Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

May 10, 1994

Press Review

According to the Head of the Bureau for the Monitoring of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Upmalis the schedule of the withdrawal attached to the agreements signed on April 30 does not include several army units and military facilities. Mr.Upmalis explained that certain facilities might be included into the schedule as part of army units. The Bureau is expected to hand over the list of the units not included into the schedule to the Headquarters of the North-Western Group and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia.

According to the Head of the Bureau for the Monitoring of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Upmalis the schedule of the withdrawal attached to the agreements signed on April 30 does not include several army units and military facilities. Mr.Upmalis explained that certain facilities might be included into the schedule as part of army units. The Bureau is expected to hand over the list of the units not included into the schedule to the Headquarters of the North-Western Group and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. Labrit

The "Latvijas Cels" party discussed possible replacement of certain ministers at its meeting on May 9. The replacement may take place after the evaluation of the efficiency of the Cabinet of Ministers during last nine months. The Union of Farmers is getting prepared for the last round of talks with the Government which may determine the future of the governing coalition.

The "Latvijas Cels" party discussed possible replacement of certain ministers at its meeting on May 9. The replacement may take place after the evaluation of the efficiency of the Cabinet of Ministers during last nine months. The Union of Farmers is getting prepared for the last round of talks with the Government which may determine the future of the governing coalition. Diena, Neatkariga

A rally dedicated to the 49-th anniversary of the victory over Fascist Germany in the World War II was held on May 9 in front of the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. It was attended by approximately 5,000 war veterans, their relatives, and supporters. Signatures for the ballot for the representative body of the League of Stateless Individuals were collected during the event.

A rally dedicated to the 49-th anniversary of the victory over Fascist Germany in the World War II was held on May 9 in front of the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. It was attended by approximately 5,000 war veterans, their relatives, and supporters. Signatures for the ballot for the representative body of the League of Stateless Individuals were collected during the event. Diena, Labrit

Mr.Boris Cilevc's article analyzing the restrictions of rights connected with the status of a stateless individual as opposed to a citizen's status is continued in DIENA. The author examines the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Latvia with international norms and agreements. Among the existing contradictions he points out the following:

Mr.Boris Cilevc's article analyzing the restrictions of rights connected with the status of a stateless individual as opposed to a citizen's status is continued in DIENA. The author examines the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Latvia with international norms and agreements. Among the existing contradictions he points out the following:
1. Article 29 of the Constitutional Law guarantees non-citizens the right to freely travel within Latvia but does not give them the right to freely choose the place of residence thus contradicting Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights. 2. The second reading of the Draft Citizenship Law provides naturalization priorities to certain ethnic groups (Gypsies, Jews, Lithuanians, Estonians) thus contradicting Paragraph d)iii of Article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in all its Forms. 3. In accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 Latvia should grant citizenship to the children of stateless parents if such children were born on the territory of Latvia. This was also confirmed in the report by the Regional European Bureau of the UN Supreme Commissioner on Refugees of July, 1993. Diena

Chairman of Citizenship Commission of the Russian Parliament Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev in his interview for DIENA (Latvian) focused on the main aspects of relations between Russia and Latvia. He pointed out that in accordance with the 1991 agreement between the two countries signed in Tallinn by Yeltsin and Gorbunovs both sides should allow the individuals residing on their territories to freely choose their citizenship. Later that year the Latvian Parliament adopted the decree granting citizenship only to persons who had been residing in Latvia before its occupation by the USSR. Speaking about the steps taken by Russia to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and in Estonia Mr.Mikitayev stressed that Russia would not interfere into the internal affairs of those countries but would support and finance their cultural development and education. He also stressed that the restriction of rights of a big portion of the population disrupts the internal political situation in the two Baltic states. Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev criticized the attempts of forceful assimilation of non-Latvians and non-Estonians and noted that the study of the state languages and integration into the new state system might take a longer time than expected by several politicians in the Baltic states. He mentioned the productive co-operation between his commission and the CSCE and stressed that it had been the CSCE that had made a prominent contribution to facilitating the troop withdrawal. He suggested that the solution of the issue of citizenship lay the foundation for a successful integration of non-Latvians into the new society and expressed hope that the agreements between Russia and Latvia could serve as a basis for the settlement of the existing problems.

Chairman of Citizenship Commission of the Russian Parliament Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev in his interview for DIENA (Latvian) focused on the main aspects of relations between Russia and Latvia. He pointed out that in accordance with the 1991 agreement between the two countries signed in Tallinn by Yeltsin and Gorbunovs both sides should allow the individuals residing on their territories to freely choose their citizenship. Later that year the Latvian Parliament adopted the decree granting citizenship only to persons who had been residing in Latvia before its occupation by the USSR. Speaking about the steps taken by Russia to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and in Estonia Mr.Mikitayev stressed that Russia would not interfere into the internal affairs of those countries but would support and finance their cultural development and education. He also stressed that the restriction of rights of a big portion of the population disrupts the internal political situation in the two Baltic states. Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev criticized the attempts of forceful assimilation of non-Latvians and non-Estonians and noted that the study of the state languages and integration into the new state system might take a longer time than expected by several politicians in the Baltic states. He mentioned the productive co-operation between his commission and the CSCE and stressed that it had been the CSCE that had made a prominent contribution to facilitating the troop withdrawal. He suggested that the solution of the issue of citizenship lay the foundation for a successful integration of non-Latvians into the new society and expressed hope that the agreements between Russia and Latvia could serve as a basis for the settlement of the existing problems. Diena

Russian Consulate-General has been opened in Liepaja. The main objective of the Consulate is to protect the interests of Russian citizens and organizations and to promote economical co-operation between the two countries. Stateless individuals may apply to the Consulate Russian citizenship. 

Russian Consulate-General has been opened in Liepaja. The main objective of the Consulate is to protect the interests of Russian citizens and organizations and to promote economical co-operation between the two countries. Stateless individuals may apply to the Consulate Russian citizenship.Panorama Latvii

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