Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

June 27, 2012

  • State Language Centre will punish ex-MP Valerijs Kravcovs with pecuniary penalty for a bilingual street sign (
  • Minister of Education and Science Roberts Kilis: experts do not support transition of all kindergartens into only Latvian language
  • Neatkariga prints an interview with the ex-Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins

The State Language Centre decided to punish ex-MP Valerijs Kravcovs with pecuniary penalty for putting at his house a bilingual street sign (in Latvian and Russian languages). The amount of the fine is not known yet, however, Mr. Kravcovs already stated he will not pay the fine and appeal it in the court. As reported, activist of a party “For Equal Rights” Jevgenijs Osipovs called to join an action for Russian language by placing bilingual street signs in Latvian and Russian languages. Chas

According to the Minister of Education and Science Roberts Kilis, a working group of education experts which was established by the government’s coalition in order to evaluate the proposal of transition of all kindergartens into only Latvian language concluded that such hasty decision in inadmissible. Experts believe that such changes could cause psychological problems and hinder the development of children to whom Latvian language is not a native language. The Minister Kilis believes that monolingual education is in the past because now the society lives in multilingual environment and it is logical that children start learning foreign languages together with their native language already in kindergarten. Vesti Segodnya

Neatkariga prints an interview with the ex-Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins (member of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM). Mr Berzins asserts that the main reason for his resignation was the issue of restitution of Jewish properties in Latvia. Mr Berzins does not deny that resignation was also influenced by other issues such as communication between the nationalists’ union and their coalition partners from the Unity. According to Mr Berzins, the nationalists’ union wants to be perceived as equal partner, however many of its proposals are denied without discussions. As an example, Mr Berzins mentions proposals regarding Latvian citizenship: the nationalists union does not support granting Latvian citizenship automatically as it is proposed now.

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