
LCHR organized a study visit to Belgium on return issues

LCHR  organized a study visit to Belgium on return issues

On 12-16 May, the LCHR organized a study visit  to Belgium on return issues for 11 participants from Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia in the framework of the project „Developing good practices: promoting compliance with the Return Directive in Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia”. The study visit brought together 11 participants: the national authorities (representatives from the Ministries of Interior, the border guard/immigration police, the Ombudsman’s Offices) and representatives of NGOs from Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia.

Published : 2014-06-09

Study visit to Slovenia on the experience of the National Preventive Mechanism

Study visit to Slovenia on the experience of the National Preventive Mechanism

A study visit to Slovenia was organised on 6-8 May by the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and the Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office within the framework of the project "Promoting the ratification of the OPCAT in Latvia and strengthening the Ombudsman's Office as the future effective NPM" financed by the Open Society Assistance-Foundation. Representatives of the Latvian Ministry of Justice, Office of the Representative of the Government of the Republic of Latvia before International Human Rights Organisations, the Latvian Prison Administration, and the co-ordinator of the LCHR project participated in the visit.

Published : 2014-05-15