Oct. 31, 2011

Neatkariga prints an interview with the Ombudsman Juris Jansons
  • MP Andrejs Judins: it is wrong to look at Russian speaking electorate trough ethnic prism
  • Neatkariga prints an interview with the Ombudsman Juris Jansons. According to Mr Jansons, the Ombudsmans Office analyses the new National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy Guidelines for 2012-2018 elaborated by the Ministry of Culture. The Ombudsman believes that there are many good issues written in the Guidelines, however, some of the elements look like assimilation not integration. The Ombudsman believes that assimilation is a wrong approach because it limits ethnic minorities in issues concerning their culture and identity. Commenting establishment of the governing coalition, Mr Jansons does not see direct ethnic discrimination in the fact that the Concord Centre was not included in the coalition explaining it by low level of political culture in Latvia.

    MP, member of the Unity Andrejs Judins in an interview with

    MP, member of the Unity Andrejs Judins in an interview with Chas states that there is a problem with attitude of so-called ethnic Latvian parties towards the electorate of the Concord Centre (CC). Mr Judins believes that it is wrong to look at Russian speaking voters trough ethnic prism and presumptions. However, Mr Judins does not support the inclusion of the CC in the governing coalition due to ideological principles of the party.

    Oct. 28, 2011

    • Dissemination of information is the biggest challenge for collecting signatures for support of Russian as official language in Latvia
    • Latvijas Avize reports about a complaint to the state language inspection about disrespectful attitude towards the state language

    State funded collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language the status of official in Latvia starts on 1 November. One of the initiators of the action Vladimirs Lindermans says that the biggest challenge is to inform residents about the collection of signatures because there is no funding for it. Some NGOs and political organisations promised their support for the action. 153,000 signatures are required in order to launch the third stage of the initiative – national referendum. Telegraf

    Latvijas Avize reports about a complaint to the state language inspection about disrespectful attitude towards the state language. According to the newspaper, a man turned to a private enterprise for consultation, however, its worker replied in Russian and refused to speak to the man in Latvian in a rude way. According to the head of the language control department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis, there were some complaints about representatives of private companies who refuse to speak to clients in Latvian, but such cases are very hard to prove because when the language inspector comes to check the situation workers speak in a good Latvian.

    Oct. 27, 2011

    • New Minister of Culture will not speak to mass media in Russian
    • Functions on integration of the society will be divided among two ministries
    • Two MPs speak from the Saeimas tribune in Latgalian
    The new Minister of Culture Zanete Jaunzeme-Grende (member of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-FF/LNIM) stated that she will speak to Russian language mass media only in Latvian. At the moment, the society integration issues are under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture.

    The new Minister of Culture Zanete Jaunzeme-Grende (member of the nationalists union All for Latvia!-FF/LNIM) stated that she will speak to Russian language mass media only in Latvian. At the moment, the society integration issues are under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Vesti Segodnya

    According to

    According to Latvijas Avize, the functions of integration of the society will be divided among two ministries – the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and the Ministry of Culture (MC). According to the governments coalitions agreement, the MES will be responsible for integration on the ground of state language, while the MC, will work on integration on the ground of culture.

    Two MPs Janis Tutins (Concord Centre) and Juris Vilums (Zatler’s Reforms Party) have spoken in Latgalian language from the Saeima’s tribune. The Saeima’s Speaker Solvita Aboltina made a remark to the MPs asking them to speak in literary Latvian language. The MP Vilums believes that Latgalian is an integral part of the state Latvian language and has equal value with it, therefore it can be used in official communication. However, officially Latgalian is considered as a historical type of Latvian language or its dialect and is not used in official communication and documents. There is no official statistics on how many Latvian residents consider Latgalian as their mother tongue because all the Latgalians are automatically registered as ethnic Latvians.

    Two MPs Janis Tutins (Concord Centre) and Juris Vilums (Zatlers Reforms Party) have spoken in Latgalian language from the Saeimas tribune. The Saeimas Speaker Solvita Aboltina made a remark to the MPs asking them to speak in literary Latvian language. The MP Vilums believes that Latgalian is an integral part of the state Latvian language and has equal value with it, therefore it can be used in official communication. However, officially Latgalian is considered as a historical type of Latvian language or its dialect and is not used in official communication and documents. There is no official statistics on how many Latvian residents consider Latgalian as their mother tongue because all the Latgalians are automatically registered as ethnic Latvians. Telegraf

    Oct. 26, 2011

    • The Saeima has approved the new government lead by the current Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis
    • Board member of the Zatlers Reforms Party Vladimirs Makarovs: coalition negotiations helped breaking negative stereotypes about the Concord Centre
    On 25 October 2011 the Saeima has approved the new government of Latvia. This is the third government lead by the current Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis within the last 32 months. The ruling coalition is formed by the Zatlers’ Reforms Party (16 MPs), the Unity (20 MPs) and the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement (14 MPs). The new government was approved by 57 MPs, while some observers point at fragility of the coalition formed by parties controlling 50 seats out of 100 seats in the parliament. Russian language newspapers note that Russian-speaking minority is not represented among the 14 ministers.

    On 25 October 2011 the Saeima has approved the new government of Latvia. This is the third government lead by the current Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis within the last 32 months. The ruling coalition is formed by the Zatlers Reforms Party (16 MPs), the Unity (20 MPs) and the nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement (14 MPs). The new government was approved by 57 MPs, while some observers point at fragility of the coalition formed by parties controlling 50 seats out of 100 seats in the parliament. Russian language newspapers note that Russian-speaking minority is not represented among the 14 ministers. Chas, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

    Board member of the Zatlers’ Reforms Party Vladimirs Makarovs believes that inclusion of representatives supported by Russian-speaking voters would facilitate integration of society. Involvement of the Concord Centre into the process of negotiation about the new coalition helped to break negative stereotypes about that party. Mr.Makarovs emphasises that integration of society is one of priorities of the new government. Concerning reservation made by the nationalists’ union regarding commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires, Mr. Makarovs believes it is important that coalition agreement officially signed by all three partners, does not include this reservation.

    Board member of the Zatlers Reforms Party Vladimirs Makarovs believes that inclusion of representatives supported by Russian-speaking voters would facilitate integration of society. Involvement of the Concord Centre into the process of negotiation about the new coalition helped to break negative stereotypes about that party. Mr.Makarovs emphasises that integration of society is one of priorities of the new government. Concerning reservation made by the nationalists union regarding commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires, Mr. Makarovs believes it is important that coalition agreement officially signed by all three partners, does not include this reservation. Vesti Segodnya

    Oct. 22, 2011

    Neatkariga prints an interview with philologist, MP Vineta Porina about positions of Latvian and Russian languages in Latvia
  • President appointed Valdis Dombrovskis to the post of the Prime Minister
  • Neatkariga prints an interview with philologist, MP Vineta Porina (member of the nationalists union) about positions of Latvian and Russian languages in Latvia. Mrs Porina believes that Russian language is self-sufficient in Latvia and a person who is proficient only in Russian can manage to live in this country. Thus, actually, Latvian language does not have status of state language in all Latvian regions. Mrs Porina believes that a norm in the Constitution of Latvia stipulating that Latvian language is the only state language should be invariable. Mrs Porina also believes that it would be more rational to allocate more funding to the state language inspection than to conduct Latvian language courses for teachers of minority schools because teachers had to become proficient in Latvian a long time ago.

    The President of Latvia Andris Berzins appointed member of the Unity Valdis Dombrovskis to the post of the Prime Minister of Latvia and entrusted him establishment of the governing coalition. Mr Dombrovskis became the Prime Minister for the third consecutive term.

    The President of Latvia Andris Berzins appointed member of the Unity Valdis Dombrovskis to the post of the Prime Minister of Latvia and entrusted him establishment of the governing coalition. Mr Dombrovskis became the Prime Minister for the third consecutive term. Diena, Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga

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