respublika provides rather detailed reflection of the preparation and content of the booklet, as well as gives the names of the sponsors.


has written an open letter to President V.Vike-Freiberga in regard to essay-contest organised by publishing house Vieda asking not to ignore the cases when national hate is kindled. has written an open letter to President V.Vike-Freiberga in regard to essay-contest organised by publishing house Vieda asking not to ignore the cases when national hate is kindled. In Moscow Baltic Forum president N.Neiland met with State Duma faction leader J.Primakov. J.Primakov said that Latvia should learn from the experience of Lithuania where they were able to preserve one unified society. N.Neiland returned that he hopes that Latvian Government will start to work at this issue, however, now all work has to be done by the Opposition parties and NGOs. Baltic Forum president also invited J.Primakov to take part at the next Baltic Forum conference which will take place in the beginning of June in Jurmala.

In Moscow Baltic Forum president N.Neiland met with State Duma faction leader J.Primakov. J.Primakov said that Latvia should learn from the experience of Lithuania where they were able to preserve one unified society. N.Neiland returned that he hopes that Latvian Government will start to work at this issue, however, now all work has to be done by the Opposition parties and NGOs. Baltic Forum president also invited J.Primakov to take part at the next Baltic Forum conference which will take place in the beginning of June in Jurmala. Vesti Segodnja is one of the main information sponsors of the venue. Vesti Segodnja

The conference “Preservation and Development of Economic Relations between Latvia, Russia and Byelorussia under the Influence of Integration Processes of Latvia into the EU and Byelorussia – Russia” will take place 9-10 June. “The main goal of the conference is to foster co-operation between Latvian and Russian politicians”, says N.Neilands.

The conference Preservation and Development of Economic Relations between Latvia, Russia and Byelorussia under the Influence of Integration Processes of Latvia into the EU and Byelorussia – Russia will take place 9-10 June. The main goal of the conference is to foster co-operation between Latvian and Russian politicians, says N.Neilands. Respublika

Vesti Segodnja

publishes parts of an interview, which Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins gave for Russias newspaper publishes parts of an interview, which Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins gave for Russia’s newspaper “Nezavisimaja GazetaNezavisimaja Gazeta. A.Berzins turned down any assumptions about language and education discrimination toward Russian-speakers. Prime Minister stressed that we do not have any reproaches from the OSCE and EU and in regard to the ratification of the Convention on National Minorities, A.Berzins replied that also other EU countries have not ratified it. Prime Minister also talked about the situation in the country and why Latvia wants join NATO. ”. A.Berzins turned down any assumptions about language and education discrimination toward Russian-speakers. Prime Minister stressed that “we do not have any reproaches from the OSCE and EU” and in regard to the ratification of the Convention on National Minorities, A.Berzins replied that also other EU countries have not ratified it. Prime Minister also talked about the situation in the country and why Latvia wants join NATO. Three members of the Russian extremist party, convicted in Latvia from 5 to 15 years in jail on charges of terrorism and illegal border crossing, have filed an appeal against the harsh sentence, the Riga Regional Court.

Three members of the Russian extremist party, convicted in Latvia from 5 to 15 years in jail on charges of terrorism and illegal border crossing, have filed an appeal against the harsh sentence, the Riga Regional Court. Vesti Segodnja

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