Jan. 28, 1999

Press Review

Press Review


The Union of Social Democrats will object to several articles of the draft agreement between Prime Minister V.Kristopans and the Saeima faction of Social Democrats, prepared by the Chairwoman of LC faction K.Libane. The Chairman Social Democrats faction E.Baldzens said that they had no objections to 4/5 of this agreement. Rigas Balss (27.01.99)

During the first round of discussions the Prime Minister explained

During the first round of discussions the Prime Minister explained Social Democrats the principles of their future co-operation, and Social Democrats presented their draft agreement. For the time being both parties try to leave for them more rights and less obligations. Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

Answering to the question if the invitation of one

Answering to the question if the invitation of one Social Democrat would solve all the problems of the minority government, Social Democrat J.Adamsons said that Social Democrats would never give up the basic principles of their program but would try to reach compromises. It would be naive to hope that, just for being in the government, they would automatically sign all draft laws. G.Berzins from Peoples Party thinks that presence of Social Democrats would just prolong the term of being in the government for TB/LNNK and Latvijas Cels but would not solve problems in general. O.Denisov (For Human Rights in United Latvia) does not see any possibility that this could solve the government problems. J.Dobelis (TB/LNNK ) explains that they trust the Prime Minister, but every government has problems. And their faction support any attempt to strengthen the government. K.Leiskalns (LC) thinks that presence of one Social Democrat would not solve all problems. The fact of holding one minister post turns Social Democrats into a coalition partner. This could solve external problems but cause internal ones. Rigas Balss (27.01.99)

Jan. 27, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Tomorrow that Saeima will start considering the draft state budget for 1999 in the first reading. It is planned to adopt the budget at the end of February.

Tomorrow that Saeima will start considering the draft state budget for 1999 in the first reading. It is planned to adopt the budget at the end of February. Diena

During the meeting of the EU - Latvia inter-parliamentary committee in Brussels, the EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek said that he would be surprised if in December in Helsinki the EU did not invite Latvia to the accession talks. According to the Commissioner, Latvia does not have political obstacles to that. Still, the Commissioner advised the Latvian politicians to be careful and adopt the Education and State Language Law consulting with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.

During the meeting of the EU - Latvia inter-parliamentary committee in Brussels, the EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek said that he would be surprised if in December in Helsinki the EU did not invite Latvia to the accession talks. According to the Commissioner, Latvia does not have political obstacles to that. Still, the Commissioner advised the Latvian politicians to be careful and adopt the Education and State Language Law consulting with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Diena

Yesterday Latvia celebrated the 78th anniversary of the Latvia’s recognition

Yesterday Latvia celebrated the 78th anniversary of the Latvias recognition de iure. In an interview for the Latvian Radio the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that Latvia is in a similar situation as 78 years ago when the issue of the European security and Russia was important for Latvia. Although the relations with Russia are not rose-colored, Mr. Birkavs acknowledged the fact that the political dialog has been resumed. Diena, Neatkariga

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft Law on Emigration which provides for rights of citizens and residents who leave Latvia for the permanent residence in another country.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft Law on Emigration which provides for rights of citizens and residents who leave Latvia for the permanent residence in another country. B&B

The government does not plan to have any special events organized on 16 March, the Commemoration Day of the Latvian soldiers, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told at the press conference on Monday

The government does not plan to have any special events organized on 16 March, the Commemoration Day of the Latvian soldiers, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told at the press conference on Monday. Panorama Latvii

In a letter to the Prime Minister the Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss suggests to prepare a state program on Diaspora and decide which state institution will be responsible for its implementation. There are 200, 000 Latvians living outside Latvia, and it is about the time for Latvia to think about them.

In a letter to the Prime Minister the Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss suggests to prepare a state program on Diaspora and decide which state institution will be responsible for its implementation. There are 200, 000 Latvians living outside Latvia, and it is about the time for Latvia to think about them. Diena

Jan. 26, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister V.Kristopans will ask for the vote of confidence for the new Minister of Agriculture no sooner than February 4. At a press conference on Monday, V.Kristopans said that before this vote, he needed to co-ordinate an agreement with

Prime Minister V.Kristopans will ask for the vote of confidence for the new Minister of Agriculture no sooner than February 4. At a press conference on Monday, V.Kristopans said that before this vote, he needed to co-ordinate an agreement with Social Democrats. The draft is ready, and it will be discussed on Wednesday. The draft would oblige Social not to vote in commissions and the Saeima against the drafts, proposed by the government. and agreed upon in the commissions, as well as not to submit to the Saeima any draft laws as well as not to support any opposition proposed draft laws on budget and taxes. The Chairman of Social Democrats E.Baldzens said that Social Democrats were not ready to accept all government proposed drafts just for one minister post. Diena, Jauna Avize, SM

Since the beginning of this year, 67 parents have decided to register their children as citizens of the Republic of Latvia. State President G.Ulmanis is glad that people have started to look for their belonging. The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted regulations establishing the procedure how these parents should submit applications to the Naturalisation Board for granting Latvian citizenship to their children.

Since the beginning of this year, 67 parents have decided to register their children as citizens of the Republic of Latvia. State President G.Ulmanis is glad that people have started to look for their belonging. The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted regulations establishing the procedure how these parents should submit applications to the Naturalisation Board for granting Latvian citizenship to their children. Diena

Today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be exchanged the notes on annulling visa regime between Austria and Latvia. The no visa regime will take effect from February 1.

Today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be exchanged the notes on annulling visa regime between Austria and Latvia. The no visa regime will take effect from February 1. Jauna Avize

German Embassy to Latvia H.Waisel met with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and during this meeting he said that the most important event during his staying in Latvia was the planed introduction of no visa regime with Schengen Agreement countries. Answering to the question of Russian speaking newspaper

German Embassy to Latvia H.Waisel met with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and during this meeting he said that the most important event during his staying in Latvia was the planed introduction of no visa regime with Schengen Agreement countries. Answering to the question of Russian speaking newspaper Chas how this agreement would affect Latvian non-citizens, he said that this question was still open. Chas

Panorama Latvii

writes about things that happened to one of the activists of Russian Society V.Ployansky. He tried to invite a friend of his, Russian opposition activist, newspaper Zavtra Editor-in-Chief A.Pozarnov. Mr. Ployansky addressed the local office and got a refusal with an explanation that A.Pozarnov was a persona non grata in Latvia. Strange things happened after this visit. V.Polansky started to receive threats on the phone concerning this meeting, even a threat to put his apartment on fire. Due to all this he suffered a stroke and was taken to a hospital, but while at hospital, he learned that the door of the flat was put on fire in reality.

Jan. 22, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the draft budget for 1999 was submitted to the Saeima commissions for consideration. The only fraction which was against the submission of the draft budget, was the fraction

Yesterday the draft budget for 1999 was submitted to the Saeima commissions for consideration. The only fraction which was against the submission of the draft budget, was the fraction For Human Rights. Diena

The State President submitted a draft law providing that the new State President should be elected no later that a month before the expiration of the mandate of the present President which in this case is the 7th of July. In a letter sent to the Saeima Speaker, Mr. Ulmanis says that it is important to ensure the continuity and succession of the President’s institution. There are no laws or a unified custom from the pre-war period regulating the term of election of the new president

The State President submitted a draft law providing that the new State President should be elected no later that a month before the expiration of the mandate of the present President which in this case is the 7th of July. In a letter sent to the Saeima Speaker, Mr. Ulmanis says that it is important to ensure the continuity and succession of the Presidents institution. There are no laws or a unified custom from the pre-war period regulating the term of election of the new president. Diena, B&B

Yesterday the Saeima rejected two draft laws submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Prime Minister admitted that he was indignant, but “it would make the government to work in a more qualitative way.” The Prime Minister is ready to look for the support outside the coalition. The social democrats believe that now the ruling coalition and the Prime Minister will have to speed up the inclusion of the social democrats into the coalition. One of the rejected draft laws provided for the amendments to the Education Law stating that the salaries for pre-school teachers will be paid from the municipal budgets and not from the state budget.

Yesterday the Saeima rejected two draft laws submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Prime Minister admitted that he was indignant, but it would make the government to work in a more qualitative way. The Prime Minister is ready to look for the support outside the coalition. The social democrats believe that now the ruling coalition and the Prime Minister will have to speed up the inclusion of the social democrats into the coalition. One of the rejected draft laws provided for the amendments to the Education Law stating that the salaries for pre-school teachers will be paid from the municipal budgets and not from the state budget. Diena

Board of the

Board of the Fatherland and Freedom recommends the party to support the invitation of the social democrat Peteris Salkazanovs to the post of the Minister of Agriculture. The final decision will be taken by the Council of the Party on Saturday, 23 January. B&B

On Wednesday the Saeima Legal Commission decided to form a sub-commission which would deal with the drafting a law on parties. One of the main issues would be the state financing of parties.

On Wednesday the Saeima Legal Commission decided to form a sub-commission which would deal with the drafting a law on parties. One of the main issues would be the state financing of parties. Diena

The Social Maintenance Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia organized a meeting of the military pensioners to celebrate the promulgation of the year of 1999 by the UN the Year of Elderly People. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Mr. David Johnson participated in the meeting. At the meeting the participants exchanged the opinions about the situation of veterans in Latvia and denounced the expression of nationalism and Russophobia.

The Social Maintenance Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia organized a meeting of the military pensioners to celebrate the promulgation of the year of 1999 by the UN the Year of Elderly People. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Mr. David Johnson participated in the meeting. At the meeting the participants exchanged the opinions about the situation of veterans in Latvia and denounced the expression of nationalism and Russophobia. Panorama Latvii

Seventeen thousand Latvian citizens have still not exchanged their internal USSR passports to the citizens’ passports, even though the validity term of the former USSR passports for the Latvian citizens expired on 31 December 1997. Majority of persons who have not received their citizens’ passports are born in 1960’s and 1970’. Only 6.7 % of those citizens who still possess the former USSR passports, are financially challenged persons - pensioners.

Seventeen thousand Latvian citizens have still not exchanged their internal USSR passports to the citizens passports, even though the validity term of the former USSR passports for the Latvian citizens expired on 31 December 1997. Majority of persons who have not received their citizens passports are born in 1960s and 1970. Only 6.7 % of those citizens who still possess the former USSR passports, are financially challenged persons - pensioners. Neatkariga

In the near future the Law on Status of the Politically Repressed Persons will be amended. DIENA interviews the Chair of the Commission for Assessment of Totalitarian Regime Crimes Dainis Vanags, the Chair of the Union of the Politically Repressed Persons Visvaldis Aivars, the Chair of the Public Organisation ‘Memorial” Galina Matisa, and the Chair of the Prisoners of Ghetto and Concentration Camps Alexander Bergman to assess the present situation of politically repressed persons and the draft amendments. It was stressed that the Latvian citizenship is not the obligatory requirement for granting the status of a politically repressed person.

In the near future the Law on Status of the Politically Repressed Persons will be amended. DIENA interviews the Chair of the Commission for Assessment of Totalitarian Regime Crimes Dainis Vanags, the Chair of the Union of the Politically Repressed Persons Visvaldis Aivars, the Chair of the Public Organisation ‘Memorial Galina Matisa, and the Chair of the Prisoners of Ghetto and Concentration Camps Alexander Bergman to assess the present situation of politically repressed persons and the draft amendments. It was stressed that the Latvian citizenship is not the obligatory requirement for granting the status of a politically repressed person. Diena

Jan. 21, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Most likely today the Saeima will submit the draft budget for 1999 to the standing commissions for consideration, since it is supported by 5 out of 6 Saeima fractions. The only fraction which is against the submitting of the draft budget to the Saeima commission, is the fraction

Most likely today the Saeima will submit the draft budget for 1999 to the standing commissions for consideration, since it is supported by 5 out of 6 Saeima fractions. The only fraction which is against the submitting of the draft budget to the Saeima commission, is the fraction For Human Rights. The Deputy Chair of the fraction For Human Rights Janis Urbanovich told SM that the fraction has decided not to support the Prime Minister any further, since he has not fulfilled his promises and has stepped aside from the discussion about the state language and the situation in the National Human Rights Office. Neatkariga, SM

The State President Guntis Ulmanis does not agree with the conclusions about the changes in the course of the Latvian foreign policy, stated by the Jamestown Foundation. Instead of evaluating the Foundation, Latvia should prove by deeds that it consistently carries out the integration into the NATO, Mr. Ulmanis says in the distributed press statement.

The State President Guntis Ulmanis does not agree with the conclusions about the changes in the course of the Latvian foreign policy, stated by the Jamestown Foundation. Instead of evaluating the Foundation, Latvia should prove by deeds that it consistently carries out the integration into the NATO, Mr. Ulmanis says in the distributed press statement. Neatkariga

There is the lack of information about processes happening in Latvia, and the recent study by the United States Jamestown Foundation shows it, the United States Ambassador James Holmes said at the meeting with members of the US-Latvia parliamentary co-operation group. Yesterday the US Ambassador met with the chair of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission Guntars Krasts to discuss the draft language law. The US Ambassador remarked that the regulation of the language use in the private sphere may undermine the enterpreneurship and hinder the attracting of investments. Mr. Krasts believes that the law should balance the interests of the enterpreneurship with interests of the Latvian language.

There is the lack of information about processes happening in Latvia, and the recent study by the United States Jamestown Foundation shows it, the United States Ambassador James Holmes said at the meeting with members of the US-Latvia parliamentary co-operation group. Yesterday the US Ambassador met with the chair of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission Guntars Krasts to discuss the draft language law. The US Ambassador remarked that the regulation of the language use in the private sphere may undermine the enterpreneurship and hinder the attracting of investments. Mr. Krasts believes that the law should balance the interests of the enterpreneurship with interests of the Latvian language. Neatkariga, SM

Majority of the MP interviewed by the

Majority of the MP interviewed by the SM believe that on the eve of the NATO summit in Washington one might expect various provocation against Latvia. SM

Although the Latvian - Estonian agreement on facilitated border crossing for Valka - Valga residents was initialled on 27 November 1998, it is still not in force in Latvia. The Latvian Border Guards still use the old regulations providing that non-citizens may stay in the neighbouring country only for 90 days per year whereas the new regulations allow to stay for 180 days. According to the Chief of the Border Guard Valmiera Division Guntars Kamenskis, the implementation of the agreement is delayed because the Saeima has not considered the agreement, yet.

Although the Latvian - Estonian agreement on facilitated border crossing for Valka - Valga residents was initialled on 27 November 1998, it is still not in force in Latvia. The Latvian Border Guards still use the old regulations providing that non-citizens may stay in the neighbouring country only for 90 days per year whereas the new regulations allow to stay for 180 days. According to the Chief of the Border Guard Valmiera Division Guntars Kamenskis, the implementation of the agreement is delayed because the Saeima has not considered the agreement, yet. Neatkariga

Neatkarigainterviews the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans. The main issues are the draft budget for 1999, the privatisation and the research by US Jamestown Foundation about the Latvias course to the NATO. Neatkariga

The news agency LETA informs that the Russian government has completely paid off the debt for 1998 pensions to military pensioners residing in the Baltic States.

The news agency LETA informs that the Russian government has completely paid off the debt for 1998 pensions to military pensioners residing in the Baltic States. Neatkariga

Yesterday the faction

Yesterday the faction For Fatherland and Freedom, the Naturalisation Board and the Ministry of Justice reached a compromise about the amendments to the draft regulations on the procedure of the submitting and consideration of applications for recognising a child as the Latvian citizen. According to the Minister of Justice I. Labucka, the Cabinet of Ministers might adopt the regulations already next week. Initially the Fatherland and Freedom objected to the wide range of documents which might be submitted to certify the period of residence in Latvia. Now the parties have agreed the regulations will state that the USSR passports are valid till 1 January 2000. Besides, if an applicant submits this passport, he/she will have to write a statement witnessing that he/she is not a citizen of another country. Furthermore, all parents who will apply for citizenship for their children, will be asked to present an official document certifying that during the last five years they have permanently resided in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported the ratification of the Protocol 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, concerning the abolition of the death penalty.

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported the ratification of the Protocol 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, concerning the abolition of the death penalty. Diena

In order to ensure qualitative naturalisation process and prevent the violation of the Citizenship Law, the Naturalisation Board needs 15 additional staff units and additional 48,9 thousand Lats in the 1999 budget, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed the members of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights. The number of applications for naturalisation has increased four times since the adoption of the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. In Riga, for example, at the moment people sign up for submitting documents in March. Ms. Aldermane noted that the Latvian Ambassador in Russia had already been asked to explain the artificial hampering of naturalisation process in Latvia.

In order to ensure qualitative naturalisation process and prevent the violation of the Citizenship Law, the Naturalisation Board needs 15 additional staff units and additional 48,9 thousand Lats in the 1999 budget, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed the members of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights. The number of applications for naturalisation has increased four times since the adoption of the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. In Riga, for example, at the moment people sign up for submitting documents in March. Ms. Aldermane noted that the Latvian Ambassador in Russia had already been asked to explain the artificial hampering of naturalisation process in Latvia. Diena

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