May 14, 1999

Press review

Press review

President Ulmanis expressed his support to Prime Minister V.Kristopans. After the meeting with V.Kristopans, G.Ulmanis announced that did not have any reason to think that PM’s activities could be influenced by any economic groups. He also acknowledged that the dismissal of A.Slesers was a well thought over decision based on many serious arguments. President was sure about the stability of the government.

President Ulmanis expressed his support to Prime Minister V.Kristopans. After the meeting with V.Kristopans, G.Ulmanis announced that did not have any reason to think that PMs activities could be influenced by any economic groups. He also acknowledged that the dismissal of A.Slesers was a well thought over decision based on many serious arguments. President was sure about the stability of the government. Neatkariga, Diena

The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats considers the adoption of the language law to be one of the major tasks of this Saeima. The party finds the adopted second reading of the draft to be satisfactorily. The main topic of discussions are HC Max van der Stoel’s recommendations. The opinion of TB/LNNK is the following - we should listen carefully to the recommendations of large international organisations, but our legislation is in our hands, and Latvia can not offend any foreign state or international organisation by not accepting their recommendations or accepting them partially. These recommendations have arisen in a different language environment, and in addition Mr.van der Stoel is notorious for his partial attitude towards small countries and nations.

The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats considers the adoption of the language law to be one of the major tasks of this Saeima. The party finds the adopted second reading of the draft to be satisfactorily. The main topic of discussions are HC Max van der Stoels recommendations. The opinion of TB/LNNK is the following - we should listen carefully to the recommendations of large international organisations, but our legislation is in our hands, and Latvia can not offend any foreign state or international organisation by not accepting their recommendations or accepting them partially. These recommendations have arisen in a different language environment, and in addition Mr.van der Stoel is notorious for his partial attitude towards small countries and nations. Neatkariga

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that there were no principal disagreement during the meeting of Latvian and Russian government experts on social welfare issues, and the agreement on social guarantees could be signed this year.

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that there were no principal disagreement during the meeting of Latvian and Russian government experts on social welfare issues, and the agreement on social guarantees could be signed this year. Neatkariga

The TB/LNNK faction has submitted to the Saeima a proposal for amending the law On city council and parish council elections establishing a 5% barrier for parties to be elected. A PM Dz.Rasnacs explained that in the current law there was no barrier and this norm did not correspond to the principle of proportionality.

Neatkariga, Diena

Former politician M.Vulfsons has an opinion that Latvia needs a new national unity government that would defend the interests of people, but not just exist to survive.


German President R.Herzog is coming to Latvia on an official visit on May 19 - 21. Diena

May 13, 1999

Press report

Press report

Latvian politicians consider B.Yeltsin’s decision to dismiss the government to be an internal matter of Russia and do not think that it could influence the bilateral relations much. This is also an official opinion of the MFA.

Latvian politicians consider B.Yeltsins decision to dismiss the government to be an internal matter of Russia and do not think that it could influence the bilateral relations much. This is also an official opinion of the MFA. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness&Baltiya

President G.Ulmanis as well does not anticipate any changes in Latvian Russian relations after the change of the government in Russia.

President G.Ulmanis as well does not anticipate any changes in Latvian Russian relations after the change of the government in Russia. Jauna Avize

New Party

has not taken a decision whether to remain in the coalition and plans to decide it as well as about the candidate to the post of the Minister of Economics at the has not taken a decision whether to remain in the coalition and plans to decide it as well as about the candidate to the post of the Minister of Economics at the NPNP Board meeting on May 19. By that time the government should solve the problem of dismissing the Director General of the Privatisation Agency, let the new minister should not have to deal with it. Board meeting on May 19. By that time the government should solve the problem of dismissing the Director General of the Privatisation Agency, let the new minister should not have to deal with it. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SMNeatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM The decision of the Russian President could influence the work of the Latvian - Russian intergovernmental Commission because the Co-chairman of the Commission R.Abdulatipov has resigned with the rest of the ministers. The former ministers continue working, but Mr.Abdulatipov does not know whether he will be included in the new government. Latvian Embassy in Moscow guess that the issue of further activities of the Commission could be one of the major topics for discussion between V.Birkavs and I.Ivanov during their meeting in Saint Petersburg. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that no more two sided meetings were planned with the other ministers present at this 5+3+1 meeting.

The decision of the Russian President could influence the work of the Latvian - Russian intergovernmental Commission because the Co-chairman of the Commission R.Abdulatipov has resigned with the rest of the ministers. The former ministers continue working, but Mr.Abdulatipov does not know whether he will be included in the new government. Latvian Embassy in Moscow guess that the issue of further activities of the Commission could be one of the major topics for discussion between V.Birkavs and I.Ivanov during their meeting in Saint Petersburg. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that no more two sided meetings were planned with the other ministers present at this 5+3+1 meeting. Neatkariga

The meeting of the Intergovernmental commission that took place in Moscow on Wednesday according to the experts’ opinion was fruitful - it has given the expected results. No further information was available.

The meeting of the Intergovernmental commission that took place in Moscow on Wednesday according to the experts opinion was fruitful - it has given the expected results. No further information was available. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The government forming coalition factions have come to an agreement that next Thursday when the vote of non-confidence to Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans is to be considered, all the faction members will be present and reject the proposal. President Ulmanis thinks that is a task for the opposition to oppose the government, and

The government forming coalition factions have come to an agreement that next Thursday when the vote of non-confidence to Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans is to be considered, all the faction members will be present and reject the proposal. President Ulmanis thinks that is a task for the opposition to oppose the government, and Peoples Party is very active in it. Neatkariga

The Russian National Council expressed a protest to Latvian authorities for persecuting the deputy of the Riga City Council T.Zhdanok. The deputies of the National Council see this action of the Latvian authorities as a restriction of the political, civic and economic rights of Russian speakers residing permanently in Latvia.

The Russian National Council expressed a protest to Latvian authorities for persecuting the deputy of the Riga City Council T.Zhdanok. The deputies of the National Council see this action of the Latvian authorities as a restriction of the political, civic and economic rights of Russian speakers residing permanently in Latvia. Neatkariga

A high ranking EC official told the newspaper Diena that EC supported the proposals of the OSCE HC Max van der Stoel on the draft language laws. EC representative said that the Commission had expressed their concern about the non-conformity of the draft language law to the association agreement in an unofficial conclusion, and the content of it has been made known to the Latvian government, Saeima and several institutions involved. While the law is in the draft form, no more official document should follow.

A high ranking EC official told the newspaper Diena that EC supported the proposals of the OSCE HC Max van der Stoel on the draft language laws. EC representative said that the Commission had expressed their concern about the non-conformity of the draft language law to the association agreement in an unofficial conclusion, and the content of it has been made known to the Latvian government, Saeima and several institutions involved. While the law is in the draft form, no more official document should follow. Diena

Dr. A.Pabriks published his opinion on the draft language law. He thinks that people regard the law as the main goal but forget that this law is just a step towards some major goal - public integration.

Dr. A.Pabriks published his opinion on the draft language law. He thinks that people regard the law as the main goal but forget that this law is just a step towards some major goal - public integration. Diena

Panorama Latvii interviewed the Deputy head of the DCMA A.J.Lejins, and Mr.Lejins told the journalist about the situation in Aluksne where, as the auditors from the DCMA Central office had discovered, the local office head I.Pliens had not collected the fee for issuing residence permits. The auditors did not go into details and send this case to the criminal police for investigation because of a suspicion that the fee could be collected but not recorded. Although the local head paid the missing 697 Lats back, he was dismissed.

May 12, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Former Minister of Economics A.Slesers after his firing from the government announced that the state was led by A.Lembergs but not by V.Kristopans and proved his statement.

Former Minister of Economics A.Slesers after his firing from the government announced that the state was led by A.Lembergs but not by V.Kristopans and proved his statement. LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs finds this action of Slesers unacceptable and regards it as a revenge for losing his post. On the other hand, the opposition leader A.Skele said that these events had proved V.Kristopanss incapability to lead the government and that the government had always depended on outside influence. Anybody who would agree to take the post of the Minister of Economics would agree to work in a puppet government. To avoid this situation Peoples Party has taken a decision to pass a vote of non-confidence to the government. Although the ruling coalition has the majority in the Saeima, A.Skele assured that most of the deputies had conscience. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas, Panorama Latvii

In Russian version of

In Russian version of Diena A.Skele published an article explaining the policy of Peoples Party. They consider it is a high time for V.Kristopans to step down and let PP to form the new government.

This week a meeting of the ministers of Foreign Affairs from the Nordic and Baltic states and Russia would take place in Saint Petersburg to discuss different issues. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs told the Latvian Radio that he planned to meet his Russian colleague I.Ivanov to discuss the bilateral relations.

This week a meeting of the ministers of Foreign Affairs from the Nordic and Baltic states and Russia would take place in Saint Petersburg to discuss different issues. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs told the Latvian Radio that he planned to meet his Russian colleague I.Ivanov to discuss the bilateral relations. Neatkariga. Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

Prime Minister V.Kristopans signed the decree of dismissal of the Minister of Economics A.Slesers and Parliamentary Secretary A.Tocs not waiting for the 48 hours stipulated by the coalition agreement. The opinions of

Prime Minister V.Kristopans signed the decree of dismissal of the Minister of Economics A.Slesers and Parliamentary Secretary A.Tocs not waiting for the 48 hours stipulated by the coalition agreement. The opinions of New Party politicians whether to remain in the government differ, but the rest of the government forming factions are sure that NP will stick to the coalition. A meeting of the representatives of the New Party and Latvijas Cels took place on Tuesday night, and A.Pantelejevs commenting this meeting, said that the both parties were interested in keeping this government. A.Pantelejevs stressed that it would be necessary to enlarge the coalition, by inviting Social Democrats as full-fledged members, and conclude a new coalition agreement. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK is not ready for such a step yet. They have to see what course will be chosen by the Social Democrats at their party congress on May 29. Diena

Peoples Party

leader A.Skele announced that PP was ready to organize a referendum on the state language law should the OSCE recommendations were adopted. While meeting with the voters, he promised not to allow the amendments, proposed by the OSCE, to be adopted. Diena

About 200 000 non-citizens have not applied to receive their non-citizen passports and about 100 000 of them will not do it till the beginning of the next year. They will have no valid ID because the former USSR passports would become invalid. But these people will have no problems to receive passports even after this date.

About 200 000 non-citizens have not applied to receive their non-citizen passports and about 100 000 of them will not do it till the beginning of the next year. They will have no valid ID because the former USSR passports would become invalid. But these people will have no problems to receive passports even after this date. Diena

The social issues working groups of the intergovernmental Latvian - Russian commission restarted their activities in Moscow on Wednesday. The experts discussed the agreement on co-operation in the social welfare issues.

The social issues working groups of the intergovernmental Latvian - Russian commission restarted their activities in Moscow on Wednesday. The experts discussed the agreement on co-operation in the social welfare issues. Diena

In the nearest future a government formed working group will announce a tender on printing new citizen passports and other IDs necessary for traveling. The Director of MFA Consular Department S.Mellupe told the news agency Leta, the working group would prepare the tender regulations by May 15 and by October 1 they had to submit the results of this tender to the government.

In the nearest future a government formed working group will announce a tender on printing new citizen passports and other IDs necessary for traveling. The Director of MFA Consular Department S.Mellupe told the news agency Leta, the working group would prepare the tender regulations by May 15 and by October 1 they had to submit the results of this tender to the government. Diena

S.Mihailov in

S.Mihailov in Panorama Latvii comments the results of the TV discussion of Latvian top politicians on the national program of integration. A.Seikts thinks that the lines of people at the offices of the Naturalisation Board is an evidence that these people are integrated, Dz.Abikis sees the main goal of integration in including non-Latvians into the Latvian environment. J.Jurkans perceives integration as something suggested by some Western experts otherwise Latvia could have problems in joining EU. The author comes to a conclusion that the tops would like integration , but the bottoms (Latvians themselves) have many reasons to dislike it. And the other part of the population has their experiences making them to be cautious about it. Panorama Latvii

May 11, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

News No 1 in all Latvian newspapers - Prime Minister V.Kristopans fires the Minister of Economics - A.Slesers. It was announced yesterday that the Prime Minister wo ask A.Slesers to resign and the

News No 1 in all Latvian newspapers - Prime Minister V.Kristopans fires the Minister of Economics - A.Slesers. It was announced yesterday that the Prime Minister wo ask A.Slesers to resign and the New Party to nominate a new candidate for this post. The main argument for such a decision was lack of professionalism of this minister. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize,Lauku Avize , SM, Chas , Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

On Wednesday negotiations will start between Latvian and Russian intergovernmental commission working groups on social and humanitarian issues. Experts plan to start working on agreement on co-operation in the field of social welfare. This agreement has been discussed for almost three years. The draft agreement has bee prepared, and there are hopes that they could discuss the final version of this draft. Latvia would like to discuss the agreements on labour movement and health care, but Russia plans to speak about naturalisation issues and problems of military pensioners residing in Latvia.

On Wednesday negotiations will start between Latvian and Russian intergovernmental commission working groups on social and humanitarian issues. Experts plan to start working on agreement on co-operation in the field of social welfare. This agreement has been discussed for almost three years. The draft agreement has bee prepared, and there are hopes that they could discuss the final version of this draft. Latvia would like to discuss the agreements on labour movement and health care, but Russia plans to speak about naturalisation issues and problems of military pensioners residing in Latvia. Neatkariga

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Peoples Party A.Skele officially announced that Peoples Party had started presidential election campaign and stated that their candidate V.Paegle and TB/LNNK candidate J.Priedkalns were the most appropriate for this post. Neatkariga, Diena, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

Prime Minister V.Kristopans has made up his mind to invite 4 state ministers to the government. Evidently plenary session he will offer the Saeima to confirm as the Forestry State Minister G.Kaktins from

Prime Minister V.Kristopans has made up his mind to invite 4 state ministers to the government. Evidently plenary session he will offer the Saeima to confirm as the Forestry State Minister G.Kaktins from Union of Latvian Social Democrats, as the Higher Education State Minister - T.Koke from Peoples Party, as Health Care State Minister - V.Jaksons from TB/LNNK and as the Minister of Special Portfolio - J.Bunkss from Latvijas Cels on Thursday. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The TB/LNNK Saeima faction A.Pozarnovs informed that the TB/LNNK faction deputies and ministers were to submit proposals for co-operation agreement with the

The TB/LNNK Saeima faction A.Pozarnovs informed that the TB/LNNK faction deputies and ministers were to submit proposals for co-operation agreement with the Union of Latvian Social Democrats within one week, as well as to evaluate the conformity of this document to the party program, coalition agreement and government declaration. Neatkariga

The leaders of government forming coalition parties consider that the latest announcements, made by

The leaders of government forming coalition parties consider that the latest announcements, made by Peoples Party leaders, about a possibility for some position deputies to join the opposition leaders, should be linked with the oppositions wish to destabilize the governing coalition. Neatkariga

Yesterday the first 14 non-citizens children born after August 21, 1991 were granted citizenship. Since the amendments to the Law on Citizenship took effect in February this year, only 98 persons have submitted a request for granting citizenship to their children.

Yesterday the first 14 non-citizens children born after August 21, 1991 were granted citizenship. Since the amendments to the Law on Citizenship took effect in February this year, only 98 persons have submitted a request for granting citizenship to their children. Neatkariga, Diena

K.Yevlogin in

K.Yevlogin in SM ponders on two modern terms - convergence and integration. Present Latvian leaders have mixed up those terms and by integration they just understand a very simple process - turning everything starting from teaching in schools to all record keeping and private communications into the Latvian language, and everybody would be loyal. He describes the situation of Russian speakers living in Latvia, they are not wanted here and they feel aliens in Russia. And the thing what is needed for many of them (even Russian speaking citizens of Latvia, is convergence, not integration. SM

The faction

The faction For Human Rights in United Latvia deputy J.Urbanovich, commenting the information spread in some mass media that this faction was ready to co-operate with Peoples Party, said that it was as shocking for them as it was for the governing coalition. But FHRUL understands that any of their attempts to join the coalition would fail, but nobody can stop them from so called selection of the government - to minimize the number of nationalist radicals there. Panorama Latvii

May 10, 1999

Press Report

Several members of the radical organisation, led by Lemonov, were detained for provocative actions during the commemoration event of May 9 at the Victory Monument.

Several members of the radical organisation, led by Lemonov, were detained for provocative actions during the commemoration event of May 9 at the Victory Monument. Neatkariga, Diena

During the four months of this year about 50 persons have exchanged their nationality in Latvia. Most of them had a very good command of the Latvian language and exchanged their Russian nationality for Latvian. This procedure lasts for one month and the state fee is 20 Ls.

During the four months of this year about 50 persons have exchanged their nationality in Latvia. Most of them had a very good command of the Latvian language and exchanged their Russian nationality for Latvian. This procedure lasts for one month and the state fee is 20 Ls. Neatkariga

Latvian truck drivers were surprised when a new so called “preserve tax” was introduced for crossing Latvian Byelorussian border in Braslava Region because this region was announced to be a protected area. Neither Byelorussian Consulate General, accredited in Daugavpils, nor Consul General V.Sisoyev had made any comments on it. The amount of tax for foreign cars is 5 USD and 10 USD for trucks.

Latvian truck drivers were surprised when a new so called preserve tax was introduced for crossing Latvian Byelorussian border in Braslava Region because this region was announced to be a protected area. Neither Byelorussian Consulate General, accredited in Daugavpils, nor Consul General V.Sisoyev had made any comments on it. The amount of tax for foreign cars is 5 USD and 10 USD for trucks. Neatkariga

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Peoples Party faction G.Berzins announced that if there would be no change of the government, their faction could increase by some five of six deputies from the government forming factions. He refused to give any names not to cause problems for them. The Chairman of New Party faction S.Dreimane thinks this to be just another trick of the opposition to attract attention. Diena

A delegation from Poland has arrived to Latvia to learn about the activities of the Naturalisation Board, experiences in solving citizenship issues and the situation of Polish minority in Latvia.

A delegation from Poland has arrived to Latvia to learn about the activities of the Naturalisation Board, experiences in solving citizenship issues and the situation of Polish minority in Latvia. Jauna Avize

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel might come to Latvia at the end of May to discuss the conformity of the draft language law to the international standards.

Jauna Avize According to the Finance Minister I.Godmanis, the most difficult times for Latvia are over, and no major crises are to be expected in the future. He was a bit more pessimistic when speaking about tax revenues.

According to the Finance Minister I.Godmanis, the most difficult times for Latvia are over, and no major crises are to be expected in the future. He was a bit more pessimistic when speaking about tax revenues. Jauna Avize

The Head of the Language Inspection M.Birznieks, commenting Prime Minister V.Kristopans’s proposals for amending the language law, said that the seven last years of Inspection’s work had been in vain. At the end of April, V.Kristopans submitted to the Saeima his version of the amendments to the language law to ease the life of private businesses. According to Mr. Birzgalis, local businessmen have not many problems with the existing law, there were only 10 statements of case on violating the language law in book keeping last year.

The Head of the Language Inspection M.Birznieks, commenting Prime Minister V.Kristopanss proposals for amending the language law, said that the seven last years of Inspections work had been in vain. At the end of April, V.Kristopans submitted to the Saeima his version of the amendments to the language law to ease the life of private businesses. According to Mr. Birzgalis, local businessmen have not many problems with the existing law, there were only 10 statements of case on violating the language law in book keeping last year. Chas

An analogous list to the Latvian Union

An analogous list to the Latvian Union For Human Rights in United Latvia was prepared for municipal election in Estonia. The only difference is that this Russian list contains names of 23 political parties. Among the top priorities of this Union is to legalise the use of the Russian language in all spheres of human activities in the regions where Russian speakers constitute at least 1/3 of the population. Chas

A discussion “The concept of public integration in Latvia - national minorities’ point of view” took place on May 4. One of the speakers, A.Gilman compared this discussion to a plan to grow oranges in Latvia - people were discussing methods how to improve the process disregarding the fact of severe winters here. Also an MP Cilevich was pessimistic about it, stating that an opinion was being cultivated here as if the existence of Russian intellectual elite endangered the statehood of the Republic of Latvia, and it was the reason for attempts to exterminate an education on the Russian language.

A discussion The concept of public integration in Latvia - national minorities point of view took place on May 4. One of the speakers, A.Gilman compared this discussion to a plan to grow oranges in Latvia - people were discussing methods how to improve the process disregarding the fact of severe winters here. Also an MP Cilevich was pessimistic about it, stating that an opinion was being cultivated here as if the existence of Russian intellectual elite endangered the statehood of the Republic of Latvia, and it was the reason for attempts to exterminate an education on the Russian language. Panorama Latvii

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, while visiting Estonia last week, met Estonian President L.Meri who proposed to close the Mission in Estonia. According to the President, the Mission had fulfilled all its tasks. As there were no problems with human rights issues in Estonia, the resources allocated for the Mission could be used for other needs. For example - opening a conflict prevention centre.

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, while visiting Estonia last week, met Estonian President L.Meri who proposed to close the Mission in Estonia. According to the President, the Mission had fulfilled all its tasks. As there were no problems with human rights issues in Estonia, the resources allocated for the Mission could be used for other needs. For example - opening a conflict prevention centre. Bizness & Baltiya

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