Aug. 26, 2014

  • National Council on Electronic Mass Media plans to establish a studio of Latvian Radio in Latgale
  • The MP Dzintars Abikis: transition of ethnic minority schools into Latvian language should be implemented quietly

According to the National Council on Electronic Mass Media, EUR 187,684 required for establishment of a studio of Latvian Radio in Latgale (eastern region of Latvia.) The special studio is needed in order to ensure broadcast of Latvian Radio in Latgale region thus strengthening informative space in border areas, sense of belonging to the state, national identity and promoting consolidation of the society. Latvijas Avize

The MP Dzintars Abikis (the Unity) believes that members of the nationalists’ union make too much noise about transition of ethnic minority schools into Latvian language. Instead of that, Mr Abikis considers that everything should be done quietly through methodical and persistent work.  Other MP Janis Urbanovics (the Concord Centre), in his turn, advises Mr Abikis to leave alone the issue of education system arguing that graduates of ethnic minority schools have no problems with Latvian language proficiency and stressing that the main problem is not in language but in funding for education.

Aug. 25, 2014

  • Vesti Segodnya interviews head of the Latvian Roma Community Normunds Rudevics about plans to open a Roma village in Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with a political scientist Juris Rozenvalds
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a conference of Russian compatriots “Russian World in Latvia and Challenges of XXI Century”
  • Political scientists Edvins Snore: the biggest Latvia’s problem is too big proportion of Russian speaking residents
  • Author of a book “Russification” Antons Rancans: Russians have robbers’ gene in mentality and mostly, they were created not for work, but for robbery
  • The most popular parties in August: the Concord, the Unity and the Union of Greens and Farmers

Vesti Segodnya interviews the head of the Latvian Roma Community Normunds Rudevics who plans to open a Roma village in Latvia. Mr Rudevics plans to receive funding from the European Union grants in amount of 35-40 millions euros for establishment of a village where Roma people would live and work. In such a village residents would follow ancient Roma traditions and laws. Mr Rudevics says that Latvian municipalities would also help in establishing such village by providing land and ensuring infrastructure.  He also says that such village will be open not only for ethnic Roma but for all people who are ready to live in accordance with Roma traditions.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with a political scientist Juris Rozenvalds. According to Mr Rozenvalds, events in Ukraine actualize ethnic issues in Latvia, but the root of the problem is in Latvian society. Mr Rozenvalds believes that the problem of ethnic relations in Latvia should be solved by finding rational solution or through centrist political force. He believes that a relation between Russians and Latvians is a matter of further economic development and competitiveness of the state. Pushing political representatives of Russian speaking voters into eternal opposition decreases political competition and, as an outcome, some political parties feel irreplaceable increasing tensions in the government and decreasing its ability to implement sustainable policy, says Mr Rozenvalds. He also says that recent public opinion survey shows that the majority of Latvian and Russian speaking residents are minded to look for compromise. But, the political elite uses more radical moods.  

Vesti Segodnya reports about a conference of Russian compatriots “Russian World in Latvia and Challenges of XXI Century” held in Riga. The conference was opened by the Russia’s Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov telling about situation in Ukraine and Russophobic mood towards Russia. The MEP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka stressed discrimination of Russian residents in Latvia. Head of Latvia Anti-fascist Committee Josefs Korens came with a speech about development of Nazism in Latvian internal policy.

Political scientist and a candidate for the Parliament’s elections from the nationalists’ union list Edvins Snore in an interview with a weekly magazine “Sestdiena” stated that the biggest Latvia’s problem is too big proportion of Russian speaking residents. E.Snore said that Latvian state should promote repatriation of Russian speakers, otherwise Russia can use that in arranging same events as in Ukraine. 

Neatkariga interviews author of a new book “Russification” (“Krievošana” – in Latvian) Antons Rancans. Accoridng to him, the book shows that there is robbers’ gene in mentality of Russians and the rest of it is “idle talk.” A. Rancans believes that past events show that Russians were robbing and now they continue to do it and says that mostly, “they are were created not for work but for robbery.” He also blames Russians in Russification of residents of Latgale region. Neatkariga (22.08), Vesti Segodnya

According to the latest public opinion survey conducted by “Latvijas fakti”, the most popular party in Latvia is the Concord – 21,1% of residents would vote for it at the upcoming Saeima’s elections (in July its was supported by 18,1%.) The Unity is supported by 17,3% (16,4% in July), the Union of Greens and Farmers us supported by 8,2% (9,9% in July), and the nationalists’ union All for Latvia/FF-LNIM by 5,8% (6,1% in July.) Other parties are supported by less than 5% of residents. Latvijas Avize

Aug. 22, 2014

  • Rezekne City Council plans to grant funding for publication of a book about warriors of the Red Army who died or lived in Latvia
  • Radical nationalist Aivars Slucis calls Latvia to start preparing for war with Russia

Latvijas Avize reports that the Rezekne City Council plans to grant EUR 3800 for publication of a book about warriors of the Red Army who died on Latvia’s territory in 1944-1945 and lived in Latvia after the WWII. Currently, the book is planned to be issued only in Russian language. One of the members of the City Council Jazeps Korsaks is against publication of such book as to his opinion “it idealizes the Red Army and may mislead the new generation about history.” However, the Mayor of Rezekne Aleksandrs Bartasevics does not agree that the book glorifies occupation regime. The Mayor says that the book in a neutral language reflects biography of people who fought against fascism in Latvia and many of them are ethnic Latvians and that the book shall be issued in Latvian language as well.

Latvijas Avize again publishes the paid publication by well known Latvian radical nationalist living in the U.S.A. Aivars Slucis. In the publication, A.Slucis calls government to start preparing for war against Russia. Among the measures to be taken, he mentions: liquidate minority education; introduce mandatory military service; purchase guided missiles; develop defence industry; reduce the number of ethnic Russians (relocate to Russia or Western countries); build liquefied gas terminal, nuclear power plant, and energy bridge abroad.

Aug. 21, 2014

  • Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Culture Rohards Kols: Latvia has opened its door for colonisation
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews journalist, initiator of a movement of European Russians Igors Vatolins

The Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Culture Rohards Kols (All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM) stated that Latvia has opened its door for colonisation by granting residence permits to foreign investors. In particular, according to Mr Kols, Latvia is being sold out to Russia and Russian investors who received residence permit here demand for respect and honour and for talking to them in Russian language. Mr Kols also stated that it is a myth that residence permits are granted to wealthy and intelligent Russian citizens. Mr Kols is convinced that there is a very high probability, that Latvia has opened its doors for criminals. Therefore, Mr Kols proposed to amend the Immigration Law adopting more severe criteria for granting residence permits. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya interviews journalist, initiator of a movement of European Russians Igors Vatolins. According to Mr Vatolins, the movement cannot be ethnic Russian, or ethnic Latvian, or Jewish but it should be movement of Latvian residents. He believes that a serious conversation can happen not between ethnic Russians or ethnic Latvians, but between Latvians of Russian, Latvian and Jewish origin about challenges faced by the state and not by the ethnic communities. Mr Vatolins believes that idea of united state is not proposed by any of the political parties and it should mature within the depths of the civil society.

Aug. 20, 2014

  • Nationalists’ union wants toevaluate a co-operation agreement between the “Russian Union in Latvia” and Crimean social-political movement “Russian Unity”
  • Minister of Education Ina Druviete confirms that the Ministry works on preparation to transfer education in ethnic minority schools mostly into Latvian language

Latvijas Avize reports that the nationalists’ union decided to nominate its member Gaidis Berzins to the post of the Minister of Justice. Gaidis Berzins stated that one of his first tasks at the post will be assigning responsible authorities to evaluate a co-operation agreement concluded between the political party “Russian Union in Latvia” and Crimean social-political movement “Russian Unity.” According to the newspaper, such actions help Russia to legitimize occupation of Crimea. However, the Minister of Foreign Edgars Rinkevics does not agree that state institutions should react on such action. Mr Rinkevics says that the “Russian Union in Latvia” does not represent official position of Latvia regarding Crimea, but actions against it will give a platform to yell about suppression of Russian speakers in Latvia. Mr Rinkevics believes that Latvia’s partners in the EU, NATO and Ukraine know that Latvia stands for Ukrainian territorial integrity and does not recognize annexation of Crimea. 

In an interview with Latvijas Avize, the Minister of Education Ina Druviete confirms that since January the Ministry works on preparation to transfer education in ethnic minority schools mostly into Latvian language staring with 2018. According to the Minister, preparatory work goes in three directions: further education of teachers, including, improving teachers’ Latvian language proficiency; planning how to improve curriculum; explaining parents how will the reform happen and convincing that education in state language will benefit intellectual development of children and give them wide range of possibilities to integrate in the Latvian society. The Minister also notes that the task is also to ensure equality good proficiency in state language and in native language because it is not policy of assimilation.

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