May 12, 1998

Press Report

Press Report

On Monday the Saeima started considering the draft Criminal law in the third reading. Deputies decided to keep the death penalty. The

On Monday the Saeima started considering the draft Criminal law in the third reading. Deputies decided to keep the death penalty. The Latvijas Cels who supports the elimination of the death penalty, plans to ask the government to submit the 6th Protocol of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights eliminating the death penalty in peace time to the Saeima for ratification. Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs expressed regret about the parliaments decision by saying that Latvia did not make a pragmatic step towards the European Union. Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs believes that the society is not ready to eliminate the death penalty, it could be done gradually around the year of 2000. State President who has to promulgate the adopted laws, has many times expressed the support for the elimination of the death penalty. Press Secretary of the State President Vita Savicka said that the President would decide about the promulgation after the adoption of the Criminal law. The consideration of the draft Criminal law will continue next week. Diena

Saeima Presidium has included into this week agenda a proposal by opposition deputies to give a vote of no-confidence to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs.

Saeima Presidium has included into this week agenda a proposal by opposition deputies to give a vote of no-confidence to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. Diena

Christian Democratic Party Council believes that the granting of the citizenship to children born after the restoration of the independence can be done only by making simultaneous changes in the Education Law providing that the Latvian language is the language of instruction in all state financed schools.

Christian Democratic Party Council believes that the granting of the citizenship to children born after the restoration of the independence can be done only by making simultaneous changes in the Education Law providing that the Latvian language is the language of instruction in all state financed schools. Diena

Today the Presidents of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia meet in Riga to discuss the co-operation of three Baltic states as well as their relationship with Russia and NATO. 

Today the Presidents of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia meet in Riga to discuss the co-operation of three Baltic states as well as their relationship with Russia and NATO.B&B

According to unofficial information, during the meeting in Valka-Valga last week the Estonian President Lennart Meri has proposed Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis to sell the part of a street in Valka where the majority of population is Estonians. Press Service of the State President neither confirmed nor denied this information. According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs, Valka is not Alaska which can be to be sold, and border crossing matters rather technical than political issue.

According to unofficial information, during the meeting in Valka-Valga last week the Estonian President Lennart Meri has proposed Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis to sell the part of a street in Valka where the majority of population is Estonians. Press Service of the State President neither confirmed nor denied this information. According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs, Valka is not Alaska which can be to be sold, and border crossing matters rather technical than political issue. Chas, B&B

A group of 13 OSCE experts headed by Colonel of Swiss Air Force Jakob Meier arrived in Latvia for the inspection of the Skrunda Radar Station. According to Col. Meier, the Skrunda station is a serious object, therefore it is necessary to check the compliance of Russian armament and military equipment with the earlier provided information. During the inspection the commission will also check the implementation of lease regulations as well as the readiness for the dismantling of the Station.

A group of 13 OSCE experts headed by Colonel of Swiss Air Force Jakob Meier arrived in Latvia for the inspection of the Skrunda Radar Station. According to Col. Meier, the Skrunda station is a serious object, therefore it is necessary to check the compliance of Russian armament and military equipment with the earlier provided information. During the inspection the commission will also check the implementation of lease regulations as well as the readiness for the dismantling of the Station. Chas

National Harmony Party

has decided to unite with the has decided to unite with the Movement “Equality”Movement Equality and the and the Socialist PartySocialist Party in order to ally the Leftist forces before the elections. The in order to ally the Leftist forces before the elections. The Socialist PartySocialist Party and and the Equalitythe Equality have not expressed their opinion about this idea, yet. have not expressed their opinion about this idea, yet. SMSM SM publishes the statement of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevgeny Primakov concerning the letter of Max van der Stoel to the Latvian Prime Minister, at the summit of Foreign Affairs Minister of G8 countries in London.

SM publishes the statement of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevgeny Primakov concerning the letter of Max van der Stoel to the Latvian Prime Minister, at the summit of Foreign Affairs Minister of G8 countries in London. SM

Girts Kristovskis announced his decision to leave the

Girts Kristovskis announced his decision to leave the Latvijas Cels party and join the Tevzemei/Brivibai. He is already the third deputy who has recently left the Latvijas Cels. Jauna Avize

According to the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, during last year there were more than 5, 000 instances of violation of the administrative law done by the employees of the Ministry of the Interior system. An alarming fact is that one third of the violations are related with the relationship between the police and population. The reason is the unfamiliarity of policemen with the basic human rights norms.

According to the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, during last year there were more than 5, 000 instances of violation of the administrative law done by the employees of the Ministry of the Interior system. An alarming fact is that one third of the violations are related with the relationship between the police and population. The reason is the unfamiliarity of policemen with the basic human rights norms. Jauna Avize

Panorama Latvii publishes answers by the Russian Consul Alexander Rylov and the Belorussian Consul Vladimir Gromyko to the readers' questions related with the travelling to Russia and Belorus.

Neatkarigapublishes an article about the Medumi Secondary school in Daugavpils region which successfully implements the transition to a school with Latvian as the language of instruction, although 90 % of the population in Medumi administrative unit speak Russian. This year graduates of the secondary school will take the exams in the state language. Director of the Secondary School Janis Stikans names four major factors which promote the transition - the support from parents, teachers activities, students' attitude, and teaching materials.

May 11, 1998

Press Report

Within the framework of the 12th session of the Baltic Assembly on 9 May the Latvian and Estonian Prime Ministers and the Lithuanian Minister of Justice signed a resolution setting terms for further co-operation in trade, communication and education spheres. The Baltic Assembly adopted several resolutions, in one of them it expressed the attitude towards tendencies of national-socialism in Russia and condemned Russia’s economic and political pressure onto Latvia.

Within the framework of the 12th session of the Baltic Assembly on 9 May the Latvian and Estonian Prime Ministers and the Lithuanian Minister of Justice signed a resolution setting terms for further co-operation in trade, communication and education spheres. The Baltic Assembly adopted several resolutions, in one of them it expressed the attitude towards tendencies of national-socialism in Russia and condemned Russias economic and political pressure onto Latvia. Diena

Indulis Berzins,

Indulis Berzins, Latvijas Cels deputy, rejects the statements of some politicians that the Latvijas Cels has monopolized and, moreover, failed the Latvian foreign policy. According to Indulis Berzins, the main player in the Latvian foreign affairs is the Cabinet of Ministers which bases its policy on the conception adopted by the Saeima, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a member of the Latvijas Cels, only carries out the governmental policy and not the policy of the Party. Diena

Panorama Latvii publishes a short interview with the Russian Ambassador in Latvia Alexander Udalcov in which he assures the readers that the Embassy follows the developments in the educational system related with the introduction of Latvian as the language of instruction. Answering to the question about the pensions for WW II veterans and soldiers of the former USSR Army of lower ranks, the Ambassador said that the Russian government is looking for possibilities to allocate additional funding for this purpose. Panorama Latvii

A letter of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel sent to Prime Minister Guntars Krasts was discussed at the meeting of Foreign Affairs Minsters of G8 countries in London. According to

A letter of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel sent to Prime Minister Guntars Krasts was discussed at the meeting of Foreign Affairs Minsters of G8 countries in London. According to B&B, the Latvian translation of the letter differ the original text. In the Latvian version "unpleasant expressions of Max van der Stoel were maximally retouched, the emphases were misplaced, and the strict tone of the letter was changed to favourably-recommending one." According to Yevgeny Primakov who got acquainted with the excerpts of the letter during the aforementioned meeting in London, Max van der Stoel categorically does not agree with the undertakings of the Latvian government towards the easing of discriminating situation of Russian-speaking population in Latvia. By refusing to discuss the first version of the Citizenship Law (about the granting citizenship to children upon reaching the age of 16 after fulfilling several requirements), Mr. Stoel points at failure to implement several of his recommendations. B&B

May 9, 1998

Press Review

On 8 May the State President, top governmental officials and representatives of the diplomatic corps attended a ceremony in the Cemetery of Brethren in commemoration of the WW II victims. Adressing the participants of the ceremony State President condemned the Nazi ideology and said that there was no and could not be neo-Nazism in Latvia, since the democratic traditions and historical consciousness of Latvian nation exclude it. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs laid flowers at the common grave of Soviet soldiers and in the Jewish cemetery in Bikernieki.

On 8 May the State President, top governmental officials and representatives of the diplomatic corps attended a ceremony in the Cemetery of Brethren in commemoration of the WW II victims. Adressing the participants of the ceremony State President condemned the Nazi ideology and said that there was no and could not be neo-Nazism in Latvia, since the democratic traditions and historical consciousness of Latvian nation exclude it. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs laid flowers at the common grave of Soviet soldiers and in the Jewish cemetery in Bikernieki. Diena, SM

After the commemoration ceremony at the Cemetery of the Brethren Prime Minster Guntars Krasts gave an interview for the Latvian Radio and international journalists in which he said that for Latvia World War II ended only in 1991 when Latvia regained its independence. Prime Minister expressed regret that Latvia had failed to explain the international community that Latvians were one of the nations having suffered most during the W.W.II.

After the commemoration ceremony at the Cemetery of the Brethren Prime Minster Guntars Krasts gave an interview for the Latvian Radio and international journalists in which he said that for Latvia World War II ended only in 1991 when Latvia regained its independence. Prime Minister expressed regret that Latvia had failed to explain the international community that Latvians were one of the nations having suffered most during the W.W.II. Chas

On Friday remains of 10 Latvian legionaries were re-buried in Lestene. Chair of the National Soldiers Society Nikolajs Romanovskis expressed regret that governmental officials and “people in army uniforms” did not attended the event. According to unofficial information, the Minister of Defence had issued an oral decree forbidding military persons to attend the event in uniforms.

On Friday remains of 10 Latvian legionaries were re-buried in Lestene. Chair of the National Soldiers Society Nikolajs Romanovskis expressed regret that governmental officials and people in army uniforms did not attended the event. According to unofficial information, the Minister of Defence had issued an oral decree forbidding military persons to attend the event in uniforms. Diena, Neatkariga

On 11 May CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen arrives in Latvia to meet with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Justice as well as representatives of the Naturalization Board, DCMA, and the Saeima deputies.

On 11 May CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen arrives in Latvia to meet with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Justice as well as representatives of the Naturalization Board, DCMA, and the Saeima deputies. Diena

Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that on 7 May Latvia was elected to the UN Human Rights Commission.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that on 7 May Latvia was elected to the UN Human Rights Commission. Diena

May 8, 1998

Press Review

Latvian and Estonian presidents met in Latvian border town Valka on May 7. They discussed relations of the Baltic states with Russia, integration into EU and NATO and problems of Valka and Valga population. When asked about his expression concerning visas for Latvians, Estonia President L.Meri answered that the very fact of him being in Valka proves the wish of Estonia to establish between those two countries an European border crossing system that would be easy and effective. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that solution of Valka - Valga problem would be an answer to this question and, speaking about Latvia’s problems with Russia, he said that Latvia should help Russia to overcome its internal problems.

Latvian and Estonian presidents met in Latvian border town Valka on May 7. They discussed relations of the Baltic states with Russia, integration into EU and NATO and problems of Valka and Valga population. When asked about his expression concerning visas for Latvians, Estonia President L.Meri answered that the very fact of him being in Valka proves the wish of Estonia to establish between those two countries an European border crossing system that would be easy and effective. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that solution of Valka - Valga problem would be an answer to this question and, speaking about Latvias problems with Russia, he said that Latvia should help Russia to overcome its internal problems. Diena, Neatkariga, Rita Zinas, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas

Foreign Commission of German Bundestag supported the proposal of several deputies from ruling and opposition parties for a draft project to start talks with the Baltic states on establising of no visa regime with these countries.

Foreign Commission of German Bundestag supported the proposal of several deputies from ruling and opposition parties for a draft project to start talks with the Baltic states on establising of no visa regime with these countries. Diena

The Saeima adopted in the first reading the amendment to the law “On the status of former USSR citizens who are not citizens of Latvia or any other state” anticipating that about 6000 RL residents having no status at all, might receive a non-citizen passport.

The Saeima adopted in the first reading the amendment to the law On the status of former USSR citizens who are not citizens of Latvia or any other state anticipating that about 6000 RL residents having no status at all, might receive a non-citizen passport. Neatkariga

Dobele region newspaper has received a letter where it was said that all responsibility for the explosion at the Dobele Common Graveyard took upon itself Wappen SS. Similar letter have been signed before by a mentally ill person from Jelgava. He has already promised to blow up a building in Jelgava and throw an incendiary bomb on participants of May 1 event in Riga, standing up for legionnaires and the Commander-in-Chief of Latvian Armed Forces J.Dalbins.

Dobele region newspaper has received a letter where it was said that all responsibility for the explosion at the Dobele Common Graveyard took upon itself Wappen SS. Similar letter have been signed before by a mentally ill person from Jelgava. He has already promised to blow up a building in Jelgava and throw an incendiary bomb on participants of May 1 event in Riga, standing up for legionnaires and the Commander-in-Chief of Latvian Armed Forces J.Dalbins. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and Latvia met in Tartu yesterday to discuss relation of both countries with Russia. No further information was given, yet.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and Latvia met in Tartu yesterday to discuss relation of both countries with Russia. No further information was given, yet. Neatkariga

Members of Parliament, when discussing amendments to the draft law “On National Holidays and Commemoration Days” did not support the proposal of

Members of Parliament, when discussing amendments to the draft law On National Holidays and Commemoration Days did not support the proposal of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to establish the Latvian Legion Day. Rita Zinas, Panorama Latvii, Chas

At the press conference dedicated to the integration program in EU, the Prime Minister G.Krasts announced that Latvia planned to fulfil all the criteria necessary for Latvia to join EU till 2002. It was not possible to do it now due to the lack of financing.

At the press conference dedicated to the integration program in EU, the Prime Minister G.Krasts announced that Latvia planned to fulfil all the criteria necessary for Latvia to join EU till 2002. It was not possible to do it now due to the lack of financing. Bizness & Baltiya

In the “Declaration on Government Activities” there is a task to put in order the Resident Register of the Republic of Latvia. Latvian officials understand this as the creation of a new law. According to government specialists, the main problem with the Resident Register is that there must be recorded also children born in the families of people residing on the territory of Latvia illegally and these children have to receive a personal code thus making them into “legally born”. There are also planned some changes in providing information to physical and legal persons. It seems that the new draft could cause additional problems to the OSCE Mission to Latvia.

In the Declaration on Government Activities there is a task to put in order the Resident Register of the Republic of Latvia. Latvian officials understand this as the creation of a new law. According to government specialists, the main problem with the Resident Register is that there must be recorded also children born in the families of people residing on the territory of Latvia illegally and these children have to receive a personal code thus making them into legally born. There are also planned some changes in providing information to physical and legal persons. It seems that the new draft could cause additional problems to the OSCE Mission to Latvia. Panorama Latvii

May 7, 1998


Press Review

DP Saimnieks plans to start consultations with other centrist parties on possibilities of co-operation, and it is possible that the party could come to the elections of the 7th Saeima with some other political group. At its meeting on Wednesday, the party decided to summon the party congress to confirm the list of candidates, to discuss formation of the shadow cabinet and organisational issues, as well as electing a new president. Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya, SM

There was a sharp discussion on the draft state language law for the third reading at the Saeima Human Rights Commission. Several articles regulating language use in private businesses do not correspond to OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel’s recommendations and CE experts’ findings. When discussing this issue, a debate arose between the deputies J.Vidins (

There was a sharp discussion on the draft state language law for the third reading at the Saeima Human Rights Commission. Several articles regulating language use in private businesses do not correspond to OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoels recommendations and CE experts findings. When discussing this issue, a debate arose between the deputies J.Vidins (Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK ) and V.Dozorcev (Peoples Harmony Party). The Commission considered that every person should have right to solve his problems and communicate in the state language not only at the state institutions but also with private businesses, thus contradicting EU experts and V.Dozorcevss opinion. J.Vidins stressed that 80% of all business will be in private hands, and the state should not neglect language use in such a wide sphere. Diena

Russian version of

Russian version of Diena publishes an interview with Denis Sergin - a student of Russian Baltic Institute, who was present at the conference On the Road to a United Society in Europe. The participants of the conference were surprised by his emotional warning, Dont cut off Russian youth! Denis is looking for his way to politics and is afraid to be superfluous - as a Russian, as a non-citizen. He stated that Russian youngsters did not want to be publicly active. They believed that the state would neglect their problems. Denis himself plans to get Latvian citizenship when the window mechanism is opened and to become a lawyer.

Bizness & Baltiya also writes about this conference and gives its opinion on this event. The author of the article considers that an integrated society has always existed in Latvia. You just need to remember that this society did not let to provoke it in 1991, withstood the economic difficulties of 1995, kept cool in 1998. Presence of integration was proved by the results of a scientific research done upon a request of the Naturalisation Board before this conference. Politicians are the ones who split the society. Therefore the discussion must be not about integration of Russian speakers into Latvian speaking environment but of integration of politicians into the society. And the main driving force for integration is not the language but economic interests. Bizness & Baltiya,

SM adds to these comments its own that there was too mach talk about the Latvian language and the very understanding of integration was wrong. It should be looked upon as a mutual movement of two groups of the society towards each other. It is a way of mutual compromises.

Chas informs about the catastrophic situation with issuing of non-citizen passports at the Latgalian Suburb office of DCMA where people have to start queuing up at 3 a.m. to hope to receive a non-citizen passport in 12 days through the process of quick issuing, otherwise it would take months to get one. The correspondent interviewed the Head of the office A.Purens. Mr. Purens explained this queuing up as an inherited habit, but he had not noticed any people at the office at night. When asked why officials received clients only four hours a day, he answered that the employees had to draw up forms, download the information in the computer, and he could not force people to work more effectively because their salary was 60 Ls before taxes. The Deputy Head of the DCMA A.Lejins, after having listened to all this, told that things were even worse at the Kurzeme office and the correspondent should have gone to the Vidzeme office where everything was OK.

Panorama Latvii comments on OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoels letter to the Prime Minister G.Krasts where High Commissioner gave his comments only to the second version objecting to the procedure of receiving citizenship.

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