Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Сен. 2, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Sunday Latvian President V.V.Freiberga will go to New York to participate in the UN Millennium Summit. It is planned that she will take part also in the World Female Leaders Forum and meet Human Rights High Commissioner M.Robinson.

On Sunday Latvian President V.V.Freiberga will go to New York to participate in the UN Millennium Summit. It is planned that she will take part also in the World Female Leaders Forum and meet Human Rights High Commissioner M.Robinson. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize (04.09)

Experts think that the Saeima has to reconsider the procedure how laws are prepared for publishing after they have been adopted in the last reading. It should be done to avoid situations like the one when the Saeima Speaker J.Straume signed for publication wrong amendments to the Power Law.

Experts think that the Saeima has to reconsider the procedure how laws are prepared for publishing after they have been adopted in the last reading. It should be done to avoid situations like the one when the Saeima Speaker J.Straume signed for publication wrong amendments to the Power Law. Neatkariga

Answering to the invitation of the Norwegian royal couple President V.V.Freiberga will visit Norway this month. During this visit she will meet the King and Queen, President of the Parliament and Prime Minister.

Answering to the invitation of the Norwegian royal couple President V.V.Freiberga will visit Norway this month. During this visit she will meet the King and Queen, President of the Parliament and Prime Minister. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize(04.09

On Friday the US Embassy gave a positive evaluation of the new regulations to the State Language Law and expressed a hope that, implementing it, Latvia would treat all residents fairly and observe international standards.

On Friday the US Embassy gave a positive evaluation of the new regulations to the State Language Law and expressed a hope that, implementing it, Latvia would treat all residents fairly and observe international standards. Diena, Neatkariga (04.09)

N.Kabanov in

N.Kabanov in Vesti Segodnya analyses a textbook, published for Russian speaking schools, History of XX century prepared by a Latvian teacher J.Freibergs. N.Kabanov disagrees with the concept of this book where too much attention is paid to the Latvian history, ignoring the realities of that time.

Yesterday President V.V.Freiberga visited Riga Russian speaking school No 13. She assured the students that they all would find a proper place in Latvia. V.V.Freiberga thinks that all residents of Latvia have and will have equal rights disregarding their nationality, mother tongue, etc. the President stated that Latvia was a democratic country and there was no place for racism and laws there were the same for everybody.

Yesterday President V.V.Freiberga visited Riga Russian speaking school No 13. She assured the students that they all would find a proper place in Latvia. V.V.Freiberga thinks that all residents of Latvia have and will have equal rights disregarding their nationality, mother tongue, etc. the President stated that Latvia was a democratic country and there was no place for racism and laws there were the same for everybody. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Vesti Segodnya

writes about the visit of Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane and Head of the Latvian MFA Human Rights Department J.Mazeiks to Moscow where they together with Latvian Ambassador I.Daudiss tried to persuade Russian officials that everything in Latvia was OK and the new State Language Law with its regulations was the best thing to have. The author of the article writes that the only thing these people did there was trying to sell untrue stories. September 4, 2000

September 4, 2000

The Council of the New Party demanded those MPs, who were elected from this party but left the faction afterwards, to resign from their seats in the Saeima. But the politicians under discussion do not intend to obey. The New Party MPs also plans to submit to the Saeima a draft decision on recalling the Saeima Secretary S.Dreimane from the Saeima Presidium because represent no party any more.

The Council of the New Party demanded those MPs, who were elected from this party but left the faction afterwards, to resign from their seats in the Saeima. But the politicians under discussion do not intend to obey. The New Party MPs also plans to submit to the Saeima a draft decision on recalling the Saeima Secretary S.Dreimane from the Saeima Presidium because represent no party any more. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the Russian MFA stating that since the end of May, when Latvian Embassy restored the front of the Embassy building that was damaged during hooligans’ attack, Russia still had not discharged 2000USD. Latvian Embassy had reminded Russian officials about it several times but with no success.

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the Russian MFA stating that since the end of May, when Latvian Embassy restored the front of the Embassy building that was damaged during hooligans attack, Russia still had not discharged 2000USD. Latvian Embassy had reminded Russian officials about it several times but with no success. Diena

Answering to this note, Russian officials said that they lacked resources and people to ensure round-o-clock guarding of diplomatic representatives.

Answering to this note, Russian officials said that they lacked resources and people to ensure round-o-clock guarding of diplomatic representatives. Chas

According to the data of the Central Statistics Board within the last 10 years the population number in Latvia has decreased for 244 000 people due to natural movement and migration, and at the beginning of 2000 in Latvia were 2424 000 residents. In its turn the decrease in Riga from 1991 to 1999 was 117 000.

According to the data of the Central Statistics Board within the last 10 years the population number in Latvia has decreased for 244 000 people due to natural movement and migration, and at the beginning of 2000 in Latvia were 2424 000 residents. In its turn the decrease in Riga from 1991 to 1999 was 117 000. Neatkariga

In a press conference Minister of Justice I.Labucka stated that the regulations to the State Language Law were the golden mean - they complied with the norms of the State Language Law and interests of the society. And they also complied with international standards and Latvia’s international obligations. The Minister answered to journalists’ questions explaining some unclear issues. Although the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel had announced that he had no essential objections the regulations and they basically complied with international standards and Latvia’s international obligations, he called to make some small improvements to do away with some drawbacks, e.g. concerning ensuring interpretation during public events, taking into consideration the intention of Latvia to ratify the Convention on National Minorities.

In a press conference Minister of Justice I.Labucka stated that the regulations to the State Language Law were the golden mean - they complied with the norms of the State Language Law and interests of the society. And they also complied with international standards and Latvias international obligations. The Minister answered to journalists questions explaining some unclear issues. Although the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel had announced that he had no essential objections the regulations and they basically complied with international standards and Latvias international obligations, he called to make some small improvements to do away with some drawbacks, e.g. concerning ensuring interpretation during public events, taking into consideration the intention of Latvia to ratify the Convention on National Minorities. Rigas Balss

Rigas Balss

interviewed the Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa. When asked how she felt now, when the regulation to the State Language Law were adopted Dz.Hirsa answered that she was not quiet satisfied with the result but glad that they managed to preserve several very important norms. She also told the journalist about the threats to her personally and to the language inspectors, adding that she relied to the services that should ensure peoples security. When asked why there was so much fuss about the regulations because there were not so many new things, Dz.Hirsa answered that it was a responsibility of politicians who used the situation when people did not have adequate information to organise protests. A group of Russian sculptors and restores will come to Riga in September to re-erect the monument to Peter the Great. The place or re-erection is still to be decided but the administration of Teikas Nami that invested about 40 000 Ls in restoration of this monument thinks that the best place could be the embankment of the Daugava.

A group of Russian sculptors and restores will come to Riga in September to re-erect the monument to Peter the Great. The place or re-erection is still to be decided but the administration of Teikas Nami that invested about 40 000 Ls in restoration of this monument thinks that the best place could be the embankment of the Daugava. Chas

Today the political parties from the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia together with representatives of Russian public organisations organise a conference to discuss the situation in Latvia after the new regulations to the State Language Law were adopted. Among other things they will also discuss forms of non-violent resistance, civic disobedience, etc.

Today the political parties from the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia together with representatives of Russian public organisations organise a conference to discuss the situation in Latvia after the new regulations to the State Language Law were adopted. Among other things they will also discuss forms of non-violent resistance, civic disobedience, etc. Vesti Segodnya

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