May 16, 1997

Press Report

Yesterday the Kraslava District Court suspended the consideration of Vidavsky's case. The Court decreed the case to be subject to criminal proceedings. Mayor of Daugavpils Vidavsky was accused of violating the Law on Elections by concealing his past Communist Party membership. The Court pointed out that civil proceedings cannot be applied to the case since the law did not define the difference between "membership" and "active membership" in the Communist Part before January 13, 1991.

Yesterday the Kraslava District Court suspended the consideration of Vidavsky's case. The Court decreed the case to be subject to criminal proceedings. Mayor of Daugavpils Vidavsky was accused of violating the Law on Elections by concealing his past Communist Party membership. The Court pointed out that civil proceedings cannot be applied to the case since the law did not define the difference between "membership" and "active membership" in the Communist Part before January 13, 1991. Diena


deputy Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") left the Presidential Consultative Council on National Minorities. Mr. Dozortsev said that President Ulmanis lost interest in the activities of the Council and refused to meet its members. In his interview for deputy Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") left the Presidential Consultative Council on National Minorities. Mr. Dozortsev said that President Ulmanis lost interest in the activities of the Council and refused to meet its members. In his interview for "SM""SM" Mr. Dozortsev said that the Council was used only for maintaining Latvia's prestige and pleasing "van der Stoel, van den Broek and Espersen". Mr. Dozortsev believes that the Council had not made any tangible contribution to the improvement of the human rights situation in Latvia. According to Dozortsev, a year ago the President seemed to be interested in resoling the problems of national minorities and abolishing unreasonable employment restrictions for non-citizens. The Consultative Council was established a year ago after the President had been addressed by thirteen intellectuals who drew his attention to the problem of national minorities. At first, his reaction to the letter was quite negative. Later the President agreed to the idea of establishing the Consultative Council on National Minorities. Now, according to Dozortsev, President Ulmanis has focused his efforts on discussing the possibility of introducing universal presidential elections that would allow him to run for the third term in the office. Mr. Dozortsev said that the Consultative Committee had developed a program aimed at improving the minority situation. The program was ignored by Ulmanis who was afraid of the negative reaction from nationalistic parties in the Saeima. The Council developed several amendments to the legislation but did not pass any of the amendments to the Saeima. Mr. Dozortsev believes that the presence of an OSCE representative at the meetings of the Council still may force President to pay more attention to the issue of minorities. Mr. Dozortsev said that the Council was used only for maintaining Latvia's prestige and pleasing "van der Stoel, van den Broek and Espersen". Mr. Dozortsev believes that the Council had not made any tangible contribution to the improvement of the human rights situation in Latvia. According to Dozortsev, a year ago the President seemed to be interested in resoling the problems of national minorities and abolishing unreasonable employment restrictions for non-citizens. The Consultative Council was established a year ago after the President had been addressed by thirteen intellectuals who drew his attention to the problem of national minorities. At first, his reaction to the letter was quite negative. Later the President agreed to the idea of establishing the Consultative Council on National Minorities. Now, according to Dozortsev, President Ulmanis has focused his efforts on discussing the possibility of introducing universal presidential elections that would allow him to run for the third term in the office. Mr. Dozortsev said that the Consultative Committee had developed a program aimed at improving the minority situation. The program was ignored by Ulmanis who was afraid of the negative reaction from nationalistic parties in the Saeima. The Council developed several amendments to the legislation but did not pass any of the amendments to the Saeima. Mr. Dozortsev believes that the presence of an OSCE representative at the meetings of the Council still may force President to pay more attention to the issue of minorities. Diena, SM, B&B;Diena, SM, B&B

May 15, 1997

Press Report


The LNNK faction still has not decided whether it should nominate its candidate for Minister of Defense. LNNK Party Chairman Juris Dobelis believes that the party should take the responsibility while Head of the LNNK Faction Aleksandrs Kirsteins said that "the party was not able to clean the mess in the Ministry". Currently, the LNNK is studying the contracts concluded by the Ministry of Defense. After a meeting with LNNK representatives Prime-Minister Skele told the press that a search for a candidate might take at least two weeks. Diena

Yesterday Russian Ambassador Alexander Udaltsov assured

Yesterday Russian Ambassador Alexander Udaltsov assured "Latvijas Cels" Faction Chairman Andrejs Pantelejevs that Russia would not suggest extending the term of operation of the Skrunda radar. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that he excluded any possibilities of extending the term. According to the agreement between Latvia and Russia, the Skrunda radar stops its operation on August 31, 1998. Diena

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign addressed the Embassy of Byelorussia with a note demanding to receive seven Somalian citizens who entered Latvia illegally from the Byelorussian territory. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics Press-Secretary admitted that the return of illegal immigrants could require time and effort since Latvia did not have an agreement on illegal immigration with Byelorussia.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign addressed the Embassy of Byelorussia with a note demanding to receive seven Somalian citizens who entered Latvia illegally from the Byelorussian territory. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics Press-Secretary admitted that the return of illegal immigrants could require time and effort since Latvia did not have an agreement on illegal immigration with Byelorussia. Diena

An anonymous immigration police officer interviewed by

An anonymous immigration police officer interviewed by "SM" said that Chief of the Immigration Police Kurpnieks illegally deported Kurd refugees to Russia without informing the Russian authorities. The officer accused the Immigration Police of cruel treatment of detained immigrants aimed at forcing them to leave for Russia. He believes that N.Parfenova's case was an attempt of illegal deportation. The State Human Rights Office is aware of the unlawful deportations, claims the officer. He also says that 95% of his colleagues "do not conceal their Fascist views". SM

Former USSR passport are invalid in Estonia as of today, May 15. Holders of old passport will have only part of the rights enjoyed by Estonian residents holding citizens, non-citizens’ and foreign passports. They are allowed to leave the country but are banned from re-entering Estonia. According to the sources referred to by

Former USSR passport are invalid in Estonia as of today, May 15. Holders of old passport will have only part of the rights enjoyed by Estonian residents holding citizens, non-citizens and foreign passports. They are allowed to leave the country but are banned from re-entering Estonia. According to the sources referred to by BIZNES I BALLTIYA, dozens of thousands residents of Estonia are staying in the country illegally.

May 14, 1997

Press Report

According to a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense, the construction of a radar station in Baranovichi, Byelorussia, has slowed down. The Ministry cannot cover the costs of electronic equipment to be installed at the facility. The Duma Defense Committee is likely to study the problem and may raise the issue of extending the term of operation of the Skrunda radar. A source, referred to by

According to a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense, the construction of a radar station in Baranovichi, Byelorussia, has slowed down. The Ministry cannot cover the costs of electronic equipment to be installed at the facility. The Duma Defense Committee is likely to study the problem and may raise the issue of extending the term of operation of the Skrunda radar. A source, referred to by "DIENA", says that there are no indications of Russia planning to insist on extending the term. The issue is not included in the agenda of talks between Russia and Latvia.


The LNNK and the Farmers' Union/the Union of Christian Democrats will agree on the candidate for Minister of Defense next week. According to the agreement between the governing factions, the Minister should represent either the LNNK or the Farmers' Union/the Christian Democratic faction. Diena

Last Monday President Ulmanis spoke in favor of universal direct presidential elections. He made the statement at the Farmers' Union Conference. The Farmers' Union supported the universal presidential elections during the drafting of the

Last Monday President Ulmanis spoke in favor of universal direct presidential elections. He made the statement at the Farmers' Union Conference. The Farmers' Union supported the universal presidential elections during the drafting of the Satversme. The concept is opposed by major governing factions. Diena

The OSCE decided to prolong the stay of its mission in Estonia. Although the activities of the OSCE Mission in the country do not meet open objections of the Estonian Government, the country's Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the presence of OSCE representatives made the West doubt Estonia's stability.

The OSCE decided to prolong the stay of its mission in Estonia. Although the activities of the OSCE Mission in the country do not meet open objections of the Estonian Government, the country's Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the presence of OSCE representatives made the West doubt Estonia's stability. B&B

The Trade Union of Water Transport Workers addressed President Yeltsin with a letter asking to restore special tariffs on railway transit through Latvia that were canceled last year. The letter points out that economic measures directed at protecting the rights of Russian-speakers will only damage their interests. The European Union Transport Committee plans to exclude Latvia from the list of "transit corridors" to Russia in June. The decision, if taken, would seriously damage the economic situation of Latvian ports.

The Trade Union of Water Transport Workers addressed President Yeltsin with a letter asking to restore special tariffs on railway transit through Latvia that were canceled last year. The letter points out that economic measures directed at protecting the rights of Russian-speakers will only damage their interests. The European Union Transport Committee plans to exclude Latvia from the list of "transit corridors" to Russia in June. The decision, if taken, would seriously damage the economic situation of Latvian ports. SM

May 13, 1997

Press Report

Press Report


The LNNK has three candidates for the post of Minister of Defense while the "Farmers' Union"/the Christian Democrats are expected to nominate their own candidates. The only candidate mentioned by the LNNK is Einars Cilinskis. LNNK Chairman Juris Dobelis did not name the other two candidates and said that he would not be nominated for the office. Mr. Dobelis told "DIENA" that Minister for the Affairs of the European Union Aleksandrs Kirsteins could be dismissed since he was expelled from the LNNK last Saturday. According to Prime-Minister's Advisor Juris Liepnieks, Mr. Kirsteins can retain his office while remaining an LNNK faction member. Diena

According to a source in the US Department of State, Russia will not manage to launch a new radar station in Baranovichi, Byelorussia, before August 31, 1998, i.e., before the final date of the operation of the Skrunda radar. The radar station in Byelorussia is built to take over the functions of the Skrunda radar. A US State Department Official referred to by

According to a source in the US Department of State, Russia will not manage to launch a new radar station in Baranovichi, Byelorussia, before August 31, 1998, i.e., before the final date of the operation of the Skrunda radar. The radar station in Byelorussia is built to take over the functions of the Skrunda radar. A US State Department Official referred to by "DIENA" said that the Skrunda radar currently in operation was of no strategic importance to Russia. Still, the official believes that Russia could require an extension of its operation term due to political reasons. Diena

Head of the CID Passport Division Dzintra Peneze told

Head of the CID Passport Division Dzintra Peneze told "NEATKARIGA" that 2050 new alien passports had been issued to residents of Latvia. The highest demand for the new documents was observed in Daugavpils (450) and the Vidzeme District of Riga (376). Only 60% of applicants having the right to receive new alien passports have used it. Neatkariga

Russian Ambassador Aleksander Udaltsov in an interview for

Russian Ambassador Aleksander Udaltsov in an interview for "SM" said that the Embassy "was closely involved" in resolving Natalya Parfenova's case. He confirmed that Parfenova agreed to leave for Russia being aware of her "vulnerable situation". Formally, she was still a Russian serviceman's spouse, her marriage not being dissolved. The Ambassador said that the Russian side had managed to reach "mutual understanding" with CID Director Zitars. Natalya Parfenova was issued with a Russian travel passport, and a ban on her entering Latvia within next five years was annulled. Mr. Udaltsov stressed that the Embassy would monitor further developments in Parfenova's case. SM

Chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins expressed hope that a chapter on human rights would be introduced into the Satversme. Currently, the only right guaranteed by the

Chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins expressed hope that a chapter on human rights would be introduced into the Satversme. Currently, the only right guaranteed by the Satversme is the right to vote and be elected. SM

May 10, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane believes that potential applicants for naturalization often exaggerate the complexity of the naturalization history test. Young people offered standard test questions managed to give a required minimum of correct answers. Mrs. Aldermane interviewed young non-citizens during a youth seminar. Most of them said that their skeptical attitude toward naturalization was to a great extend influenced by their parents most of whom could apply for naturalization only after up to four years. Non-citizens questioned by the Naturalization Board named several reasons for not applying for naturalization. Among those is a bad command of the Latvian language, poor knowledge of the Latvian history, a high naturalization fee and a possibility to travel to Russia without entrance visas with former USSR passports. Mrs. Aldermane believes that political parties should develop a definite viewpoint on the issue of citizenship.

Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane believes that potential applicants for naturalization often exaggerate the complexity of the naturalization history test. Young people offered standard test questions managed to give a required minimum of correct answers. Mrs. Aldermane interviewed young non-citizens during a youth seminar. Most of them said that their skeptical attitude toward naturalization was to a great extend influenced by their parents most of whom could apply for naturalization only after up to four years. Non-citizens questioned by the Naturalization Board named several reasons for not applying for naturalization. Among those is a bad command of the Latvian language, poor knowledge of the Latvian history, a high naturalization fee and a possibility to travel to Russia without entrance visas with former USSR passports. Mrs. Aldermane believes that political parties should develop a definite viewpoint on the issue of citizenship. Diena


The LNNK Party Council expelled Juris Karlsons, Janis Rupkus, Mirdza Vitola, Maris Purgailis and Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the party. Mr. Kirsteins will retain his office of LNNK/the Latvian Green Party faction Chairman. Among the reasons for Kirsteins' expulsion is his opposition to several decisions of the Party Council including his objections to a referendum by "Tevzemei un Brivibai" on the Citizenship Law. Former Riga Mayor Purgailis was accused by the Council of failing to implement the policy of the party while holding Mayor's office. Diena, Neatkariga

Minister of Defense Andrejs Krastins (

Minister of Defense Andrejs Krastins (LNNK) resigned upon Prime-Minister Skele's demand. His duties will be performed by minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs. The contract with "Man-Tess" company on the purchase of fuel for the Navy that was the reason for the Minister's resignation is canceled. According to the agreement between the governing factions, candidate for Minister of Defense should be nominated by the LNNK/the Greens. One of the possible candidates is Juris Dobelis. Diena

Head of the CID Passport Office Vaira Sprince told

Head of the CID Passport Office Vaira Sprince told "SM" that two thousand non-citizens have received new alien passports. The new passports have been officially recognized by twenty-two countries. Mrs. Sprince hopes that Russia will recognize the new passports later this year. Currently, Latvian non-citizens can enter Russia with either former USSR passports or "brown" non-citizens' passports.SM

Press-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrejs Pildegovics told

Press-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrejs Pildegovics told BNS that the Ministry believed the criticism expressed by the Russian Parliamentary Delegation to be groundless. Delegation members accused Latvia of ignoring the OSCE High Commissioner's recommendations on non-citizens. Mr. Pildegovics said that Latvia had received fifteen recommendations. Nine of those were fully implemented while three were implemented partly. Latvia did not accept recommendations on canceling "the nationality column" in passports, on abolishing "the window mechanism" and on simplifying naturalization tests in the Latvian language for elderly applicants. Mr. Pildegovics explained that the agreement between the governing factions did not allow to amend the Citizenship Law making the implementation of recommendations on "the window mechanism" and the language tests impossible. SM

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