Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Dec. 21, 2005

  • Saeima supports the draft law on the status of permanent EU residents
  • MPs discussed the activities of the State Language Centre
  • New amendments to the law allow non-citizens to work as airplane pilots in Latvia
Yesterday, the government of Latvia supported the draft law on the status of the permanent EU resident. The draft law broadens the rights of third country nationals who have resided in an EU country permanently. The status of the EU permanent resident will not be granted automatically – the person will have to apply to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to receive the status.  According to the draft law, the person will have to prove that s/he has resided in Latvia for five continuous years, has regular and stable income, and speaks the Latvian language.

Yesterday, the government of Latvia supported the draft law on the status of the permanent EU resident. The draft law broadens the rights of third country nationals who have resided in an EU country permanently. The status of the EU permanent resident will not be granted automatically – the person will have to apply to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to receive the status. According to the draft law, the person will have to prove that s/he has resided in Latvia for five continuous years, has regular and stable income, and speaks the Latvian language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, members of the Saeima’s Education Committee discussed activities of the State Language Centre, in particular inspections of the State Language inspectors at various organisations with the aim to examine  actual state language skills of employees. A member of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated that examinations of employees’ state language skills should be conducted on more regular basis. He suggested to increase the fine for not using the state language while providing services. While members of left-wing parties argued that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. As reported, the Commission of the State Language Centre has registered 247 violations of the State Language Law in the time period from 22 March to 10 October 2005.

Yesterday, members of the Saeimas Education Committee discussed activities of the State Language Centre, in particular inspections of the State Language inspectors at various organisations with the aim to examine actual state language skills of employees. A member of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated that examinations of employees state language skills should be conducted on more regular basis. He suggested to increase the fine for not using the state language while providing services. While members of left-wing parties argued that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. As reported, the Commission of the State Language Centre has registered 247 violations of the State Language Law in the time period from 22 March to 10 October 2005. Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Saeima has accepted the draft amendments to the Aviation Law. According to the new amendments, non-citizens of Latvia as well as citizens of the ‘third countries’ are allowed to work as pilots and commanders of the airplane.

The Saeima has accepted the draft amendments to the Aviation Law. According to the new amendments, non-citizens of Latvia as well as citizens of the ‘third countries are allowed to work as pilots and commanders of the airplane. Vesti Segodnya

The next integration monitor edition will be published and sent out after holidays – 2 January, 2005 and will cover the whole holiday week.

The next integration monitor edition will be published and sent out after holidays – 2 January, 2005 and will cover the whole holiday week.

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  • Integration Monitor - daily Latvian press digest on minority and social integration issues


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