Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

May 26, 1994

Press Review

On May 25 during his interview for the Latvian radio Mr.Ulmanis said that he received reliable guarantees of the completion of the trop withdrawal within the terms stated by the agreement from the UN Secretary General, members of the UN Security Council, and the US President. According to the Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the UN Mr.Ulmanis stressed the role of the UN in the implementation of the Skrunda agreement; according to the agreement Russia should submit a document to the Security Council guaranteeing that the agreement will not be used against the sovereignty and interests of Latvia. President Clinton welcomed the signing of the agreements and confirmed that United States had participated in their preparation. President Ulmanis also had a meeting with the representatives of the Latvian community in Chicago. During his visit to Chicago a rally was held by local Latvians who protested against the ratification of the agreement with Russia.

On May 25 during his interview for the Latvian radio Mr.Ulmanis said that he received reliable guarantees of the completion of the trop withdrawal within the terms stated by the agreement from the UN Secretary General, members of the UN Security Council, and the US President. According to the Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the UN Mr.Ulmanis stressed the role of the UN in the implementation of the Skrunda agreement; according to the agreement Russia should submit a document to the Security Council guaranteeing that the agreement will not be used against the sovereignty and interests of Latvia. President Clinton welcomed the signing of the agreements and confirmed that United States had participated in their preparation. President Ulmanis also had a meeting with the representatives of the Latvian community in Chicago. During his visit to Chicago a rally was held by local Latvians who protested against the ratification of the agreement with Russia. Diena, Labrit

May 25 was the last day of the Third Session of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Council of Baltic States. During the Session former Danish Minister of Justice Ole Espersen was appointed the Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and human Rights. According to Mr.Egils Levits the activities of the Commissioner will focus on the broad spectrum of issues approached from the point of view of relations between an individual and a citizen and the state. During his press-conference Mr.Espersen stressed that he would act independently and report only to the Council of Baltic States. Russian delegation presented a memorandum on the violations of the rights of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia. Estonian President Lennart Meri expressed hope that there would be new possibilities for the finding of an acceptable solution of the troop withdrawal-related problems. Mr.Koziryev said that there was enough time left to withdraw troops from Estonia before August 31. Territorial claims were not discussed. Mr.Koziryev stressed that Russia was not intending to discuss any territorial problems with the Baltic states or Ukraine. Still Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs said that Estonia was planning to discuss its territorial claims at the meeting of European Ministers for Foreign affairs in Paris and suggest that the issue be discussed during the Stability Pact Conference.

May 25 was the last day of the Third Session of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Council of Baltic States. During the Session former Danish Minister of Justice Ole Espersen was appointed the Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and human Rights. According to Mr.Egils Levits the activities of the Commissioner will focus on the broad spectrum of issues approached from the point of view of relations between an individual and a citizen and the state. During his press-conference Mr.Espersen stressed that he would act independently and report only to the Council of Baltic States. Russian delegation presented a memorandum on the violations of the rights of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia. Estonian President Lennart Meri expressed hope that there would be new possibilities for the finding of an acceptable solution of the troop withdrawal-related problems. Mr.Koziryev said that there was enough time left to withdraw troops from Estonia before August 31. Territorial claims were not discussed. Mr.Koziryev stressed that Russia was not intending to discuss any territorial problems with the Baltic states or Ukraine. Still Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs said that Estonia was planning to discuss its territorial claims at the meeting of European Ministers for Foreign affairs in Paris and suggest that the issue be discussed during the Stability Pact Conference. Diena, Labrit

The list of the "Tautas Saskana" candidates to the self-governing bodies of the Daugavpils region has been revoked. The reason was the discovery of 18 forged signatures of voters in support of the list.

The list of the "Tautas Saskana" candidates to the self-governing bodies of the Daugavpils region has been revoked. The reason was the discovery of 18 forged signatures of voters in support of the list. Labrit

Tomorrow a joint meeting of the governing coalition dedicated to the draft citizenship law will be held. There are serious differences of opinions within the coalition not only between the two fractions but also within "Latvijas Cels". Five "Latvijas Cels" deputies suggested their own approach to the naturalization principle to be implemented in the law. According to their approach the "0.1% quota principle" will be applied to persons who entered Latvia after June 17, 1940. Such persons will start receiving citizenship after year 2000 with the annual number of naturalized persons not exceeding 0.1% of the number of citizens. Approximately 280,000 persons currently belong to this category, and the number of individuals annually naturalized in accordance with such approach will be around 1,800.

Tomorrow a joint meeting of the governing coalition dedicated to the draft citizenship law will be held. There are serious differences of opinions within the coalition not only between the two fractions but also within "Latvijas Cels". Five "Latvijas Cels" deputies suggested their own approach to the naturalization principle to be implemented in the law. According to their approach the "0.1% quota principle" will be applied to persons who entered Latvia after June 17, 1940. Such persons will start receiving citizenship after year 2000 with the annual number of naturalized persons not exceeding 0.1% of the number of citizens. Approximately 280,000 persons currently belong to this category, and the number of individuals annually naturalized in accordance with such approach will be around 1,800. Labrit

Minister of Economics Ojars Kehirs, Minister of Justice Egils Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Einars Repse issued a joint statement stressing the urgency of a prompt privatization and the introduction of amendments to the legislation to allow the creation of the land and real-estate market in Latvia.

Minister of Economics Ojars Kehirs, Minister of Justice Egils Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Einars Repse issued a joint statement stressing the urgency of a prompt privatization and the introduction of amendments to the legislation to allow the creation of the land and real-estate market in Latvia. Diena

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