Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

March 22, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

The representatives of Latvian MFA informed that the Ministry had prepared a contraction plan should the Russian sanctions against Latvia were adopted. No more details were given. Still Latvia considers that imposing of the sanctions would be disadvantageous for both countries, and after some time they would have to be abolished anyway.

The representatives of Latvian MFA informed that the Ministry had prepared a contraction plan should the Russian sanctions against Latvia were adopted. No more details were given. Still Latvia considers that imposing of the sanctions would be disadvantageous for both countries, and after some time they would have to be abolished anyway. Neatkariga, Diena

Describing the closed meeting of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission,

Describing the closed meeting of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission, Vesti Segodnya writes that some deputies tried to blame the MFA for failing to find a key for a normal dialogue with Russia. The leaders of the Ministry defended themselves by saying that Russia had been persuading a very hostile policy towards Latvia. The main critic of the Ministry was J.Jurkans (For Human Rights in United Latvia) who said that the Ministry failed to do its homework – solve the problems of public integration, observing the rights of national minorities.

G.Pommere in

G.Pommere in Chas states that in reality both the representatives of MFA and the Commission found only one way to fight the sanctions- in the case of imposing such, Latvia should remind Russia all international agreement she violated by this step. But I.Berzins continued to consider these sanctions as a consequence of pre-election campaign.

D.Lemesonoks in

D.Lemesonoks in Neatkariga analyses Latvian – Russian diplomatic relations and the influence of the events of March 16 and the trials of former guerrilla men. Of course, these relations exist just formally, but it is doubtful that Russian party has any wish to develop them. Latvians are exploited in interests of Russian internal policy. It is easier to tell stories about Nazism raising its head in the Baltic and how Moscow is standing up to defend her compatriots than to explain how those tiny mosquitoes can survive without their own oil, diamonds, internal wars, hyperinflation of national currencies and join EU.

The population census in Latvia will start in 9 days and proceed for the whole month. The information will be collected on the situation after March 31, 2000. Residents will have to answer 33 questions about themselves and their household.

The population census in Latvia will start in 9 days and proceed for the whole month. The information will be collected on the situation after March 31, 2000. Residents will have to answer 33 questions about themselves and their household. Neatkariga

Latvian President is going to meet the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov today to discuss Latvian – Russian bilateral relations. The meeting will take place upon the initiative of the Russian diplomat. There is no detailed information about the issues to be discussed, but it is possible that the high officials could discuss Russian criticism of the events of March 16. Latvia has refused this criticism and called Russia to admit the fact of occupation of the Baltic States. Neatkariga

Latvian President is going to meet the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov today to discuss Latvian – Russian bilateral relations. The meeting will take place upon the initiative of the Russian diplomat. There is no detailed information about the issues to be discussed, but it is possible that the high officials could discuss Russian criticism of the events of March 16. Latvia has refused this criticism and called Russia to admit the fact of occupation of the Baltic States. Neatkariga

The major attention during the UN Human rights Commission annual session, taking place in Geneva, will be paid to human rights violations in China and Russia. Russian representatives who have to face criticism plan to attract the attention of the international community to as they call it “alarming human rights situation” in Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio stated that these Russian reprimands did not correspond to the real situation in Latvia. Latvian position on human rights issues corresponded to the position voiced by the EU and OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel.

The major attention during the UN Human rights Commission annual session, taking place in Geneva, will be paid to human rights violations in China and Russia. Russian representatives who have to face criticism plan to attract the attention of the international community to as they call it alarming human rights situation in Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio stated that these Russian reprimands did not correspond to the real situation in Latvia. Latvian position on human rights issues corresponded to the position voiced by the EU and OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Diena

The politicians of the leading coalition anticipate a short peace period in the coalition after the discussions between the President and the leaders of Latvijas Cels and People’s Party. Although the President had called to arrange the coalition, in her critical evaluations one could head the doubt about the possibility to do it. The reason for it could be the not publicised and different interests of the parties in the process of privatisation. Should the parties be not able to find some compromise on major economic issues and continue watching each other with distrust, trying to choke each others interests, the life span of the Government could not be long.

The politicians of the leading coalition anticipate a short peace period in the coalition after the discussions between the President and the leaders of Latvijas Cels and Peoples Party. Although the President had called to arrange the coalition, in her critical evaluations one could head the doubt about the possibility to do it. The reason for it could be the not publicised and different interests of the parties in the process of privatisation. Should the parties be not able to find some compromise on major economic issues and continue watching each other with distrust, trying to choke each others interests, the life span of the Government could not be long. Diena

Due to the fact that Latvian MFA had not done the necessary formalities, Latvian parliamentarians did not receive an invitation to be present during Russian presidential election.

Due to the fact that Latvian MFA had not done the necessary formalities, Latvian parliamentarians did not receive an invitation to be present during Russian presidential election. Respublika

Chas writes that it was Russia who did not include Latvia in the list of observer states. The only Latvian representative at the election will be H.Demakova, but not as a representative of the Saeima but as a member of the OSCE delegation.

A.Gilman published an open letter to the Latvian President asking her to pay attention to several situations where international experience concerning national minority languages is different to Latvian policy – e.g. prohibition to use any other language in advertisements, but the Latvian language.

A.Gilman published an open letter to the Latvian President asking her to pay attention to several situations where international experience concerning national minority languages is different to Latvian policy – e.g. prohibition to use any other language in advertisements, but the Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Not so long ago Russian authorities accused Latvian Embassy in Moscow of having business offices in the premises of the Embassy. Latvian Embassy in Washington is more skilful – it helps Latvian traders to sell their goods to Americans via Internet.

Not so long ago Russian authorities accused Latvian Embassy in Moscow of having business offices in the premises of the Embassy. Latvian Embassy in Washington is more skilful – it helps Latvian traders to sell their goods to Americans via Internet. Vesti Segodnya

Riga City Council deputy S.Dolgopolov (Peoples Harmony Party) at the regular Council meting accused the City officials of having double standards – they allowed the march of former Nazi legionnaires on March 16 but at the same time refused a permit to organise a public event to commemorate 200 anniversary of Puskhin at the monument of Rainis (very centre of Riga).

Riga City Council deputy S.Dolgopolov (Peoples Harmony Party) at the regular Council meting accused the City officials of having double standards – they allowed the march of former Nazi legionnaires on March 16 but at the same time refused a permit to organise a public event to commemorate 200 anniversary of Puskhin at the monument of Rainis (very centre of Riga). Panorama Latvii

Russian radical left wing organisation “Officers’ Union” plans to boycott Russian presidential election and has established a committee to defend red guerrilla man V.Kononov. They have already held several pickets in Russia and will continue their activities until Kononov is released. Panorama

Russian radical left wing organisation Officers Union plans to boycott Russian presidential election and has established a committee to defend red guerrilla man V.Kononov. They have already held several pickets in Russia and will continue their activities until Kononov is released. Panorama Latvii

Russian left wing radical, the leader of the movement Workers Russia V.Ampilov has threatened to kidnap the Latvian Ambassador I.Daudiss and to organise a guerrilla men unit named after V.Kononov should Latvia not release him and cease to persecute other Soviet veterans. Latvian MFA requested Russia to ensure safe working conditions for Latvian diplomats.

Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas
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