Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Jan. 24, 2002



Yesterday the first session of the State Language Commission was held. For the time being the Commission has 18 members, among which there are members of Latvian Academy of Research (Jânis Stradins, Mara Zalite, Ivars Kalnins, Valentina Skujina), University of Latvia (professors Ina Druviete, Janina Kursite, Janis Valdmanis, Andris Veisbergs), State Language Centre (Dzintra Hirsa, Maris Birzgalis) and other language experts. Poetess Ludmila Azarova and Ukrainian School director Lidija Kravcenko are the two representatives of non-Latvians.

Yesterday the first session of the State Language Commission was held. For the time being the Commission has 18 members, among which there are members of Latvian Academy of Research (Jânis Stradins, Mara Zalite, Ivars Kalnins, Valentina Skujina), University of Latvia (professors Ina Druviete, Janina Kursite, Janis Valdmanis, Andris Veisbergs), State Language Centre (Dzintra Hirsa, Maris Birzgalis) and other language experts. Poetess Ludmila Azarova and Ukrainian School director Lidija Kravcenko are the two representatives of non-Latvians.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins took part in the launching event. In her speech President Vaira Vike-Freiberga again rejected concern about her legislative initiative possibly resulting in bilingualism in the country. The Latvian President put much irony and sarcasm in her comments on negative attitude by parliamentary factions to her legislative initiative. She suggested that if the faction were so worried about the state language status that State Language Commission should rush to adopt in next few weeks recommendations for protecting Latvian language. "Let the factions demonstrate to their electorate how much they love the Latvian language," said Vike-Freiberga. Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins said the State Language Commission had a very vital role, being an independent institution without any politicians or civil servants among its members. The commission chairwoman, famous Latvian poetess Mara Zalite, said that sub-commissions are likely to produce first working plans with specific proposals in two weeks. By late February the commission chairwoman in cooperation with the State Chancellery has to draft the commission's by-laws and select sources of funding required by the State Language Commission over next three years.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins took part in the launching event. In her speech President Vaira Vike-Freiberga again rejected concern about her legislative initiative possibly resulting in bilingualism in the country. The Latvian President put much irony and sarcasm in her comments on negative attitude by parliamentary factions to her legislative initiative. She suggested that if the faction were so worried about the state language status that State Language Commission should rush to adopt in next few weeks recommendations for protecting Latvian language. "Let the factions demonstrate to their electorate how much they love the Latvian language," said Vike-Freiberga. Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins said the State Language Commission had a very vital role, being an independent institution without any politicians or civil servants among its members. The commission chairwoman, famous Latvian poetess Mara Zalite, said that sub-commissions are likely to produce first working plans with specific proposals in two weeks. By late February the commission chairwoman in cooperation with the State Chancellery has to draft the commission's by-laws and select sources of funding required by the State Language Commission over next three years. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii

On Wednesday Latvia’s Way has suggested along with the removal of language requirement to supplement the Constitution with the norms providing for Latvian is the sole working language in state and municipal institutions. FHRUL Saeima faction has decided to support President’s initiative, however, they disagree that the amendments could be reviewed in a single package with other laws, which strengthen the status of Latvian. FHRUL suggests to amend Saeima’s Rule of Order because if a MP does not have to have a state language certificate, the Saeima is not entitled to annul the mandate of a MP.

On Wednesday Latvias Way has suggested along with the removal of language requirement to supplement the Constitution with the norms providing for Latvian is the sole working language in state and municipal institutions. FHRUL Saeima faction has decided to support Presidents initiative, however, they disagree that the amendments could be reviewed in a single package with other laws, which strengthen the status of Latvian. FHRUL suggests to amend Saeimas Rule of Order because if a MP does not have to have a state language certificate, the Saeima is not entitled to annul the mandate of a MP. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes the stance of the National Human Rights Office towards language requirement for election candidates. The NHRO concludes that language requirement for election candidates is non-democratic and only the voters should be entitled to chose who they want to see as their representative. The NHRO also suggests that additional legal norms that would provide for that the Latvian language is a working language at municipalities should be introduced.

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes the stance of the National Human Rights Office towards language requirement for election candidates. The NHRO concludes that language requirement for election candidates is non-democratic and only the voters should be entitled to chose who they want to see as their representative. The NHRO also suggests that additional legal norms that would provide for that the Latvian language is a working language at municipalities should be introduced.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will attend the World Economic Forum to be held in New York from January 31 to February 4.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will attend the World Economic Forum to be held in New York from January 31 to February 4. Diena, Chas


publishes the stance of Peoples Party chairman Andris Skele concerning Presidents initiative to remove language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. In his opinion Latvias NATO membership is very important, however, national interests of Latvia should be considered as well. He refers to the conclusions of international bodies that Latvian Language Law and legislation concerning national minority protection are in accordance with international norms, therefore he considers that Latvia is experiencing international pressure due to unskillful presentation of Latvian foreign policy by Latvian foreign affairs ministry officials. Skele thinks that if the discussion continues this way it is very possible that the referendum will take place. In that case, he believes that the people would vote against the removal of language requirement. publishes the stance of People’s Party chairman Andris Skele concerning President’s initiative to remove language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. In his opinion Latvia’s NATO membership is very important, however, national interests of Latvia should be considered as well. He refers to the conclusions of international bodies that Latvian Language Law and legislation concerning national minority protection are in accordance with international norms, therefore he considers that Latvia is experiencing international pressure due to unskillful presentation of Latvian foreign policy by Latvian foreign affairs ministry officials. Skele thinks that if the discussion continues this way it is very possible that the referendum will take place. In that case, he believes that the people would vote against the removal of language requirement.


columnist Maris Krautmanis analysis the situation around Presidents initiative concerning language requirement for election candidates. He agrees with the President that parties motivation not to support Presidents initiative is based on the upcoming 8th Saeima election and fear to lose their electorates. He also provides conclusions about Presidents initiative heard in political corridors that those who suggested the President to come out with the initiative actually are trying to explore how and in what circumstances different propaganda works in post communist countries. After the EU enlargement it will have difficulties to ensure translations of its papers into all languages of its member states, therefore the EU is already now trying to learn possible countries reaction to requirements to amend their language legislation. Krautmanis concludes that the effective Election Law is undemocratic and it shall be amended, however, this is not the best moment in Latvian domestic policy to launch these discussions. columnist Maris Krautmanis analysis the situation around President’s initiative concerning language requirement for election candidates. He agrees with the President that parties’ motivation not to support President’s initiative is based on the upcoming 8th Saeima election and fear to lose their electorates. He also provides conclusions about President’s initiative heard in political corridors that those who suggested the President to come out with the initiative actually are trying to explore how and in what circumstances different propaganda works in post communist countries. After the EU enlargement it will have difficulties to ensure translations of its papers into all languages of its member states, therefore the EU is already now trying to learn possible countries’ reaction to requirements to amend their language legislation. Krautmanis concludes that the effective Election Law is undemocratic and it shall be amended, however, this is not the best moment in Latvian domestic policy to launch these discussions. Over half of Latvia's population (60.3%) believes that the country's press is only partially independent or not independent at all, the majority of this group being urban dwellers with higher education and above average salaries.

Over half of Latvia's population (60.3%) believes that the country's press is only partially independent or not independent at all, the majority of this group being urban dwellers with higher education and above average salaries. Diena, Lauku Avize


reports about a "mystical message" that many Rigans received on their mobile phones yesterday: "Call the toll-free telephone number 9011222 and vote for Russian as the second state language". 22 thousand people have given their votes for Russian as the state language, writes reports about a "mystical message" that many Rigans received on their mobile phones yesterday: "Call the toll-free telephone number 9011222 and vote for Russian as the second state language". 22 thousand people have given their votes for Russian as the state language, writes Telegraf. Panorama LatviiTelegraf. Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

interviews Prime Minister Andris Berzins. When asked whether Latvian politicians have said to international bodies that the Latvian people are against the amendments to the Election Law, the Prime Minister replies that the issue is not about the situation when people who do not know Latvian could be elected to the Saeima but the issue is whether MPs should know the state language at the top level. To the question Dutch Prime Minister has said that OSCE ambassador Peter Semneby should stay here and keep monitoring how Russian-speakers are abused here" the Prime Minister says When Dutch Prime Minister was here I noticed that he is very satisfied with the way we fulfill our political obligations. However, when there were discussions about the closure of the Mission, the Netherlands was one of the countries that said that the OSCE Mission could stay. Anyway, the Mission is closed now. interviews Prime Minister Andris Berzins. When asked whether Latvian politicians have said to international bodies that the Latvian people are against the amendments to the Election Law, the Prime Minister replies that the issue is not about the situation when people who do not know Latvian could be elected to the Saeima but the issue is whether MPs should know the state language at the top level. To the question “Dutch Prime Minister has said that OSCE ambassador Peter Semneby should stay here and keep monitoring how Russian-speakers are abused here" the Prime Minister says “When Dutch Prime Minister was here I noticed that he is very satisfied with the way we fulfill our political obligations. However, when there were discussions about the closure of the Mission, the Netherlands was one of the countries that said that the OSCE Mission could stay. Anyway, the Mission is closed now.” Organization Pobeda which supports national bolshevistic ideas in Latvia wants to form national bolshevistic party and promises to stand for awarding Latvian citizenship without examinations, giving Russian the status of the state language, write off people’s debt and release political inmates.

Organization Pobeda which supports national bolshevistic ideas in Latvia wants to form national bolshevistic party and promises to stand for awarding Latvian citizenship without examinations, giving Russian the status of the state language, write off peoples debt and release political inmates. Vesti Segodnja

“OSCE will continue observing the situation Russian-speakers in the Baltic countries” said Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister Gama after the meeting with Russian colleague Ivanov

OSCE will continue observing the situation Russian-speakers in the Baltic countries said Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister Gama after the meeting with Russian colleague Ivanov. Chas

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