March 28, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Andrejs Pildegovics, Press Secretary of MFA, informed 

Andrejs Pildegovics, Press Secretary of MFA, informedDiena that according to the Ambassador of France Bernard Poncet, the President of France Chirac did not express objection to the accession of the Baltic States to the NATO, and soon the MFA of France will submit the official opinion on this issue. The MFA of Latvia also contacted the German Embassy which informed that Germany is aware of the fact that the border agreement between Latvia and Russia is ready and that it is not Latvia's fault that the agreement is not signed yet. Furthermore, Germany has an objective understanding about the events of the 3rd March, and has several times expressed the opinion that it does not think there is the violation of human rights in Latvia. Diena

Results of a survey done by the Russian Center of the Public Opinion on 20 -22 March show that 77 % of respondents consider the situation of Russians in Latvia being the matter of interest for Russia and the international society, and only 11% of respondents think that it is the Latvia's internal issue.

Results of a survey done by the Russian Center of the Public Opinion on 20 -22 March show that 77 % of respondents consider the situation of Russians in Latvia being the matter of interest for Russia and the international society, and only 11% of respondents think that it is the Latvia's internal issue. SM

March 27, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

At the summit meeting in Moscow, the three leaders among other matters also discussed the meeting of legionnaires in Latvia. According to Press Secretary S.Yastrzhemsky, when talking about the enlargement of NATO, the President of France Jacques Chirac had been against accepting Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to NATO. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announced at a briefing that he had always denounced meetings of extremists, but demonstrations of Nazis - even more. Answering to the question why EU countries did not react to that event, Mr. Kohl answered that it would be taken into consideration when accepting Latvia to EU.

At the summit meeting in Moscow, the three leaders among other matters also discussed the meeting of legionnaires in Latvia. According to Press Secretary S.Yastrzhemsky, when talking about the enlargement of NATO, the President of France Jacques Chirac had been against accepting Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to NATO. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announced at a briefing that he had always denounced meetings of extremists, but demonstrations of Nazis - even more. Answering to the question why EU countries did not react to that event, Mr. Kohl answered that it would be taken into consideration when accepting Latvia to EU. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, B&B, Chas

The Saeima Education Commission has received OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel’s letter with his conclusions that 19 articles of the draft State Language law do not correspond to the European Human Rights Declaration and International Pact on Civic and Political Rights. The High Commissioner considers that the state language law must not regulate the use of a language in organisations and enterprises as well as private radio stations and educational institutions.

The Saeima Education Commission has received OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoels letter with his conclusions that 19 articles of the draft State Language law do not correspond to the European Human Rights Declaration and International Pact on Civic and Political Rights. The High Commissioner considers that the state language law must not regulate the use of a language in organisations and enterprises as well as private radio stations and educational institutions. Diena

Diena writes about increasing talks on a governmental crisis. It is connected to amendments in the Law on Citizenship, to be considered at the next Co-operation Council meeting, as well as contradictions concerning privatisation process. The leader of Peoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans says that there is an authority and governmental crisis and a solution should come in the nearest future. The Chairman of the Union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinbergs confirmes that several influential persons have said that the government would step down in April. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs hopes that it will not happen because there is no serious motivation for that. The changes in the government are connected with party ratings which, according to the opinion of some politicians, are too high for the Prime Minister and is party and unreasonably low for the rest of government forming factions.

DCMA Deputy Head A.J.Lejins gave a briefing on the extension of validity terms for former USSR internal and travel passports. He explained the reasons for this step and characterised current situation. “About 70 people leave Latvia every week, and they have problems with the documents, we have issued them, to integrate in Russia because due to their violet passport they are regarded as foreigners, strangers. ... We have agreed with Russia that they will be able to cross borders with a former USSR passport, get “propiska” and settle other formalities.” He pointed out that there were even greater problems with those permanent residents of Latvia who, having received Russian citizenship, had decided to give it up.

DCMA Deputy Head A.J.Lejins gave a briefing on the extension of validity terms for former USSR internal and travel passports. He explained the reasons for this step and characterised current situation. About 70 people leave Latvia every week, and they have problems with the documents, we have issued them, to integrate in Russia because due to their violet passport they are regarded as foreigners, strangers. ... We have agreed with Russia that they will be able to cross borders with a former USSR passport, get propiska and settle other formalities. He pointed out that there were even greater problems with those permanent residents of Latvia who, having received Russian citizenship, had decided to give it up. Diena

Russian TV days started in Riga on Thursday. They will last till March 30. More that 30 representatives of eleven Russia TV stations have come to Latvia. They have planned to film in Latvia but did not want to specify on the possible topics.

Russian TV days started in Riga on Thursday. They will last till March 30. More that 30 representatives of eleven Russia TV stations have come to Latvia. They have planned to film in Latvia but did not want to specify on the possible topics. Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Chas

The Mayor of Moscow Yuriy Luzhkov came out with an announcement that economic sanctions should be imposed on Latvia for human rights violation of Russian-speakers. The Russian state should decrease its economic co-operation with Latvia, and the first step could be directing its goods flow from Latvia to Kaliningrad and Leningrad region.

The Mayor of Moscow Yuriy Luzhkov came out with an announcement that economic sanctions should be imposed on Latvia for human rights violation of Russian-speakers. The Russian state should decrease its economic co-operation with Latvia, and the first step could be directing its goods flow from Latvia to Kaliningrad and Leningrad region. B&B, SM

March 26, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The State President G.Ulmanis informed that the National Security Council on its Wednesday meeting had stated that relations with Russia were not dramatic, but co-operation should become closer. NSC listened to the MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins’s report on the situation in Latvian-Russian relations and decided what should be done in the future. Accent should be put on co-operation with international organisations, much closer co-operation with Russia, starting with the lowest levels, co-operation with regions of Russia. Work should be continued on border issues and preparation of agreements between those two countries.

The State President G.Ulmanis informed that the National Security Council on its Wednesday meeting had stated that relations with Russia were not dramatic, but co-operation should become closer. NSC listened to the MFA State Secretary M.Riekstinss report on the situation in Latvian-Russian relations and decided what should be done in the future. Accent should be put on co-operation with international organisations, much closer co-operation with Russia, starting with the lowest levels, co-operation with regions of Russia. Work should be continued on border issues and preparation of agreements between those two countries. Diena

Two pickets of about 200 people took place at the Russian Embassy in Riga, and about 30 people with slogans expressed their opinion at the Russian Consulate General in Liepaja.

Two pickets of about 200 people took place at the Russian Embassy in Riga, and about 30 people with slogans expressed their opinion at the Russian Consulate General in Liepaja.

From 12 to 1 p.m. there as a picket announced by the National Union Namejs. They asked the Embassy representatives to receive their petition and a book describing Communist atrocities against Latvian nation. The Russian Ambassador A.Udalcov received the delegation of those people. The discussion was proper. Mr.Udalcov agreed that repression against the nation should be condemned, both countries should co-operate more but disagreed that Russia should take responsibility for Communist terror. He also did not like slogans asking 700 000 non-citizens to go home. At 2 p.m. there was another picket of youth department of the Union

From 12 to 1 p.m. there as a picket announced by the National Union Namejs. They asked the Embassy representatives to receive their petition and a book describing Communist atrocities against Latvian nation. The Russian Ambassador A.Udalcov received the delegation of those people. The discussion was proper. Mr.Udalcov agreed that repression against the nation should be condemned, both countries should co-operate more but disagreed that Russia should take responsibility for Communist terror. He also did not like slogans asking 700 000 non-citizens to go home. At 2 p.m. there was another picket of youth department of the Union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK. Press agency BNS informed that Russian Council General to Liepaja G.Kurockin found the slogans offensive, but the very picket proceeded peacefully. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, B&B, SM

145 390 people have received non-citizen passports of the Republic of Latvia until March 19. It means that 22.3% of all non-citizens have received them. The largest numbers are in Preili - 34%, Rezekne - 33%, Daugavpils - 27.9% but in Riga - 20.6%. It turned out that people having received non-citizen passport have problems in Russia when they try to settle their civil matters. As Russia recognises these violet passports only as a travel document, the winners among people leaving Latvia are those who kept their former USSR internal passports.

145 390 people have received non-citizen passports of the Republic of Latvia until March 19. It means that 22.3% of all non-citizens have received them. The largest numbers are in Preili - 34%, Rezekne - 33%, Daugavpils - 27.9% but in Riga - 20.6%. It turned out that people having received non-citizen passport have problems in Russia when they try to settle their civil matters. As Russia recognises these violet passports only as a travel document, the winners among people leaving Latvia are those who kept their former USSR internal passports. Neatkariga. There is also a tendency observed that Russian citizens give up their citizenship in Latvia. The total number is 47 people who, knowing about their undetermined status in Latvia, still have given up their Russian citizenship. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas.

DCMA have started to draw up departure documents for Irma Tkeshelashvili who has already been residing illegally in Latvia for five years and currently even have no identification documents. As Ms. Tkeshelashvili informed the correspondent of

DCMA have started to draw up departure documents for Irma Tkeshelashvili who has already been residing illegally in Latvia for five years and currently even have no identification documents. As Ms. Tkeshelashvili informed the correspondent of Neatkariga, she did not manage to get documents permitting her to reside in Latvia legally although she studied at Riga International Institute of the Bible. She also could not register her marriage officially and get Resident Registers number for her child. As the result of lacking this number her daughter was refused free of charge treatment in several Riga policlinics as well as a vaccine against rabies. Neatkariga

Chas comments on the situation with the National Latvian language Training Program. The author of the article doubts the announcements of Latvian officials that knowledge of the Latvian language could solve many social problems and improve political situation in the country and points out that the real sponsors of the program will be UNDP and governments of foreign countries, not the Latvian government.

Chas comments on the situation with the National Latvian language Training Program. The author of the article doubts the announcements of Latvian officials that knowledge of the Latvian language could solve many social problems and improve political situation in the country and points out that the real sponsors of the program will be UNDP and governments of foreign countries, not the Latvian government.

March 25, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

On Monday meeting with the Saeima Education Commission, EU experts acknowledged that several articles of the state language law restricted the freedom of speech, and Latvian state would lose a court case if anybody sued the state in European Human Rights Court. The representative of the Human Rights Directorate Frank Stekele pointed out that European Human Rights Convention was legally binding for Latvia and they were recommendations not to be neglected. The article under discussion is the one stating mandatory use of the Latvian language in private businesses. The Chairman of the Commission Dz.Abikis agreed that conformity of several norms of the draft law could be discussed but stressed that the draft could be essentially improved during the third reading. He acknowledged that public integration, based on the Latvian language, proceeded successfully in total, and it proved correctness of current language policy, taking into consideration the results of 50 years of occupation and Russification.

On Monday meeting with the Saeima Education Commission, EU experts acknowledged that several articles of the state language law restricted the freedom of speech, and Latvian state would lose a court case if anybody sued the state in European Human Rights Court. The representative of the Human Rights Directorate Frank Stekele pointed out that European Human Rights Convention was legally binding for Latvia and they were recommendations not to be neglected. The article under discussion is the one stating mandatory use of the Latvian language in private businesses. The Chairman of the Commission Dz.Abikis agreed that conformity of several norms of the draft law could be discussed but stressed that the draft could be essentially improved during the third reading. He acknowledged that public integration, based on the Latvian language, proceeded successfully in total, and it proved correctness of current language policy, taking into consideration the results of 50 years of occupation and Russification. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, SM

The Cabinet of Ministers on its Tuesday meeting prolonged the validity term for former USSR passports for entering Latvia by adopting amendments to the regulations of January 21 on non-citizen passports of Latvia.

The Cabinet of Ministers stated that former USSR passports with Latvian Resident Registers stamp would not be valid for entry to Latvia from July 1, 1998 (previous deadline was March 31), but former USSR travel passports issued in Latvia should be considered invalid for going to CIS countries form October 31, 1998 ( previous deadline was March 31). The government also stated that henceforth former USSR internal passports with the Resident Registers stamp would be considered invalid but the cases when a person was moving to a CIS country for permanent residence.

Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, B&B, SM

The official representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs G.Tarasov has characterized the speech made by his Latvian counterpart V.Birkavs at UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva as announcements isolated from the real life. Tarasov said that, while describing achievements of Latvia in the aspect of human rights, Birkavs had avoided the central issue - situation with 700 000 of the state residents having no rights and citizenship. Birkavs had not mentioned also such acute issues as the ban on professions for non-citizens, differences in political and socially economic rights, ousting of the Russia language, etc. Latvia was still completely ignoring the proposals made by OSCE and other international organizations on the need to improve the human situation in the country.

The Press Secretary of Latvian MFA A.Pildegovics told

Diena that Latvian MFA did not intend to make any comments on that, but they were just surprised by the low level of information of the particular official on how Latvia was carrying out recommendations of OSCE High Commissioner that were not binding for Latvia. From 18 recommendation 11 have been fulfilled, 3 - fulfilled partially, realization of the rest was not possible due to political reasons. Diena, B&B


writes about the new governmental program for joining EU. Due to the results of the research performed by European Commission stating that the main problem for Latvia to join EU would be 700000 people with no citizenship, the Bureau for European Integration included the problem of non-citizens for the first time. This program envisages several steps for integration of non-citizens into Latvian society. This problem could be solved by speeding up the Naturalization process and creating more favorable conditions for learning the Latvian language.

The official representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs G.Tarasov considers that during the meeting of Russian, German and French leaders in Moscow on March 26 they could also discuss the situation with Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia. He stressed that Russia would propose this topic for discussion. The Press Secretary of Latvian MFA A.Pildegovics said that Latvian party had no information on that. He also informed that Latvian MFA was ready for bilateral discussion about the topic with any of those countries. Jauna Avize

The State President G.Ulmanis meeting with Latvian Trade and Industry Chamber members at an official dinner announced that frankness in contacts with Russia may be politically dangerous because that neighbouring country could play on false political instruments, turning political problems into economical ones. Economical sanctions would be the least proper move Russia could make against Latvia. The only thing to do at that moment was to wait for an announcement on economical policy of the government of Russia.


March 24, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The top news in all newspapers is the dismissal of Russian government. They name it differently, e.g.

The top news in all newspapers is the dismissal of Russian government. They name it differently, e.g. Jauna Avize calls it a coup détat, Neatkariga - rapid change, SM - revolution on the top, Chas - the second defeat of the White House, etc.

Latvian officials are cautious to overestimate these events, but the State President Ulmanis has summoned a meeting of the National Security Council on March 25. They plan to listen to the analysis of these events and also reports of the “competent” services. The main issue could be what was to be expected from the new government. The President did not want to comment the very dismissal and just said that he had been surprised by the fastness of this event.” Most of Latvian MPs were not ready to comment but the willing ones did not expect radical changes in the Latvian-Russian relations.

Latvian officials are cautious to overestimate these events, but the State President Ulmanis has summoned a meeting of the National Security Council on March 25. They plan to listen to the analysis of these events and also reports of the competent services. The main issue could be what was to be expected from the new government. The President did not want to comment the very dismissal and just said that he had been surprised by the fastness of this event. Most of Latvian MPs were not ready to comment but the willing ones did not expect radical changes in the Latvian-Russian relations. Bizness I Baltiya, Diena, Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii 24.03.

Latvian version of

Latvian version of Diena writes about a new integration program for people of other nationalities in Estonia. The Estonian government has collected all proposals from its ministries and is ready to finish elaboration of a more concrete integration program. As it was reported earlier, the government adopted the basic integration concepts at the end of February this year. They even plan to organise the Integration Fund to achieve the goals of this program.

On March 24, the Cabinet of Ministers will discuss the proposal of the Naturalisation Board to extend the validity term of former USSR travel passports till October 31, 1998. Currently, DCMA is busy to overcome bottle necks and normalise the procedure of issuing non-citizens passports. It would be a little easement for aliens residing in Latvia to extend the validity term for crossing Latvian borders with former USSR travel passports. Even two versions for solving this problem have been submitted.

On March 24, the Cabinet of Ministers will discuss the proposal of the Naturalisation Board to extend the validity term of former USSR travel passports till October 31, 1998. Currently, DCMA is busy to overcome bottle necks and normalise the procedure of issuing non-citizens passports. It would be a little easement for aliens residing in Latvia to extend the validity term for crossing Latvian borders with former USSR travel passports. Even two versions for solving this problem have been submitted. Jauna Avize 24.03.

Another picket took place at the Latvian Consulate in Pskov. During it a poster in Latvian colours was burned once again. Latvian officials consider that such things could take place only due to passiveness of Russian authorities, because Russia has not expressed its opinion towards such activities directed against Latvian consulates in Russia.

Another picket took place at the Latvian Consulate in Pskov. During it a poster in Latvian colours was burned once again. Latvian officials consider that such things could take place only due to passiveness of Russian authorities, because Russia has not expressed its opinion towards such activities directed against Latvian consulates in Russia. Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness I Baltiya 24.03

Chas also informs about two pickets at the Russia Embassy in Riga planned to commemorate the day of victims of Communist atrocities. The pickets will be held by two nationally oriented political movements Namejs and Nationalie Daugavas Vanagi (National Hawks of the Daugava).

Chas also informs about two pickets at the Russia Embassy in Riga planned to commemorate the day of victims of Communist atrocities. The pickets will be held by two nationally oriented political movements Namejs and Nationalie Daugavas Vanagi (National Hawks of the Daugava). SM writes that there will be even four pickets and one marching of a brass band.


writes about a document of the US National Department Press Office with their answers to questions concerning the events in Latvia. The Department has no information on arrests, bodily injuries. There have been no claims or objections from Latvian Human Rights Office, and there is no evidence of mass human rights violations by the authorities, as well as that it could be a Russian provocation. When asked about their opinion on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, the answer was that they were glad for all achievements of Latvia on its way to integration of the society. Many organisations collecting information, as well as OSCE, had proven that there are no mass human rights violations in Latvia. writes about a document of the US National Department Press Office with their answers to questions concerning the events in Latvia. The Department has no information on arrests, bodily injuries. There have been no claims or objections from Latvian Human Rights Office, and there is no evidence of mass human rights violations by the authorities, as well as that it could be a Russian provocation. When asked about their opinion on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, the answer was that they were glad for all achievements of Latvia on its way to integration of the society. Many organisations collecting information, as well as OSCE, had proven that there are no mass human rights violations in Latvia.
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