July 29, 1998

Press Review

The Director of the Consular Department of Latvian MFA S.Mellupe told the press that Latvian - German talks on readmitting illegal immigrants had been successfull and the agreement would be signed this year. The text of this agreement corresponded to EU norms. Her German colleagues had not expanded on introducing no visa regime but stressed that this agreement was a step towards reaching this goal. One of the main obstacles to it was the fact that Latvian passports could be forged so easily.

The Director of the Consular Department of Latvian MFA S.Mellupe told the press that Latvian - German talks on readmitting illegal immigrants had been successfull and the agreement would be signed this year. The text of this agreement corresponded to EU norms. Her German colleagues had not expanded on introducing no visa regime but stressed that this agreement was a step towards reaching this goal. One of the main obstacles to it was the fact that Latvian passports could be forged so easily. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

Chas adds one more reason for this slowness - lack of border agreements between the Baltic states and Russia. Although German Minister of Foreign Affairs K.Kinkel announced at the meeting with MFA heads of the Baltic states that Germany and the rest of Shengen Treaty countries did not consider that these three countries should have agreements with Russia and Byelorussia on readmitting of illegal immigrants but they would be desirable.

It is planned to consider conformity of the Head of NHRO O.Bruveris to this post at the Co-operation Council of government forming factions because, when drawing up the previous government record decision, lawyers stated that the government had no right to propose a dismissal of a bureau head.

It is planned to consider conformity of the Head of NHRO O.Bruveris to this post at the Co-operation Council of government forming factions because, when drawing up the previous government record decision, lawyers stated that the government had no right to propose a dismissal of a bureau head. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Several newspapers repeat the information about a new faction at the Saeima led by I.Kreituse.

Several newspapers repeat the information about a new faction at the Saeima led by I.Kreituse. Rigas Balss gives even the whole list of its members. Neatkariga

Russian version of

Russian version of Diena writes about Janis Lacis, a repatriate to Latvia and about the problems his wife Olga faced going through the process of repatriation. She had to make medical tests on AIDS, syphilis, clap, get certificates from militia of not being prosecuted, convicted, etc. But even after receiving a TRP her problems did not cease, just on the contrary.

It took three years for the Latvian League of Apatrids to win a court case against the Interior Ministry for refusing to register the League. One of the organisers of the League B.Celevics told the correspondent about the things this organisation could have done should it be registered in 1994. It planned to participate in integration of apatrids - residents of Latvia in Latvian political, economic and cultural environment, establish constructive relations between governmental structures and apatrids - residents of Latvia, represent those residents of Latvia who according the existing legislation were not citizens of Latvia but who wanted to become ones, represent the opinion on these people in discussions with Latvian authorities.

It took three years for the Latvian League of Apatrids to win a court case against the Interior Ministry for refusing to register the League. One of the organisers of the League B.Celevics told the correspondent about the things this organisation could have done should it be registered in 1994. It planned to participate in integration of apatrids - residents of Latvia in Latvian political, economic and cultural environment, establish constructive relations between governmental structures and apatrids - residents of Latvia, represent those residents of Latvia who according the existing legislation were not citizens of Latvia but who wanted to become ones, represent the opinion on these people in discussions with Latvian authorities. Diena (Russian version)

The major event in the foreign affairs o f Latvia last week was the visit of the State Secretary of Austria B.Ferrero-Valnder. At the press briefing, answering to the question on EU attitude to the problem of non-citizens in Latvia, the guest characterised this issue as the most painful one from the Soviet heritage. Austria supports the abolishing of the “window” mechanism and granting citizenship to children born in Latvia after August 1991, but the main thing is implementation of these decisions.

The major event in the foreign affairs o f Latvia last week was the visit of the State Secretary of Austria B.Ferrero-Valnder. At the press briefing, answering to the question on EU attitude to the problem of non-citizens in Latvia, the guest characterised this issue as the most painful one from the Soviet heritage. Austria supports the abolishing of the window mechanism and granting citizenship to children born in Latvia after August 1991, but the main thing is implementation of these decisions. SM

July 28, 1998

Press Review

Last week the Chairman of the Council of Venspils City A.Lembergs and some business people had unofficial meetings with high officials in Moscow. The aim of this visit was to understand what would be in store for Latvia in connection with the problem of Naturalisation of non-citizens. A.Lembergs acknowledged that it was important to find out what could be the situation if Latvian citizens rejected the amendments to the Law on Citizenship or if they agreed with amending. “If the amendments were rejected, it would be the second largest disaster in Latvia after 1940. EU, the USA and the rest of the civilised world would interpret this Latvian decision as giving up the co-operation,” said the Chairman adding that all this would affect also the economic situation in Latvia - it would loose market for its goods and services.

Last week the Chairman of the Council of Venspils City A.Lembergs and some business people had unofficial meetings with high officials in Moscow. The aim of this visit was to understand what would be in store for Latvia in connection with the problem of Naturalisation of non-citizens. A.Lembergs acknowledged that it was important to find out what could be the situation if Latvian citizens rejected the amendments to the Law on Citizenship or if they agreed with amending. If the amendments were rejected, it would be the second largest disaster in Latvia after 1940. EU, the USA and the rest of the civilised world would interpret this Latvian decision as giving up the co-operation, said the Chairman adding that all this would affect also the economic situation in Latvia - it would loose market for its goods and services. Neatkariga

The Chairman of the union

The Chairman of the union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinblats expressed his opinion that poor results of the first week of signature collection campaign did not show the number of people supporting the referendum. He also said that insufficient number of signatures would just prove that the amendments to the Law on Citizenship should be reconsidered during the next Saeima. There is still a lot of time till August 18, and people do not rush, besides many citizens have not received complete and objective information on the importance of this national voting and the location of districts for collecting signatures. Neatkariga

Answering to the article in the newspaper

Answering to the article in the newspaper Neatkariga Mysterious recommendations of OSCE MP I.Kreituse publishes her opinion on this issue. She finds this article too late because the dialogue between the authorities and the society should have taken place before adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. In reality, the dialogue has not really started even now. What happens, is imposing of the only right opinion, maximally hiding the process of events and satisfying economic ambitions of parties. They say that documents of Max van der Stoel are secret both for the President, Saeima Juridical Commission and European Integration Bureau. They just have heard about them, but Ms.Kreirtuse, after discussing this problem with some journalist, got copies of these documents in 10 minutes. And there was no sign of confidentiality on them. Neatkariga

The campaign of collecting signatures is still very slow. According to

The campaign of collecting signatures is still very slow. According to Diena information, only about 8000 people have signed the proposal last week.

The union

The union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK continues its advertisement campaign for signing the proposal and published their 10 questions and answers in the most popular newspaper in the countryside Lauku Avize.

The same newspaper published an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs about the present situation in Latvia and country’s relations with other states. Mr.Birkavs thinks that if the amendments were rejected there would be a situation when several hundred thousand people would form a separate community that could always be a source for destabilising the situation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also speaks about the relations with Russia and the USA.

The same newspaper published an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs about the present situation in Latvia and countrys relations with other states. Mr.Birkavs thinks that if the amendments were rejected there would be a situation when several hundred thousand people would form a separate community that could always be a source for destabilising the situation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also speaks about the relations with Russia and the USA. Lauku Avize

A deputy of the Riga City Council Yakov Pliner writes about the situation with teaching several subjects in the state language in non-Latvian schools and the results of the state inspection. The State inspection has examined 92 general education and 23 vocation education schools and all together 740 teachers. 327 of these people are Latvians, 372 have certificates of the state language knowledge on the highest level, 35 do not have sufficient knowledge and 41 teachers have a certificate of the second level. Some regions do not face this problem because there are no Russian speaking schools. Last year there were 211 non-Latvian speaking schools in Latvia. In many of these schools there is a whole bunch of problems - many teachers do not know the Latvian language to ensure the quality necessary for teaching a subject in the state language, the Latvian language knowledge is different among students, etc. What drawbacks do teachers themselves see in this system? Lack of teaching materials, terminology dictionaries, methodological literature and even if materials are available, schools have no means to purchase them.

A deputy of the Riga City Council Yakov Pliner writes about the situation with teaching several subjects in the state language in non-Latvian schools and the results of the state inspection. The State inspection has examined 92 general education and 23 vocation education schools and all together 740 teachers. 327 of these people are Latvians, 372 have certificates of the state language knowledge on the highest level, 35 do not have sufficient knowledge and 41 teachers have a certificate of the second level. Some regions do not face this problem because there are no Russian speaking schools. Last year there were 211 non-Latvian speaking schools in Latvia. In many of these schools there is a whole bunch of problems - many teachers do not know the Latvian language to ensure the quality necessary for teaching a subject in the state language, the Latvian language knowledge is different among students, etc. What drawbacks do teachers themselves see in this system? Lack of teaching materials, terminology dictionaries, methodological literature and even if materials are available, schools have no means to purchase them. SM

NGO Centre in Latvia announces a competition of projects for NGOs aimed to further formation of a civic society in Latvia.

NGO Centre in Latvia announces a competition of projects for NGOs aimed to further formation of a civic society in Latvia. SM

July 27, 1998

Press Report

A high ranking Russian MFA official has announced that Moscow considered it to be too early to start evaluate the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. “Lately, several Western politicians try to create an impression that solution of non-citizen problems in Latvia is coming to an end. We think that there are not enough grounds for that.” He said that Latvian politicians had made a positive step to change the discriminatory policy towards national minorities, but it had been blocked by Latvian national radicals, besides the amendments made by the Latvian Saeima, took into consideration only the major recommendation of EU commissioners.

A high ranking Russian MFA official has announced that Moscow considered it to be too early to start evaluate the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. Lately, several Western politicians try to create an impression that solution of non-citizen problems in Latvia is coming to an end. We think that there are not enough grounds for that. He said that Latvian politicians had made a positive step to change the discriminatory policy towards national minorities, but it had been blocked by Latvian national radicals, besides the amendments made by the Latvian Saeima, took into consideration only the major recommendation of EU commissioners. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

On Saturday, Latvian Union Party, led by A.Kauls, passed at its congress a resolution of support for a national voting on the issue of citizenship, at the same time offering to include in it also the question of Latvia joining EU and NATO. Party stressed that such a procedure would favour real implementation of democracy in Latvia, although LUP itself was rather reserved about it.

On Saturday, Latvian Union Party, led by A.Kauls, passed at its congress a resolution of support for a national voting on the issue of citizenship, at the same time offering to include in it also the question of Latvia joining EU and NATO. Party stressed that such a procedure would favour real implementation of democracy in Latvia, although LUP itself was rather reserved about it. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

Immigration Police has issued a decree of departure to a citizen of Afghanistan Sh.Benval who had complained to the Office of the Prosecutor General, Ministry of Justice, Afghan Embassy that a religious sect held noisy religious ceremonies at his private property. Security Police, having investigated these complains, stated that Mr. Benval had been married to a Latvian and, basing on this had received a TRP, then had divorced and resided in Riga with no residence permit. The building, he had been claiming as his property, belonged to his former wife, who was a member of the religious sect that hold the above mentioned ceremonies at the premises upon her permission.

Immigration Police has issued a decree of departure to a citizen of Afghanistan Sh.Benval who had complained to the Office of the Prosecutor General, Ministry of Justice, Afghan Embassy that a religious sect held noisy religious ceremonies at his private property. Security Police, having investigated these complains, stated that Mr. Benval had been married to a Latvian and, basing on this had received a TRP, then had divorced and resided in Riga with no residence permit. The building, he had been claiming as his property, belonged to his former wife, who was a member of the religious sect that hold the above mentioned ceremonies at the premises upon her permission. Neatkariga

The presidents of Latvia, Estonia and Poland, participating at the closing ceremony of military training

The presidents of Latvia, Estonia and Poland, participating at the closing ceremony of military training Baltic Challenge 98 announced that the training was not directed against Russia and acknowledged that Russia should be involved in similar training in the future.

Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian - German talks on the agreement to exchange illegal immigrants till take place in Riga on July 27 and 28. The agreement is necessary to implement no visa regime between those two countries.

Latvian - German talks on the agreement to exchange illegal immigrants till take place in Riga on July 27 and 28. The agreement is necessary to implement no visa regime between those two countries. Panorama Latvii

On Friday sixteen citizens of Algiers came to Riga after being evicted from Estonia. These people were members of a folk ensemble that took part in song and dance festival “Baltic - 98”. While in Tallinn, three of them addressed Estonian Immigration Police with a request for a political asylum. Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued them a TPR but took the rest of the group to the Estonian - Latvian border. As the correspondent found out, Algerians in their discussion with Latvian policemen expressed their sympathy towards this country and a wish to stay here. In answer to this request, policemen took the group to the airport for a plain to Warsaw.

On Friday sixteen citizens of Algiers came to Riga after being evicted from Estonia. These people were members of a folk ensemble that took part in song and dance festival Baltic - 98. While in Tallinn, three of them addressed Estonian Immigration Police with a request for a political asylum. Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued them a TPR but took the rest of the group to the Estonian - Latvian border. As the correspondent found out, Algerians in their discussion with Latvian policemen expressed their sympathy towards this country and a wish to stay here. In answer to this request, policemen took the group to the airport for a plain to Warsaw. Bizness & Baltiya

July 25, 1998

Press Review

According the data of

According the data of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Co-ordination Centre, only 6000 signatures for the proposal were collected during the first week. J.Barkans, the Head of the Centre explained that the major factors preventing the campaign to succeed were lack of information about the location of signing districts, slowness of people and that disabled people were not given a possibility to express their wish. Neatkariga

Prof. L.Maijs comments on the article, published in

Prof. L.Maijs comments on the article, published in Neatkariga, about the mysterious OSCE recommendations. He finds these recommendations the least mysterious. It was just MFA officials who did not bother to introduce the society with these documents or at least with the principal issues they contained. If anybody needs the full text of those documents, Mr.Maijs suggests to read the foreign press. Neatkariga

Three EU countries - Austria, Great Britain and Germany plan to address Russia next week in the name of EU to condemn the economic sanctions imposed on Latvia. The agreement on such an notice was reached in Brussels after consultations with EU representatives in both countries. The notice will be handed to the Russian government by the so called “troika” - the ambassadors of the present, past and future EU presiding states. It is said in the notice that both countries, maintaining friendly relations with EU, should have friendly neighbouring relations as well, and Latvia should observe OSCE recommendations, following which , the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were made.

Three EU countries - Austria, Great Britain and Germany plan to address Russia next week in the name of EU to condemn the economic sanctions imposed on Latvia. The agreement on such an notice was reached in Brussels after consultations with EU representatives in both countries. The notice will be handed to the Russian government by the so called troika - the ambassadors of the present, past and future EU presiding states. It is said in the notice that both countries, maintaining friendly relations with EU, should have friendly neighbouring relations as well, and Latvia should observe OSCE recommendations, following which , the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were made. Diena, Neatkariga (27.0798), Panorama Latvii(27.0798)

Saturday supplement of

Saturday supplement of Diena published a large article of Juris Tihonovs about OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel - the most often mentioned and cursed person in Latvia. He has been called in different names, e.g. Death angel, agent of Russian imperialism, etc., and his regular visit to Latvia - poetically compared with winnowing of Death angels wings. Some people say that he has the thickest skin in Europe. Diena

Panorama Latvii

writes about the case of a non-citizen Natalya Raksa, mother of a three year old girl Dana, who is a Latvian citizen. DCMA officials have requested N.Raksa to leave Latvia for residing illegally residing in the country since 1992, but Ms.Raksa explains the situation why she could not receive her propiska.

July 24, 1998


Press Review

Yesterday the independent deputy, Labour Party leader A.Kreituss announced that he had submitted to the Presidium of the Saeima information on forming a new faction in the 6th Saeima. There would be 10 deputies, and it would be the fourth largest in the Saeima.

Yesterday the independent deputy, Labour Party leader A.Kreituss announced that he had submitted to the Presidium of the Saeima information on forming a new faction in the 6th Saeima. There would be 10 deputies, and it would be the fourth largest in the Saeima. Neatkariga

Some more newspapers published information on the visit of the NHRO Director O.Bruveris’s visit to Valka.

Some more newspapers published information on the visit of the NHRO Director O.Bruveriss visit to Valka. Neatkariga

Diena interviews the Head of the Consular department of Latvian MFA S.Mellupe on the functions and activities of this department. Ms. Mellupe told the correspondent that every day they received information about some five passports lost abroad and requests to issue return documents to people whose travel documents were not valid any more. Offices of this Department protected interests and rights of physical and juridical persons abroad. They co-ordinated rendering help in extraordinary occasions, accidents, etc. She also told about those 16 countries Latvia had signed no visa agreements with and about the expressions of the German Foreign Minister K.Kinkel that Germany would implement no visa regime with the Baltic states at the end of this year, the latest - beginning of the next year.

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

has started its advertisement campaign for signing the proposal for a referendum. They published 10 questions about the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, the campaign and answers to them, as well the list of signing districts and their working hours in Riga. Rigas Balss

The heads of tenant unions met at the NHRO yesterday to discuss the problems arising from the need of domicile registration (propiska) in passports. It was acknowledged that the lack of this registration prevent a person to realise such his rights as a right for a job, education, social aid and creates problems for solving many essential issues. So persons with no domicile registration are not allowed to return to Latvia after leaving the country. As one more human rights violation was mentioned the wide spread practice of household managers to put for public information the list of persons having not paid their public utility bills, thus causing to suffer also relatives of these people. Jauna Avize

Dr. pol

. A.Pabriks publishes his considerations on different aspects of the independent Latvian state. When speaking about the inner policy of Latvia, he stresses that the most vital issue is formation of an integrated and free society and establishing a legal state. He is positive about amending the Law on Citizenship but the only drawback he sees is that these changes were made due to a foreign pressure. There was no political compromise among Latvian politicians on this issue, they just yielded to this outside pressure loosing their political posture. Amendments to the Law on Citizenship are just the beginning for formation of an integrated society. It is a very complicated and labour consuming task, Latvians would have to reconcile to the thought that Latvia will never be a national state in the ethnic understanding, but Russians have to understand that Latvia will never be Russia where the Russian language, culture and traditions would have no restrictions. . A.Pabriks publishes his considerations on different aspects of the independent Latvian state. When speaking about the inner policy of Latvia, he stresses that the most vital issue is formation of an integrated and free society and establishing a legal state. He is positive about amending the Law on Citizenship but the only drawback he sees is that these changes were made due to a foreign pressure. There was no political compromise among Latvian politicians on this issue, they just yielded to this outside pressure loosing their political posture. Amendments to the Law on Citizenship are just the beginning for formation of an integrated society. It is a very complicated and labour consuming task, Latvians would have to reconcile to the thought that Latvia will never be a national state in the ethnic understanding, but Russians have to understand that Latvia will never be Russia where the Russian language, culture and traditions would have no restrictions. Diena (Russian version)Diena (Russian version) Migration service specialists of Russia have estimated the situation and come to a conclusion that mass migration of non-native population from the Baltic states to Russia has come to an end. The peak of it was in 1992 - 1994 when every year about 26 000 people moved to Russia. In 1997 there were 5658 immigrants from Latvia, and now the migration level is in the frame of normal migration for all countries.

Migration service specialists of Russia have estimated the situation and come to a conclusion that mass migration of non-native population from the Baltic states to Russia has come to an end. The peak of it was in 1992 - 1994 when every year about 26 000 people moved to Russia. In 1997 there were 5658 immigrants from Latvia, and now the migration level is in the frame of normal migration for all countries. Chas

The head of Consular Department of Polish Embassy in Minsk V.Mendzelevsky announced that no visa regime for citizens of Russia and Byelorussia was abolished. According to the new regulations, citizens of these two countries have to acquire a visa either on the border or in the diplomatic representatives of Poland. Mr. V.Mendzelevsky explained that this was not a discrimination of citizens of Russia and Byelorussia.

The head of Consular Department of Polish Embassy in Minsk V.Mendzelevsky announced that no visa regime for citizens of Russia and Byelorussia was abolished. According to the new regulations, citizens of these two countries have to acquire a visa either on the border or in the diplomatic representatives of Poland. Mr. V.Mendzelevsky explained that this was not a discrimination of citizens of Russia and Byelorussia. Chas


interview ordinary citizens of Latvia on the streets of Riga whether they would go to sign the proposal. Some people did not now anything about it, some did not give a direct answer, some were eager to do it, but some had just a vague idea about it. Chas

Just after the ordinary refusal to register the block of left wing parties for the election to the 7th Saeima, the movement “Solidarity”, Socialist Party, People’s Harmony Party (PHP) and also Russian Party worked out an agreement to run for the elections under one banner on the list of PHP.

Just after the ordinary refusal to register the block of left wing parties for the election to the 7th Saeima, the movement Solidarity, Socialist Party, Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) and also Russian Party worked out an agreement to run for the elections under one banner on the list of PHP. SM

On the fourth day of collecting signatures for the proposal for a referendum there was no sign of increasing activity of the population. The leader of

On the fourth day of collecting signatures for the proposal for a referendum there was no sign of increasing activity of the population. The leader of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinblats and the head of this faction J.Straume confirmed this fact but explained that the Central Election Commission did not receive exact data from districts regularly and there was felt a pressure of public opinion on the activity of citizens. Bizness & Baltiya

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