Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

May 28, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima Presidium and representatives of the fractions agreed to have the elections of the State President on 17 June.

Yesterday the Saeima Presidium and representatives of the fractions agreed to have the elections of the State President on 17 June. Diena

Yesterday Latvia and Lithuania initialled the agreement on sea border.

Yesterday Latvia and Lithuania initialled the agreement on sea border. Diena

Today the Joint Committee on the Skrunda Radar holds the press conference on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Joint Committee. The OSCE representative Jurgen Huebschen, representative of the Russian Party Alexander Nikitin and the Latvian representative Edgars Skuja will take part.

Today the Joint Committee on the Skrunda Radar holds the press conference on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Joint Committee. The OSCE representative Jurgen Huebschen, representative of the Russian Party Alexander Nikitin and the Latvian representative Edgars Skuja will take part. Jauna Avize

High School graduates who will successfully pass the centralised Latvian language examination, will not need to take the state language examination when naturalising. That became possible after the co-ordination of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board. Approximately 2400 graduates of national minority schools will take the centralised Latvian language examination on 1 June. To ensure the objectivity of the examination, officials of the Naturalisation Board and members of the Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law will participate at the exam as observers. The Naturalisation Board prepared necessary amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the examination of the Latvian language proficiency. The Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law, however, has decided to assess the compliance of the agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board with the Latvian legislation.

High School graduates who will successfully pass the centralised Latvian language examination, will not need to take the state language examination when naturalising. That became possible after the co-ordination of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board. Approximately 2400 graduates of national minority schools will take the centralised Latvian language examination on 1 June. To ensure the objectivity of the examination, officials of the Naturalisation Board and members of the Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law will participate at the exam as observers. The Naturalisation Board prepared necessary amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the examination of the Latvian language proficiency. The Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law, however, has decided to assess the compliance of the agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board with the Latvian legislation. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, B&B

In order to facilitate the implementation of the national minority education programs, the Ministry of Education has prepared one sample program which offers four models of bilingual education. According to the Education Law, on 1 September 1999 national minority schools should begin implementation of these programs. Igor Pimenov, Director of the Association for Support of Schools with the Russian language of instruction, expressed doubts whether teachers of national minority schools will be methodologically prepared to teach according to bilingual education models. Director of the Academic division of the 17th Secondary School N. Gasulis told Diena that teachers have already started to prepare the methodology of bilingual education and are ready to teach a part of subjects in Latvian although at the beginning it will be difficult.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the national minority education programs, the Ministry of Education has prepared one sample program which offers four models of bilingual education. According to the Education Law, on 1 September 1999 national minority schools should begin implementation of these programs. Igor Pimenov, Director of the Association for Support of Schools with the Russian language of instruction, expressed doubts whether teachers of national minority schools will be methodologically prepared to teach according to bilingual education models. Director of the Academic division of the 17th Secondary School N. Gasulis told Diena that teachers have already started to prepare the methodology of bilingual education and are ready to teach a part of subjects in Latvian although at the beginning it will be difficult. Diena

After long discussions on Wednesday the People’s Part decided to support the version of the Language law provision concerning the language proficiency of persons working in the private sphere, prepared by the Legal Office of the Saeima. This version corresponds with the OSCE recommendation concerning this provision. Still, the People’s Party does not agree with other OSCE recommendation about the use of language at meetings of enterprises. The People’s Party believes that the State Language law should be adopted before the summer recession.

After long discussions on Wednesday the Peoples Part decided to support the version of the Language law provision concerning the language proficiency of persons working in the private sphere, prepared by the Legal Office of the Saeima. This version corresponds with the OSCE recommendation concerning this provision. Still, the Peoples Party does not agree with other OSCE recommendation about the use of language at meetings of enterprises. The Peoples Party believes that the State Language law should be adopted before the summer recession. Diena

Dr.iur. Juris Bolis believes that the opinion of foreign investors in Latvia about the State language law should be taken into account, since they could withdraw from Latvia if they see that implementation of the State language law provisions, as they look now, could hinder the effective work of their firms. He thinks that the government should create an effective Ombudsman institution to mediate between the private firms and governmental institutions.

Dr.iur. Juris Bolis believes that the opinion of foreign investors in Latvia about the State language law should be taken into account, since they could withdraw from Latvia if they see that implementation of the State language law provisions, as they look now, could hinder the effective work of their firms. He thinks that the government should create an effective Ombudsman institution to mediate between the private firms and governmental institutions. Diena in Russian

Panorama Latvii journalist S. Zaletayev analyses the Alternative Conception of the State Integration Program proposed by Russian public organisations. He suggests to take out of the alternative conception the chapter on Social Aspect of Integration because it is a separate subject to be dealt in more detailed way, and the chapter on Historical Aspect because it is more reasonable to have present as the basis and discuss the future, and to leave history for historians. In conclusion of the article Mr.Zaletayev quotes the head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia David Johnson saying that the conception in its present version deserves critical comments. But in order to benefit from critics, they should be constructive. It is not enough to say We do not like it. If a part of the society believes that the document is unsatisfactory or one-sided, now is the time to propose new formulations and concrete ideas. When the final version appears, it will be too late to state: We do not need such an integration program. Panorama Latvii

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