Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

April 17, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

All newspapers inform about the letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis concerning the draft language law. The High Commissioner notes that by regulating the use of the state language in the private enterprises the existing version of the draft law violates the individual’s right to privacy. That, in turn, affects the attracting of investments to Latvia and Latvia’s joining of the EU. The High Commissioner also notes that the draft law prepared for the third reading by the previous Saeima was the one which corresponded with the OSCE recommendations most.

All newspapers inform about the letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis concerning the draft language law. The High Commissioner notes that by regulating the use of the state language in the private enterprises the existing version of the draft law violates the individuals right to privacy. That, in turn, affects the attracting of investments to Latvia and Latvias joining of the EU. The High Commissioner also notes that the draft law prepared for the third reading by the previous Saeima was the one which corresponded with the OSCE recommendations most. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, B&B

Chascommentator Leonid Fedoseev states that despite the oppositions arguments, the draft language law will be adopted in the version proposed by the nationalists.

In the interview for

In the interview for Panorama Latvii, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that he would do everything to improve the Latvian-Russian relations. Speaking about the draft language law, he stated that he would insist on having the draft law in compliance with the international norms. The question about the long waiting lists for the naturalisation was answered by reminding that the government allocated additional financing for the Naturalisation Board. After the NB Head Ms. Aldermane reports on the one month work, it will be seen whether more funding is needed. Panorama Latvii

During the interview for the Latvian TV the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that “a positive dialogue” between Latvia and Russia is anticipated. The Minister of Communications and Minister of Culture have planned to visit Moscow.

During the interview for the Latvian TV the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that a positive dialogue between Latvia and Russia is anticipated. The Minister of Communications and Minister of Culture have planned to visit Moscow. Chas

In the interview for

In the interview for SM, the Foreign Affairs Minister V. Birkavs refused to draw parallels between the situation in Kosovo and the one in Latvia, since in Latvia there is no ethnic hatred and religious conflicts. Besides, Latvia is constantly looking for the solutions of the internal issues. As the examples, he mentioned the assessment of the draft language law given by the MFA and the public discussion of state integration policy. SM

On 19 April the Latvian Minister of Transport A. Gorbunovs went to Moscow to try to lessen the economic pressure on Latvia by negotiating the facilitated circumstances for the Latvian transit.

On 19 April the Latvian Minister of Transport A. Gorbunovs went to Moscow to try to lessen the economic pressure on Latvia by negotiating the facilitated circumstances for the Latvian transit. B&B

The Russian State Duma adopted the law on the state policy concerning the compatriots residing abroad.

The Russian State Duma adopted the law on the state policy concerning the compatriots residing abroad. Panorama Latvii

On Saturday in Daugavpils the local division of the Russian Society called all Russian movements in Latvia to consolidate, since “the Russians in Latvia are the discriminated minority.” The Russian Society continued to collect the signatures in support of the Russian language. The Society also plans to meet with the city administration to talk about the education system.

On Saturday in Daugavpils the local division of the Russian Society called all Russian movements in Latvia to consolidate, since the Russians in Latvia are the discriminated minority. The Russian Society continued to collect the signatures in support of the Russian language. The Society also plans to meet with the city administration to talk about the education system. Panorama Latvii

The Latvian Association of the Russian Societies, the Latvian Association for Co-operation, the Military Pensioners Association and the Association of the Veterans of the Anti-Nazi Coalition signed an agreement providing the establishment of the Latvian-Russian Committee of the Compatriots which would delegate the authorised representatives to the Council of the Compatriots at the Russian Federal Council.

The Latvian Association of the Russian Societies, the Latvian Association for Co-operation, the Military Pensioners Association and the Association of the Veterans of the Anti-Nazi Coalition signed an agreement providing the establishment of the Latvian-Russian Committee of the Compatriots which would delegate the authorised representatives to the Council of the Compatriots at the Russian Federal Council. Diena

Dmitry Nikolaev, President of the Latvian National Commission “Western Russians,” believe that with the appropriate authorisation from the government, his organisation and other similar organisations would be able to assist in lobbying the Latvia’s interests on the interparliamentary and intergovernmental level with Russia. Besides, the Russian organisations would highly appreciate such credit given to them by the government. That, in turn, may become the basis for implementation of the national integration program.

Dmitry Nikolaev, President of the Latvian National Commission Western Russians, believe that with the appropriate authorisation from the government, his organisation and other similar organisations would be able to assist in lobbying the Latvias interests on the interparliamentary and intergovernmental level with Russia. Besides, the Russian organisations would highly appreciate such credit given to them by the government. That, in turn, may become the basis for implementation of the national integration program. Diena

The expert from the Brussels Multilinguism Research Centre Mr. Peter Hans Nelde (spelling ?) who participated in the seminar On Language Issues in the Concept of the Society Integration in Latvia suggests to rise the state language prestige in the sphere of public administration and education. in order to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language.

The expert from the Brussels Multilinguism Research Centre Mr. Peter Hans Nelde (spelling ?) who participated in the seminar On Language Issues in the Concept of the Society Integration in Latvia suggests to rise the state language prestige in the sphere of public administration and education. in order to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language. Neatkariga

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