Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Jan. 21, 2011

  • Nationalists union All for Latvia!-FF/LNIM prepares a special draft law which could exclude MP Valerijs Kravcovs from the Saeima
  • Union of Citizens and Non-citizens asks MEPs to clarify their position regarding Latvian non-citizens
  • 1,064 persons were included in the black list in 2010
  • All for Latvia! collects signatures for support of transition of all state funded schools into Latvian language in the Occupation Museum
  • Saeimas Committee is planning to revise norms of the Immigration Law
Nationalist’s union All for Latvia!-FF/LNIM prepares a special draft law which could exclude MP Valerijs Kravcovs from the Saeima due to his insufficient state language proficiency. The Saeima’s lawyers believe that exclusion of Mr. Kravcovs can be based on the Saeima Rules of Procedure which say that MP can be excluded from the parliament due to insufficient state language proficiency. Ex-head of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins believes that exclusion of MP from the parliament would contradict the Constitution because it does not stipulate any requirements for Latvian language proficiency from MPs.

Nationalists union All for Latvia!-FF/LNIM prepares a special draft law which could exclude MP Valerijs Kravcovs from the Saeima due to his insufficient state language proficiency. The Saeimas lawyers believe that exclusion of Mr. Kravcovs can be based on the Saeima Rules of Procedure which say that MP can be excluded from the parliament due to insufficient state language proficiency. Ex-head of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins believes that exclusion of MP from the parliament would contradict the Constitution because it does not stipulate any requirements for Latvian language proficiency from MPs. Chas, Diena

Chas reports that NGO Union of Citizens and Non-citizens sent letters to the members of the European Parliament with a request to clarify their position regarding participation of Latvian non-citizens in the municipal elections.

1,064 foreign citizens were included in the list of persons whose entrance to Latvia is denied in 2010. In total, there are 5,000 persons in the black list.

1,064 foreign citizens were included in the list of persons whose entrance to Latvia is denied in 2010. In total, there are 5,000 persons in the black list. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, at the 20th anniversary day of January 1991 barricades, nationalist’s union All for Latvia! organised collection of signatures for support of transition of all  state funded schools into Latvian language in the Occupation Museum. So far, the union collected only 5,000 signatures out of 10,000 required to initiate state funded collection of signatures.

Yesterday, at the 20th anniversary day of January 1991 barricades, nationalists union All for Latvia! organised collection of signatures for support of transition of all state funded schools into Latvian language in the Occupation Museum. So far, the union collected only 5,000 signatures out of 10,000 required to initiate state funded collection of signatures. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The Saeima’s Defence, Interior and Corruption Prevention Committee is planning to revise norms of the Immigration Law regarding permanent residence permit to foreign investors. The norms would become were strict.

The Saeimas Defence, Interior and Corruption Prevention Committee is planning to revise norms of the Immigration Law regarding permanent residence permit to foreign investors. The norms would become were strict. Latvijas Avize

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