Jan. 28, 2013

  • Court cancelled fine imposed on journalist Andrejs Mamikins for „disrespect towards the state language”

The Administrative District Court cancelled the fine imposed by the State Language Centre on a host of a TV5’ show “Un-censored” Andrejs Mamikins for „disrespect towards the state language”. The incident took place in August 2010, when the Minister of Transport Kaspars Gerhards took part in the Russian language TV live broadcast “Un-censored” and refused to speak Russian. After the TV host Mr Mamikins appealed to Mr Gerhards’ “nobleness and tolerance” and asked to speak in Russian, the Minister left the studio. Previously, Mr. Gerhards on several occasions communicated with journalists of Russian-language broadcasts in Russian language. The head of the Control department of the Centre of the State Language, Antons Kursitis in his speech before the Parliament stated that the activity of the journalist Mamikins is “linguistic genocide”. The National Radio and Television Council also punished TV5 with LVL 1,500 for violation of the State Language Law in this episode. However, this decision also was cancelled by the court in December 2012. Vesti Segodnya



Jan. 25, 2013

  • Vesti Segodnya interviews an ethnologist Ilze Boldane about perception of ethnic Latvians about themselves and representatives of other ethnicities

Vesti Segodnya interviews an ethnologist Ilze Boldane about her PhD paper “Ethnic stereotypes of ethnic Latvians in the end of XX century - beginning of XXI century: influence of historical factors”. The aim of the study is to analyse perception of ethnic Latvians about themselves and representatives of other ethnicities. According to Mrs Boldane, the main criterion for ethnic Latvians for determination of their ethnicity is ethnic background. Thus, ethnic Latvians are ethnic nation and this factor can hinder establishment of political nation in Latvia. The study revealed that the majority of ethnic Latvians divide ethnic Russians into two groups – “real Russians” and “not real Russians.” “Real Russians” are those who live in Russia and Russians who reside in Latvia for long period of time and got included in ethnic environment of local community, for example, Old-believers. “Not real” Russians are “Soviet people”, representatives of various ethnicities who arrived to Latvia during Soviet era and speak Russian language. Russians who came to Latvia during Soviet era are perceived as “occupants”, “fortune seekers” and unlike ethnic Latvians or “real Russians” do not have their roots and traditions, sense of belonging to their country. Of one of the factors which characterizes Russian residents, in opinion of ethnic Latvians, is unwillingness to learn Latvian language.



Jan. 24, 2013

  • Draft concept on national mass media envisages broadcasts in minority languages
  • MPs and Latvian academics discussed return of record on ethnic affiliation in passports

Vesti Segodnya reports about elaboration of a draft concept on national mass media. According to the newspaper, it is planned that the national mass media will broadcast some programs in Russian and languages of other ethnic minorities with an aim to strengthen their loyalty towards the state. The newspaper also notes that it is still unclear how do the national TV channels will attract Russian speakers to watch their broadcasts as the cable TV is very popular and widespread around the country.

Members of the Saeima’s Committee on Society Consolidation discussed with Latvian academics a proposal to restore ethnic affiliation record in passports. The MP Andrejs Judins highlighted the reality of those persons who feel themselves belonging to ethnic Latvian environment but do not belong to Latvian ethnicity genetically and asked what should these persons do if the ethnicity record is restored. According to academic Leo Dribins, today, ethnic affiliation is indicated not by genetics but by culture. Academic Juris Rozenvalds, in his turn, believes that the issue is controversial, because there were cases in Latvian history when such record was used against people. Vesti Segodnya

Jan. 23, 2013

  • Vladimirs Lindermans: draft amendments to the Citizenship Law are nonsense

According to Telegraf, the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating that granting of Latvian citizenship might be refused to persons who endanger state and society security, democratic constitutional order, state’s independence and territorial integrity most likely got elaborated specially with an aim to prevent granting of citizenship to leaders of the party “For Native Language” Vladimirs Lindermans and Jevgenijs Osipovs. The evaluation on whether an applicant for citizenship endangers the state should be given by the security services. Mr Lindermans believes that such amendments are nonsense because only court can decide whether the person in guilty or not. And if there is no such ruling actions made by person cannot be considered as unlawful.

Jan. 22, 2013

  • MP Janis Dombrava labels part of the population as “civil occupants” and calls the U.S. Ambassador to support their repatriation before speaking about granting of citizenship to children

Vesti Segodnya reports about reaction of Latvian nationalists to the statement about automatic granting of citizenship to children at birth made by the Council of Europe Commissioner for  Human Rights Nils Muiznieks and the U.S. Ambassador’s to Latvia Mark Pekala’s proposal to discuss the issue. The MEP from Latvia Krisjanis Karins stated he would support such proposal only if children of non-citizens would study in Latvian language solely. The MP Janis Dombrava (nationalists’ union), in his turn, labelled part of Latvia’s population as “civil occupants” and called the U.S. Ambassador to support their repatriation before discussions on granting of citizenship to children. As reported earlier, the Commissioner Nils Muiznieks stated that states should grant citizenship automatically at birth to children born in their territory who would otherwise be stateless and not permit parents to choose an option that is clearly not in the child’s interest.

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