June 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Russian authorities gave permission to one Latvian prosecutor to study the archive materials that could help the investigation of K.Kalejs’s case but the Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov informed that the Russian Embassy had handed over the Latvian MFA the records of questioning of Arajs’s team members.

Russian authorities gave permission to one Latvian prosecutor to study the archive materials that could help the investigation of K.Kalejss case but the Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov informed that the Russian Embassy had handed over the Latvian MFA the records of questioning of Arajss team members. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii cited the Russian Ambassador that the materials had been handed over already one and a half moth ago.

Panorama Latvii cited the Russian Ambassador that the materials had been handed over already one and a half moth ago.

The union TB/LNNK wants to become an associate member of LATO (Latvian Transatlantic Organisation). TB/LNNK Press Secretary J.Kuzulis explained that the foreign policy goal of the Union was joining NATO. LATO activities are directed towards informing the society about NATO by organising conferences, seminars and other events.

The union TB/LNNK wants to become an associate member of LATO (Latvian Transatlantic Organisation). TB/LNNK Press Secretary J.Kuzulis explained that the foreign policy goal of the Union was joining NATO. LATO activities are directed towards informing the society about NATO by organising conferences, seminars and other events. Diena

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov during his speech at the 9th CBSS session in Norway mentioned that in some countries there was a large number of non-citizens and this problem should be solved. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins characterised his colleagues speech as a proper and constructive one.

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov during his speech at the 9th CBSS session in Norway mentioned that in some countries there was a large number of non-citizens and this problem should be solved. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins characterised his colleagues speech as a proper and constructive one. Neatkariga

Russian National Council deputy B.Pastuhov promised to support financially those Latvian newspapers that would objectively reflect the problems of Russian speakers in Latvia, as well as Russian – Latvian relations. This information

Russian National Council deputy B.Pastuhov promised to support financially those Latvian newspapers that would objectively reflect the problems of Russian speakers in Latvia, as well as Russian – Latvian relations. This information Neatkariga received from the source close to the diplomatic circles. B.Pastuhov visited Latvia at beginning of June to participate in Jurmala Conference on Latvian – Russian relations, he was also present at some unofficial meetings and during a meeting with the representatives of some public organisation voiced a moral support to the struggle for the rights of his compatriots and promised that the money – 50 Million Russian roubles, allocated by the Russian Government to support their compatriots, would surely reach Latvia. Neatkariga

The quality and speed of the data supplied by the Central Statistics Board now in principle comply with EU demands. And it is very important for the DCMA activities. CSB used the DCMA information to prepare its publications on the population of Latvia. By June 1 in Latvia were registered 1 775 783 citizens. But the data collected during the census proved that for part of the population the registered place of residence (recorded in the Residents Register) differed from the real one. For example in Riga 16% of residents of the Purvciems district had different domicile registration. This was one of the arguments to change the existing domicile registration system for declaration of the place of residence. The census also showed a rather big number of Latvian citizens registered in the Residents Register that had been dead for some time. The DCMA Head M. Bicevskis promised that this problem would be solved within one year. In co-operation with the DCMA, the CSB started collecting information on asylum seekers and refugees.

The quality and speed of the data supplied by the Central Statistics Board now in principle comply with EU demands. And it is very important for the DCMA activities. CSB used the DCMA information to prepare its publications on the population of Latvia. By June 1 in Latvia were registered 1 775 783 citizens. But the data collected during the census proved that for part of the population the registered place of residence (recorded in the Residents Register) differed from the real one. For example in Riga 16% of residents of the Purvciems district had different domicile registration. This was one of the arguments to change the existing domicile registration system for declaration of the place of residence. The census also showed a rather big number of Latvian citizens registered in the Residents Register that had been dead for some time. The DCMA Head M. Bicevskis promised that this problem would be solved within one year. In co-operation with the DCMA, the CSB started collecting information on asylum seekers and refugees. Neatkariga

The Minister of Justice I.Labucka told the newspaper

The Minister of Justice I.Labucka told the newspaper Neatkariga about the established two working groups that worked in close co-operation with the OSCE and CoE experts and several foreign ambassadors to prepare the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the usage of the state language. Currently the regulations are co-ordinated with other ministries and the Saeima factions. The Ministry has already received the OSCE proposals and the Minister of Justice thought that they could be partially included in the regulations. Before adopting these regulations, the Ministry of Justice has planned to make them public, involving in the discussion also NGOs. The Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa informed that the Centre was working on preparing two profession lists with the necessary state language proficiency skills. Neatkariga

Lauku Avize adds that the Regulations have been agreed with the experts for 90 %.

Lauku Avize adds that the Regulations have been agreed with the experts for 90 %.

During a press conference the Russian national Council deputy G.Tihonov, one of the authors of the draft laws on sanctions against Latvia, said that he still hoped that the draft laws would be adopted.

During a press conference the Russian national Council deputy G.Tihonov, one of the authors of the draft laws on sanctions against Latvia, said that he still hoped that the draft laws would be adopted. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

June 21, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Saeima yesterday conceptually supported amendments to the law on Constitutional Court that provide for an extended circle of persons who have the right to turn to the Court. It is suggested that claims to the Constitutional Court may be submitted also by courts, judges of Land Registry departments, natural and legal persons. It is planned that persons will have the right to turn to this court in connection with violation of their specific rights and not another person’s rights. After

Saeima yesterday conceptually supported amendments to the law on Constitutional Court that provide for an extended circle of persons who have the right to turn to the Court. It is suggested that claims to the Constitutional Court may be submitted also by courts, judges of Land Registry departments, natural and legal persons. It is planned that persons will have the right to turn to this court in connection with violation of their specific rights and not another persons rights. After Vesti, the draft amendments are passed over to the Saeimas commissions. According to draft amendments, a claim can be submitted only after all possible protection at other courts has been seaked. Neatkariga, Vesti

Yesterday Saeima passed in the second reading the draft Administrative Procedures Law. Provisions of the law determine that decisions passed by civil servants shall be objective and complying with legislative norms. The draft law provides for an easy procedure of appealing civil servant’s decisions.

Yesterday Saeima passed in the second reading the draft Administrative Procedures Law. Provisions of the law determine that decisions passed by civil servants shall be objective and complying with legislative norms. The draft law provides for an easy procedure of appealing civil servants decisions. Diena

The left-wing parties - People’s Harmony Party, Equality and Socialist Party - represented in Riga City Council by 6 members formed a faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and in the next municipal elections expect better success hoping for at least 30 mandates in the Council. The faction is planning to focus on easing the utility payments and preventing the closure of Russian-language schools in Riga. At the beginning of the press conference it was announced that due to principal considerations it will be conducted in Russian. One of the speakers A. Gilman backed the move by the provisions of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that allows free distribution of information, implying also choice of language. Another speaker announced that due to the big number of Russian speakers this language should be recognized as official.

The left-wing parties - Peoples Harmony Party, Equality and Socialist Party - represented in Riga City Council by 6 members formed a faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and in the next municipal elections expect better success hoping for at least 30 mandates in the Council. The faction is planning to focus on easing the utility payments and preventing the closure of Russian-language schools in Riga. At the beginning of the press conference it was announced that due to principal considerations it will be conducted in Russian. One of the speakers A. Gilman backed the move by the provisions of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that allows free distribution of information, implying also choice of language. Another speaker announced that due to the big number of Russian speakers this language should be recognized as official. Diena, Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

As announced by the head of Latvia’s Security Police, Latvia’s National Bolsheviks declare that they did not blow up the railway in Riga. They asserted that the organization does not use such methods and are trying to become legal.

As announced by the head of Latvias Security Police, Latvias National Bolsheviks declare that they did not blow up the railway in Riga. They asserted that the organization does not use such methods and are trying to become legal. Diena

US State Department favorably received the plans of Latvian Prosecutor’s Office to bring up charges against Konrâds Kalçjs. Wiesenthal Center does not believe that Australia will agree to extradite Kalçjs and reproaches the country of the lack of the political will.

US State Department favorably received the plans of Latvian Prosecutors Office to bring up charges against Konrâds Kalçjs. Wiesenthal Center does not believe that Australia will agree to extradite Kalçjs and reproaches the country of the lack of the political will. Diena, Neatkariga

A commentary in

A commentary in Diena by political scientist Ginters Grunckis continues the discussion on the issue of granting municipal election rights to non-citizens. In his mind, most interested in granting these rights is the political organization For Human Rights in United Latvia whose supporters traditionally are the Russian speaking part of the population but many of them are not Latvian citizens.

Titles on the first page of

Titles on the first page of Chas announce that after the draft Language Law regulations will make non-Latvians unemployed and suggest that they will be able to work only in labor professions. A following article by Anna Stroy says that the classification of language requirements for various professions has an openly discriminatory nature. Along with the article the paper publishes the history of developments in Kosovo and a viewpoint of an MP from For Human Rights in United Latvia Mitrofanov who promises to call the society not to comply with the new regulations and appeal the imposed fines in the European Court.

June 20, 2000


Press Report

Latvian government yesterday accepted the extradition agreement with Australia while the first page news stories in Australian papers write about the announcement of the Latvian Prosecutor’s Office about the possible bringing up charges against Konrads Kalejs as well as information about his poor health.

Latvian government yesterday accepted the extradition agreement with Australia while the first page news stories in Australian papers write about the announcement of the Latvian Prosecutors Office about the possible bringing up charges against Konrads Kalejs as well as information about his poor health. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

Especially stressing the need to improve the state administration and the role of education in development of small countries the European Commission representative responsible for EU enlargement praised Latvia’s progress already reached in the accession talks.

Especially stressing the need to improve the state administration and the role of education in development of small countries the European Commission representative responsible for EU enlargement praised Latvias progress already reached in the accession talks. Diena

Latvian President Freiberga in yesterday’s radio interview said that the Russian people should re-review its Soviet time history because at the moment many residents of the country do not realize the harm their government incurred to countries like Latvia. Freiberga believes that many residents of Russia nostalgically want to maintain the mood that ruled in the Soviet times. The president would support a public dialogue of the Latvian and Russian historians.

Latvian President Freiberga in yesterdays radio interview said that the Russian people should re-review its Soviet time history because at the moment many residents of the country do not realize the harm their government incurred to countries like Latvia. Freiberga believes that many residents of Russia nostalgically want to maintain the mood that ruled in the Soviet times. The president would support a public dialogue of the Latvian and Russian historians. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika, Latvijas Vestnesis

The end of June will be a busy time for representing Latvia in Germany: there will be activities like joint Baltic Midsummer celebration in Berlin, President Freiberga will pay an official visit to meet the German President and other officials and to participate in the opening of the building of Latvian Embassy in Berlin.

The end of June will be a busy time for representing Latvia in Germany: there will be activities like joint Baltic Midsummer celebration in Berlin, President Freiberga will pay an official visit to meet the German President and other officials and to participate in the opening of the building of Latvian Embassy in Berlin. Diena

The inability of politicians to agree on which state institution should coordinate society integration issues reduces the prospects that the integration concept passed by the government last year will be implemented this year. People’s Party faction believes that integration should be carried out through the education system. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK supports this approach and does not want to assign responsibility to Naturalization Board because “naturalization is only one of the aspects of integration”. Latvia’s Way tends to support the Naturalization board.

The inability of politicians to agree on which state institution should coordinate society integration issues reduces the prospects that the integration concept passed by the government last year will be implemented this year. Peoples Party faction believes that integration should be carried out through the education system. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK supports this approach and does not want to assign responsibility to Naturalization Board because naturalization is only one of the aspects of integration. Latvias Way tends to support the Naturalization board. Diena

Anonymous “fighters of the democratic Latvia”, taking responsibility for the recent explosion on railway yesterday in a letter to Diena and 4 more papers demand to release the persons accused for war crimes, legalize the activities of the Communist party, abolish the institution of non-citizens, allot equal rights to the Russian language.

Anonymous fighters of the democratic Latvia, taking responsibility for the recent explosion on railway yesterday in a letter to Diena and 4 more papers demand to release the persons accused for war crimes, legalize the activities of the Communist party, abolish the institution of non-citizens, allot equal rights to the Russian language. Diena, Chas

Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the meeting of CBSS will pay special attention to the situation of Russian citizens and compatriates in the Baltic countries. The meeting takes place today and tomorrow in Norway on a ministerial level.

Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the meeting of CBSS will pay special attention to the situation of Russian citizens and compatriates in the Baltic countries. The meeting takes place today and tomorrow in Norway on a ministerial level. Diena, Respublika, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday at the National Human Rights Office a student Sarmîte Dukâte presented her research on relations between Latvians and Gypsies. The biggest problems Gypsies face are the low education level, unemployment and the fact that they don’t want to reveal their problems. Head of the Latvian Gypsy National Cultural Association Aba Gercbahs said that officially there are 9000 Gypsies in Latvia and at least as many who conceal their ethnicity.

Yesterday at the National Human Rights Office a student Sarmîte Dukâte presented her research on relations between Latvians and Gypsies. The biggest problems Gypsies face are the low education level, unemployment and the fact that they dont want to reveal their problems. Head of the Latvian Gypsy National Cultural Association Aba Gercbahs said that officially there are 9000 Gypsies in Latvia and at least as many who conceal their ethnicity. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vesti

The Estonia’s Russian Baltic Party established last Sunday supports granting Estonian citizenship without special requirements, exams and restrictions to everybody who are born and live in Estonia since it became independent. The party plans to grant the Russian language the official status, first of all in places where Russian speakers form a majority of population.

The Estonias Russian Baltic Party established last Sunday supports granting Estonian citizenship without special requirements, exams and restrictions to everybody who are born and live in Estonia since it became independent. The party plans to grant the Russian language the official status, first of all in places where Russian speakers form a majority of population. Lauku Avize

Russian government decided in June to allot a single payment to Russian pensioners who permanently live in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Russian government decided in June to allot a single payment to Russian pensioners who permanently live in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Lauku Avize, Respublika

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov and Head of the Embassies Consular Department Nikolayev answered questions on a hot-line organized by

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov and Head of the Embassies Consular Department Nikolayev answered questions on a hot-line organized by Chas. The questions came about history, pensions and political asylum in Russia.

Yesterday the Press Service of the Russian President released President’s personal gratitude to the Russian Ambassador to Latvia about organizing the celebration of Victory Day and the care about the war veterans in Latvia. Chas comments that this kind of a statement is unprecedented in the Cremlin’s political practice

Yesterday the Press Service of the Russian President released Presidents personal gratitude to the Russian Ambassador to Latvia about organizing the celebration of Victory Day and the care about the war veterans in Latvia. Chas comments that this kind of a statement is unprecedented in the Cremlins political practice. Chas, Vesti

Member of the Committy for State Security of the Russian Duma Viktor Ilyuhin has found and explanation to the initiatives in the Baltics, especially Lithuania, to demand from Russia “compensation for the occupation”. He explains that by the difficult economic situation

Member of the Committy for State Security of the Russian Duma Viktor Ilyuhin has found and explanation to the initiatives in the Baltics, especially Lithuania, to demand from Russia compensation for the occupation. He explains that by the difficult economic situation. Vesti, Panorama Latvii

Vesti write that the amendments to the non-citizen status law passed in the second reading by the Saeima last Thursday actually force a big part of the Latvian residents accept Russian citizenship.

June 19, 2000

Press Report

On Saturday more than 1000 people gathered in Riga centre to participate in the rally to commemorate June 14 – Occupation Day. On this day the public organisation Club 415 organised a picket in front of the Russian Embassy and submitted to the Russian diplomats an announcement with a request to stop Russian political and economic pressure on Latvia.

On Saturday more than 1000 people gathered in Riga centre to participate in the rally to commemorate June 14 – Occupation Day. On this day the public organisation Club 415 organised a picket in front of the Russian Embassy and submitted to the Russian diplomats an announcement with a request to stop Russian political and economic pressure on Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnya describes this event as the day of rejoicing of right wing radicals.

In the nearest future there will be a decree of the Prosecutor General in the case of K.Kalejs with a request to the Australian authorities to extradite this person to Latvia.

In the nearest future there will be a decree of the Prosecutor General in the case of K.Kalejs with a request to the Australian authorities to extradite this person to Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii

President V.V.Freiberga thinks that her previous comments on the aggressive attitude of Russia towards Latvia and the Baltic States have been “very mild”. She said that she was just realist and all her comments were based on documents Diena

President V.V.Freiberga thinks that her previous comments on the aggressive attitude of Russia towards Latvia and the Baltic States have been very mild. She said that she was just realist and all her comments were based on documents Diena

The newspaper Neatkariga writes once more about the tender on printing the new Latvian citizen passports. The company that won the tender – Giesecke & Devrient printed also the previous low quality passports. And the offered price was not the lowest. All the responsibility for this decision will be now on the Ministry of Interior with its Minister M.Seglins.

The newspaper Neatkariga writes once more about the tender on printing the new Latvian citizen passports. The company that won the tender – Giesecke & Devrient printed also the previous low quality passports. And the offered price was not the lowest. All the responsibility for this decision will be now on the Ministry of Interior with its Minister M.Seglins. Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnya

interviewed Latvian politicians about a possibility to receive compensation from Russia. A.Kirsteins (Peoples Party) reminded that some time ago Latvia adopted a resolution that Russia was obliged to compensate Latvia for the property and land losses in Abrene Region, as well as in the declaration on occupation. A.Golubov from For Human Rights in United Latvia faction said that no state acknowledged the fact of occupation of the Baltic States, Russia, being a new state, has nothing to do with this. R.Labanovskis (Social Democrats) thinks that it will not be possible to get any compensation from Russia within next 20 years. On June 17 the movement Equality organised an action of collecting signatures to protect the rights of non-citizens, and Russian language and education. The outcome was 1700 signatures of by-passers.

On June 17 the movement Equality organised an action of collecting signatures to protect the rights of non-citizens, and Russian language and education. The outcome was 1700 signatures of by-passers. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Directors and teachers of Russian speaking schools attended the conference “Problems and tendencies in national minority education”. They shared their experiences in managing to realise the policy bilingualism in education. Some teachers complained that students spoke everyday language quite well but had problems using it during the classes. One of examples of success was Kraslava “Varaviksne” School.

Directors and teachers of Russian speaking schools attended the conference Problems and tendencies in national minority education. They shared their experiences in managing to realise the policy bilingualism in education. Some teachers complained that students spoke everyday language quite well but had problems using it during the classes. One of examples of success was Kraslava Varaviksne School. Chas

45 000 signatures have been collected under the call of the Latvian Human Rights Committee to grant non-citizens the municipal election right. By June 24 the Committee plans to collect 50 000 signatures and send these letters to UN, CoE, European Commission, OSCE and CBSS.

45 000 signatures have been collected under the call of the Latvian Human Rights Committee to grant non-citizens the municipal election right. By June 24 the Committee plans to collect 50 000 signatures and send these letters to UN, CoE, European Commission, OSCE and CBSS. Panorama Latvii

June 17, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Wednesday the US Senate adopted a resolution where it pointed out the positive role of the Baltic States in the collapse of the USSR in 1990-1991, as well as the realisation of successful political and economic reforms. In the Preamble of the resolution it is stressed that in 1940 the Soviet Union occupied the Baltic States and incorporated them in the USSR by force.

On Wednesday the US Senate adopted a resolution where it pointed out the positive role of the Baltic States in the collapse of the USSR in 1990-1991, as well as the realisation of successful political and economic reforms. In the Preamble of the resolution it is stressed that in 1940 the Soviet Union occupied the Baltic States and incorporated them in the USSR by force. Diena

The announced picket of National Bolsheviks, organised on Friday with the aim to protest against Latttelekom, turned out to be a small event. Instead of the announced 300 participants there were only 40.

The announced picket of National Bolsheviks, organised on Friday with the aim to protest against Latttelekom, turned out to be a small event. Instead of the announced 300 participants there were only 40. Diena, Neatkariga

On Saturday the members of TB/LNNK Liepaja office once more picketed at the Russian Consulate to remind the international and Russian societies about the fact of occupation.

On Saturday the members of TB/LNNK Liepaja office once more picketed at the Russian Consulate to remind the international and Russian societies about the fact of occupation. Neatkariga

The leader of the Socialist Party A.Rubiks discussed furthering of Latvian – Russian relations with high Russian officials during his visit to Moscow. He warned Latvia about the serious consequences that could be felt after some years due to bad neighbourly relations and running short of transit. A.Rubiks went to Moscow as a representative of “people’s diplomacy” upon his own initiative. The main problems in Latvia, according to A.Rubiks, are the huge number of non-citizens and their limited rights.

The leader of the Socialist Party A.Rubiks discussed furthering of Latvian – Russian relations with high Russian officials during his visit to Moscow. He warned Latvia about the serious consequences that could be felt after some years due to bad neighbourly relations and running short of transit. A.Rubiks went to Moscow as a representative of peoples diplomacy upon his own initiative. The main problems in Latvia, according to A.Rubiks, are the huge number of non-citizens and their limited rights. Diena

In Parnu the Prime Minister of the Baltic States signed a joined resolution. The resolution outlines the main trends for future co-operation among these states.

In Parnu the Prime Minister of the Baltic States signed a joined resolution. The resolution outlines the main trends for future co-operation among these states. Neatkariga

A.Stroy in

A.Stroy in Chas writes about the regulations on the use of the state language, prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers. They will have impact on the life of every resident of Latvia. Latvian officials showed these regulations to foreign experts who found there several disputable things. The first problem is the demand o translate all official documents into the state language, second – use of foreign languages in stamps and company forms. The only progress is in the spelling of personal names. But the main thing –both parties did not find a compromise what is more correct – to describe the situations where it was forbidden to use a foreign language or to regulate the cases where the state language had to be used. Chas

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