Nov. 12, 1997

Press Review

Russian non-governmental organizations of Latvia issued a statement on the draft Language law and the general situation of the Russian minority in Latvia. The document notes that the term "minority" cannot be applied to Russians in Latvia in its full sense, ethnic Russians constituting over 30% of the country's population. Latvia is doing next to nothing to amend "the discriminating Citizenship Law" and has adopted the first reading of the Language Law that contradicts internationally accepted norms, says the statement. The statement claims the Law to violate fundamental human rights and to be aimed at assimilating ethnic Russians. Russian NGOs call upon the international community to pay more attention to the situation of Russians in Latvia.

Russian non-governmental organizations of Latvia issued a statement on the draft Language law and the general situation of the Russian minority in Latvia. The document notes that the term "minority" cannot be applied to Russians in Latvia in its full sense, ethnic Russians constituting over 30% of the country's population. Latvia is doing next to nothing to amend "the discriminating Citizenship Law" and has adopted the first reading of the Language Law that contradicts internationally accepted norms, says the statement. The statement claims the Law to violate fundamental human rights and to be aimed at assimilating ethnic Russians. Russian NGOs call upon the international community to pay more attention to the situation of Russians in Latvia. SM

Nov. 11, 1997

Press Review

The Presidents of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania at their yesterday's (10 November) meeting in Palanga, Lithuania adopted a statement rejecting security guarantees offered by Russia. The statement stresses the adherence of the three countries to integration in the EU and NATO and points to unilateral guarantees as not complying with "the spirit of new Europe". The document welcomes President Yeltsin's initiative aimed at developing neighborly relations with the three Baltic states. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins told

The Presidents of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania at their yesterday's (10 November) meeting in Palanga, Lithuania adopted a statement rejecting security guarantees offered by Russia. The statement stresses the adherence of the three countries to integration in the EU and NATO and points to unilateral guarantees as not complying with "the spirit of new Europe". The document welcomes President Yeltsin's initiative aimed at developing neighborly relations with the three Baltic states. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins told "DIENA" that Latvia was ready to sign the border agreement with Russia and that the signing of the document fully depended on the Russian side. Diena

Yesterday former Communist leader Alfreds Rubiks held a press-conference. He said that he would not join any of the existing political forces and would work on a plan for his future political activities and would focus on uniting left-wing parties. Mr. Rubiks does not believe the existing Social-Democratic parties to be real socialist movements. He criticized Latvian politicians for lack of consequent opinions and experience noting that "a person who has no experience in leadership except having been a laundry manager cannot be a politician."

Yesterday former Communist leader Alfreds Rubiks held a press-conference. He said that he would not join any of the existing political forces and would work on a plan for his future political activities and would focus on uniting left-wing parties. Mr. Rubiks does not believe the existing Social-Democratic parties to be real socialist movements. He criticized Latvian politicians for lack of consequent opinions and experience noting that "a person who has no experience in leadership except having been a laundry manager cannot be a politician." Diena, SM

The Latvian National Reform Party/ the Green Party Faction decided to join the governing coalition. An agreement with the coalition parties will be signed this Wednesday. The faction holds on sear in the Cabinet (State Minister of Environmental Protection Emsis).

The Latvian National Reform Party/ the Green Party Faction decided to join the governing coalition. An agreement with the coalition parties will be signed this Wednesday. The faction holds on sear in the Cabinet (State Minister of Environmental Protection Emsis). Neatkariga

Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Education and Science Dzintars Abikis in an interview for

Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Education and Science Dzintars Abikis in an interview for "SM SEVODNYA" stressed that he did not participate in the drafting of the new Language Law. Mr. Abikis supported amending the existing Law. Still, according to the Latvian legislation, all laws adopted before 1990 will become invalid after January 1, 1999. Mr. Abikis believes that some of the provisions of the new draft Law contradict European standards. Among these is mandatory use of Latvian in private companies, mandatory use of Latvia at all public gatherings and for public information and advertizing. Mr. Abikis also criticize the provision of the draft allowing Government official to communicate with Latvia's inhabitants only in Latvian. Still, he believes that Latvian politicians will adopt "a correct version of the law." SM

Boris Tsilevich refers to the analysis of the draft language law performed by the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. The analysis shows that the draft Law to a large extend restricts fundamental human rights including freedom of speech and liberty of conscience. The draft Law also contradicts the European Framework Convention on National Minorities that provides for the use of minority languages on the territories with a large percentage of minority population for communicating with local authorities. According to B.Tsilevich, the draft Language law is the first Latvian legal act to be criticized by European organizations for contradicting European norms.

Boris Tsilevich refers to the analysis of the draft language law performed by the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. The analysis shows that the draft Law to a large extend restricts fundamental human rights including freedom of speech and liberty of conscience. The draft Law also contradicts the European Framework Convention on National Minorities that provides for the use of minority languages on the territories with a large percentage of minority population for communicating with local authorities. According to B.Tsilevich, the draft Language law is the first Latvian legal act to be criticized by European organizations for contradicting European norms.

Nov. 10, 1997

Press Review


First Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks ("Saimnieks") says he is ashamed with the new draft Language Law. In his interview he told "CHAS" that "Saimnieks" was planning to discuss possible measures aimed at facilitating the naturalization process and preventing the adoption of the existing draft Language Law. Mr. Ameriks believes that the current situation inhibits Latvia's progress toward the European Union. Chas Journalist Sergey Zaletayev examined complaints received by the State Language Center. Most of them are cases of denunciation. This allows the author of the article to come to conclusion that the Center misinformed President Ulmanis on the language situation in the country; Mr. Ulmanis during his meeting with OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel pointed to the "open discrimination" of the Latvian language.

Journalist Sergey Zaletayev examined complaints received by the State Language Center. Most of them are cases of denunciation. This allows the author of the article to come to conclusion that the Center misinformed President Ulmanis on the language situation in the country; Mr. Ulmanis during his meeting with OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel pointed to the "open discrimination" of the Latvian language. Diena


The Saeima Chancellery banned former Communist leader Alfreds Rubiks, now a Socialist Party member, from the Saeima premises. Mr. Rubiks is on the list of persons not to be allowed to enter the Saeima. He was planning to hold a press-conference in the Saeima today.

Nov. 8, 1997

Press Review

Teachers of Russian-language schools interviewed by

Teachers of Russian-language schools interviewed by "DIENA" complained about the lack of text-books for teaching their subjects in the Latvian language. Head of the State m for the Teaching of the Latvian Language Ms. Aija Priedite stresses the importance of creating a theoretical and material basis for the teaching of Latvian in minority schools. The most serious problem faced by the Russian-language schools is the lack of teachers able to teach their subjects in the Latvian language.

Nov. 7, 1997

Press Review

The Fifth and the Sixth

The Fifth and the Sixth Saeima have granted Latvian citizenship for an outstanding service to Latvia to more than 70 persons. The Saeima Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law has proposed to grant citizenship to President of the Parex Bank Kargin recently. His candidature is supported by several prominent persons including composer Raimonds Pauls and former Latvian Ambassador to Russia Janis Peters. Neatkariga

Saeima member A.Bartashevich ("The Equal Rights") points to a contradiction between Regulations 407 "On the Status of the Unemployed" and the Labor Law. The Regulations allow to give the status and to grant unemployment benefits only to holders of "language certificates" confirming the command of the Latvian language. The Law does not contain such requirements. Mr. Bartashevich and his faction addressed Minister of Welfare Makarovs and the Prosecutor General's Office protesting against the provision. Still, the response was negative. A.Batashevich hopes that amendments to the Law on the

Saeima member A.Bartashevich ("The Equal Rights") points to a contradiction between Regulations 407 "On the Status of the Unemployed" and the Labor Law. The Regulations allow to give the status and to grant unemployment benefits only to holders of "language certificates" confirming the command of the Latvian language. The Law does not contain such requirements. Mr. Bartashevich and his faction addressed Minister of Welfare Makarovs and the Prosecutor General's Office protesting against the provision. Still, the response was negative. A.Batashevich hopes that amendments to the Law on the Satversme (Constitutional) Court currently under discussion will allow to apply to the Constitutional Court on the issue. Currently, the support of 34 Parliament members is required to appeal the Regulations in the Constitutional Court. SM

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