May 31, 2011

  • Gundars Daudze: there is no threat to Latvian identity
  • Boriss Cilevics: the new integration concept denies equality of all regardless of identity
In an interview with

In an interview with Latvijas Avize the Parliamentary Deputy Speaker and the Chairman of National Security Committee Gundars Daudze (Union of Greens and Farmers) stated that there is no threat to Latvian identity. Those residents who do not understand Latvian language are mainly the elderly, while among those persons belonging to ethnic minorities who were born after the restoration of independence most are fluent in Latvian. According to Mr.Daudze, there are forces that will always try to pit native Latvian speakers and native Russian speakers against each other, yet the extremist views are not supported by the society at large. In the meantime, Latvian identity could also be threatened by English language.

Chas interviewed MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre), Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Rights of Minorities of PACE, about the new concept of society integration developed under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture. Mr. Cilevics believes the new concept is based on assimilation and denies the idea of equality of all people regardless of their ethnicity, native language, and cultural identity. He also notes that a number of members of the integration expert council deny they ever endorsed the new integration document, while their objections were ignored. Mr. Cilevics believes ambitions of Sarmite Elerte (Civic Union) are going much further than that of her current position of the Minister of Culture, and she is using the issue of integration as a PR tool.

May 30, 2011

  • The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers initiated the process of dissolving the Parliament
On Sunday the President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatlers initiated the process of dissolving Saeima (Latvia’s parliament). In order for the Parliament to be dissolved, the President’s proposal has to be backed by the national referendum, which does not require participation of majority of voters. President’s proposal was announced just seven months after the last parliamentary elections and on the eve of parliamentary vote to choose a new president.

On Sunday the President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatlers initiated the process of dissolving Saeima (Latvias parliament). In order for the Parliament to be dissolved, the Presidents proposal has to be backed by the national referendum, which does not require participation of majority of voters. Presidents proposal was announced just seven months after the last parliamentary elections and on the eve of parliamentary vote to choose a new president. Diena, NRA, Vesti-Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

May 27, 2011

  • Latvijas fakti: popularity of all main political parties decreased
According to

According to Latvijas fakti, popularity of all main political parties decreased in May. While opposition Concord Centre is still the most popular party, its rating decreased from 20.7% in April to 18.5% in May. At the same time, the popularity of political party Unity declined from 14.2% in April to 11.7% in May, The Union of Greens and Farmers declined from 16.9% to 15.1%, union All for Latvia!/Fatherland and Freedom declined from 6.2% to 5.4%. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

May 26, 2011

  • Ombudsman: liquidation of education in minority native language does not violate human rights
  • Composer Imants Kalnins: Latvians should familiarize themselves with Koran in order to form their own opinion
In an interview with TV channel PRO100TV the Ombudsman Juris Jansons stated that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities envisages that the state shall facilitate minority education, yet the Convention does not require the state to provide for minority schools. Liquidation of education in minority native language does not violate human rights. However, such a move would send a bad signal to international human rights organisations.

In an interview with TV channel PRO100TV the Ombudsman Juris Jansons stated that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities envisages that the state shall facilitate minority education, yet the Convention does not require the state to provide for minority schools. Liquidation of education in minority native language does not violate human rights. However, such a move would send a bad signal to international human rights organisations. Vesti-Segodnya, Chas

Latvija Avize interviewed famous Latvian composer Imants Kalnins, who recently translated Koran into the Latvian language. Mr. Kalnins believes that Latvians should familiarize themselves with the Koran in order to form their own opinion. To a certain extent, the Western World is bankrupt, because it is losing its values and people. While the society integration issue in Latvia is a chimera which could hardly ever be achieved, Mr. Kalnins highlights other issues: the sense of belonging to Latvia and the ability of people to respect each others identity.

May 25, 2011

  • Chas interviews presidential candidate MP Andris Bērziņš
  • 17,310 citizens have signed in the signature collection on Constitutional amendments
In an interview with

In an interview with Chas the presidential candidate Andris Bērziņš, MP and formerly Board chairman of Unibanka (now SEB), confirmed that, unlike State President V.Zatlers four years ago, he will not cease communicating in Russian with journalists.

According to the Central Electoral Commission until 25 May 17,310 citizens of Latvia had signed in the signature collection concerning Constitutional amendments foreseeing state funded primary and secondary education solely in the state (Latvian) language. For the amendments to be reviewed by the Saeima 153,232 signatures are required. The amendments were put forward by the nationalist party Fatherland and Freedom/LNN, who were later joined by the radical nationalist All for Latvia!

According to the Central Electoral Commission until 25 May 17,310 citizens of Latvia had signed in the signature collection concerning Constitutional amendments foreseeing state funded primary and secondary education solely in the state (Latvian) language. For the amendments to be reviewed by the Saeima 153,232 signatures are required. The amendments were put forward by the nationalist party Fatherland and Freedom/LNN, who were later joined by the radical nationalist All for Latvia! Latvijas Avīze, Chas.

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