Aug. 9, 1999

Press Report

To help the ethnic Russians residing in Latvia willing to return to Russia, the International Migration Organisation and the Russian Federal Migration Service Representative Office are doing a joint project to grant material support to the needy repatriates. 2000 to 3000 repatriates leave Latvia for Russia annually. The support currently allotted by the US was initially intended to help 2000 repatriates but the existing funding allows to support 400 by the end of this year. After the information provided by the above Representative Office, it is mostly elderly people finding themselves in material hardship who decide to repatriate to Russia. Also, lately there have been families who want their children to study in their native language and the Office expects more such people next year.

To help the ethnic Russians residing in Latvia willing to return to Russia, the International Migration Organisation and the Russian Federal Migration Service Representative Office are doing a joint project to grant material support to the needy repatriates. 2000 to 3000 repatriates leave Latvia for Russia annually. The support currently allotted by the US was initially intended to help 2000 repatriates but the existing funding allows to support 400 by the end of this year. After the information provided by the above Representative Office, it is mostly elderly people finding themselves in material hardship who decide to repatriate to Russia. Also, lately there have been families who want their children to study in their native language and the Office expects more such people next year. Diena

The former Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis told BNS that he supports the shift to a generally elected president who then would have more responsibility for the developments in the country.

The former Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis told BNS that he supports the shift to a generally elected president who then would have more responsibility for the developments in the country. Diena, Chas

Ventspils is the first town in Latvia to develop a society integration program on a municipal level. August 6, the commission of the program had its first meeting and discussed the model of the commission and decided to have eight sub-divisions to deal with issues of language, education, citizenship, naturalisation, youth, employment, living conditions, public information and participation in the town’s administration.

Ventspils is the first town in Latvia to develop a society integration program on a municipal level. August 6, the commission of the program had its first meeting and discussed the model of the commission and decided to have eight sub-divisions to deal with issues of language, education, citizenship, naturalisation, youth, employment, living conditions, public information and participation in the towns administration. Neatkariga

Education Minister Silva Golde issued an order last week for the regional and local school boards to submit lists by this Monday with names of teachers-pensioners who cannot be replaced at schools.

Education Minister Silva Golde issued an order last week for the regional and local school boards to submit lists by this Monday with names of teachers-pensioners who cannot be replaced at schools. Jauna Avize

The forum of teachers taking place in Riga Monday and Tuesday plans to discuss the situation with teachers-pensioners in the view of the adopted amendments to the Pension Law.

The forum of teachers taking place in Riga Monday and Tuesday plans to discuss the situation with teachers-pensioners in the view of the adopted amendments to the Pension Law. Chas

Next week the Finance Ministry and the Education Ministry will sign the agreement with the World Bank about allotting US$ 40 million during four years to the development of schools in Latvia.

Next week the Finance Ministry and the Education Ministry will sign the agreement with the World Bank about allotting US$ 40 million during four years to the development of schools in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Aug. 7, 1999

Press Report

Latvian Trade Unions, leaders of some political parties and NGOs passed a joint appeal on August 6 to the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume asking to delay for two months publishing of the amendments to the Pension Law. The meeting supported the idea about a public referendum. Straume will not make a decision about proclaiming the amendments to the law before Thursday, August 12. Straume allowed the possibility that during this week the 35 deputies from the opposition factions who asked the president not to proclaim the amendments may reconsider their decision and withdraw the signatures.

Latvian Trade Unions, leaders of some political parties and NGOs passed a joint appeal on August 6 to the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume asking to delay for two months publishing of the amendments to the Pension Law. The meeting supported the idea about a public referendum. Straume will not make a decision about proclaiming the amendments to the law before Thursday, August 12. Straume allowed the possibility that during this week the 35 deputies from the opposition factions who asked the president not to proclaim the amendments may reconsider their decision and withdraw the signatures. Diena, Neatkariga

Reforms in the field of education suggested by the new government are contradictory and some of them superficial and ungrounded, think school teachers. After Education Minister Silva Golde, it is possible to raise teachers’ salaries by closing the small rural schools and reducing the amount of classes.

Reforms in the field of education suggested by the new government are contradictory and some of them superficial and ungrounded, think school teachers. After Education Minister Silva Golde, it is possible to raise teachers salaries by closing the small rural schools and reducing the amount of classes.

As there are more than 3000 pension-age teachers working at schools the school directors expect problems starting January 1, 2000 if the amendments to the Pension Law enter into effect making pension-age teachers decide to quit their jobs and live on the pension. As a result, it is possible that some subjects will not be taught at all.

As there are more than 3000 pension-age teachers working at schools the school directors expect problems starting January 1, 2000 if the amendments to the Pension Law enter into effect making pension-age teachers decide to quit their jobs and live on the pension. As a result, it is possible that some subjects will not be taught at all. Diena

Director of the Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers’ opinion is that passing over the functions of the Constitutional Court to the Supreme Court would mean a step back in Latvia’s way to lawful state and democratic society.

Director of the Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers opinion is that passing over the functions of the Constitutional Court to the Supreme Court would mean a step back in Latvias way to lawful state and democratic society. Diena

After the statement released by press office of Russia’s plenipotentiary in human rights issues Oleg Mironov, Latvia systematically violates the General Declaration of Human Rights as well as its commitments in the role of the CE member state. Mironov has registered more than 40 differences in the rights of Latvian citizens and non-citizens. Mironov has decided to suggest to Russia’s delegation to the CE Parliamentary Assembly to propose putting Latvia’s issue on the Assembly’s agenda. Latvian Foreign Ministry’s press officer Janis Silis said that the human rights situation in Latvia is regularly studied by international experts who think that human rights are not violated in Latvia.

After the statement released by press office of Russias plenipotentiary in human rights issues Oleg Mironov, Latvia systematically violates the General Declaration of Human Rights as well as its commitments in the role of the CE member state. Mironov has registered more than 40 differences in the rights of Latvian citizens and non-citizens. Mironov has decided to suggest to Russias delegation to the CE Parliamentary Assembly to propose putting Latvias issue on the Assemblys agenda. Latvian Foreign Ministrys press officer Janis Silis said that the human rights situation in Latvia is regularly studied by international experts who think that human rights are not violated in Latvia. Neatkariga 07.08., Chas, Panorama Latvii 09.08.

Aug. 6, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Neither the pickets of pensioners nor the call of

Neither the pickets of pensioners nor the call of Social Democrats not to consider the amendments to the pension law prevented the Saeima to adopt these amendments. But it was a surprise for the government forming coalition that the opposition parties united and collected 34 signatures necessary to ask the President to postpone the adoption of the law for two months to collect 10 000 signatures to start a referendum. Some NGOs have already offered their help in this. Neatkariga, Chas

Politicians are worried about the statement made by the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs about possible abolishing of Constitutional Court. There is a version that the real author of this idea is A.Skele, and journalists name several possible reasons for this move.

Politicians are worried about the statement made by the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs about possible abolishing of Constitutional Court. There is a version that the real author of this idea is A.Skele, and journalists name several possible reasons for this move. Neatkariga, Diena

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Peoples Party G.Berzins announced and Prime Minister A.Skele confirmed the idea to reorganise the Ministry of Education and Science by the end of this year. Politicians avoid to name concrete changes, just speak about changes of some functions and the name of the Ministry. G.Berzins even proposed to abolish it because of Ministrys incapability to solve major education problems. The fact of reorganisation was also confirmed by the Minister of Education and Science S.Golde. Diena

The Head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane informed that the original content of the public integration program had been changed and the final version had been submitted to the Ministry of Justice to forward it to the Cabinet of Ministers. There are six chapters in the new version, which name problems not discussed in the original version of the concept. Taking into consideration the financial situation in the state, the concept does not anticipate to establish a special responsible institution due to. In almost all state institutions there is a person responsible for integration, therefore the coordinator could be e.g. Public Integration Department of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane informed that the original content of the public integration program had been changed and the final version had been submitted to the Ministry of Justice to forward it to the Cabinet of Ministers. There are six chapters in the new version, which name problems not discussed in the original version of the concept. Taking into consideration the financial situation in the state, the concept does not anticipate to establish a special responsible institution due to. In almost all state institutions there is a person responsible for integration, therefore the coordinator could be e.g. Public Integration Department of the Ministry of Education and Science. Diena, Chas

Aug. 5, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

It is anticipated that the amendment to the budget will be adopted today in the third reading because the three government forming factions support it. The opposition parties will vote against these amendments.

It is anticipated that the amendment to the budget will be adopted today in the third reading because the three government forming factions support it. The opposition parties will vote against these amendments. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya, SM

Should the Saeima support the decision of the Budget and Finances Commission, the age of retirement would be raised quicker that it was planned by the government - 1 year for men and 1.5 years for women.

Should the Saeima support the decision of the Budget and Finances Commission, the age of retirement would be raised quicker that it was planned by the government - 1 year for men and 1.5 years for women. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins considers that Russia is interested to see Latvia in EU and NATO because a safe and predictable neighbour is more convenient to it that a state from “the grey zone”. He finds current Latvian Russian relations as very passive. I.Berzins pointed out that a complete dialogue with Russia is necessary and the neighbouring state should not be ignored but treated honestly.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins considers that Russia is interested to see Latvia in EU and NATO because a safe and predictable neighbour is more convenient to it that a state from the grey zone. He finds current Latvian Russian relations as very passive. I.Berzins pointed out that a complete dialogue with Russia is necessary and the neighbouring state should not be ignored but treated honestly. Diena

According to the new procedure of issuing and exchange of passports adopted by the Estonian government, Estonia citizens in the case of necessity will be able to receive one more passport the could be used only as a travel document. The new law will take effect from January 1, 2000.

According to the new procedure of issuing and exchange of passports adopted by the Estonian government, Estonia citizens in the case of necessity will be able to receive one more passport the could be used only as a travel document. The new law will take effect from January 1, 2000. Diena

Aug. 4, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The total number of Latvian population continues to decrease. This is the information from the Central Statistics Board. Last quarter there resided about 2 434 500 people in Latvia, it is 0.2% less than in the first quarter of this year.

The total number of Latvian population continues to decrease. This is the information from the Central Statistics Board. Last quarter there resided about 2 434 500 people in Latvia, it is 0.2% less than in the first quarter of this year. Neatkariga

The Cabinet of Ministers considered the planned amendments to the budget law and did not introduce any major changes, even the proposal to soften the pensions law. The only increase of expenditures is planned for the Ministry of Defence - 350 000 Ls for ensuring international peacekeeping activities.

The Cabinet of Ministers considered the planned amendments to the budget law and did not introduce any major changes, even the proposal to soften the pensions law. The only increase of expenditures is planned for the Ministry of Defence - 350 000 Ls for ensuring international peacekeeping activities. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya,

A.Yelkin in

A.Yelkin in SM writes that in accordance with the Article 71 of the Constitution not less than 34 deputies may address the President with a request not to announce the adopted law. The Saeima factions of For Human Rights in United Latvia, New Party and Social Democrats have 38 voices, and blocking of the new pensions law is quite likely. The next step for the deputies is to collect 10 000 signatures to propose a referendum. A.Yelkin considers that such a referendum will take place. SM

Latvia Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in his yesterday press conference told that Latvia had five priorities in her co-operation with Russia - to continue preparation of agreements, propose dialogues with different officials, further contacts among state enterprises and institutions, to co-operate in the framework of international organisations as well as to develop regional co-operation. Concerning the cancelled visit of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov to Latvia, Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss during his recent visit to Riga admitted that it could be organised at the end of August of begging of September, but the official representative of Russian MFA V.Rahmaninov announced yesterday that the MFA Information and Press Department did not have such information, but pointed out that the visit would surely take place. The same statement was made by Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov during his meeting with I.Berzins.

Latvia Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in his yesterday press conference told that Latvia had five priorities in her co-operation with Russia - to continue preparation of agreements, propose dialogues with different officials, further contacts among state enterprises and institutions, to co-operate in the framework of international organisations as well as to develop regional co-operation. Concerning the cancelled visit of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov to Latvia, Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss during his recent visit to Riga admitted that it could be organised at the end of August of begging of September, but the official representative of Russian MFA V.Rahmaninov announced yesterday that the MFA Information and Press Department did not have such information, but pointed out that the visit would surely take place. The same statement was made by Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov during his meeting with I.Berzins. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas,

Russian Embassy has sent a note to the Latvian MFA about the fact of defiling Ivan cemetery with a request to punish the guilty. According to the LETA information the missing graveyard plates had not been stolen but just taken for restoration.

Russian Embassy has sent a note to the Latvian MFA about the fact of defiling Ivan cemetery with a request to punish the guilty. According to the LETA information the missing graveyard plates had not been stolen but just taken for restoration. Neatkariga

Journalists from Russian speaking newspaper

Journalists from Russian speaking newspaper Chas have traced the firm which undertook restoration and verified that all the plates were there.

Estonian government adopted stricter norms for of the Estonian language knowledge for persons employed in public sector but these demands, with small exceptions, were not applied for private businesses although the law took effect on July 1. These norms were the issue of major concern of the OSCE representatives and Russian speaking population. The postponement was necessary to harmonise the regulations with EU legislation. Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs considers that Estonian policy concerning national minorities corresponds to OSCE and EU principles.

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