Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 26, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

A regular autumn conference of foreign ministers of Nordic countries started yesterday in Swedish city Vesteros. The ministers paid special attention to Latvia, highly appraising its amendments to the Law on Citizenship and recognising that Latvia, taking this step, had observed the main elements of international recommendations. Ministers considered that due to this fact there was no need to put forward any new demands for Latvia to amend its Law on Citizenship apart from the current OSCE recommendations. Therefore ministers of Nordic countries expressed their hope that the referendum in Latvia would confirm the Saeima decision to amend the Law on Citizenship. They also expressed their regret on existence of a whole set of not solved problems in Latvian - Russian relations and stressed that participation of Russia in signing bilateral border agreement with Latvia was an important condition to further mutual understanding. The ministers hoped that this agreement would be signed in the nearest future.

A regular autumn conference of foreign ministers of Nordic countries started yesterday in Swedish city Vesteros. The ministers paid special attention to Latvia, highly appraising its amendments to the Law on Citizenship and recognising that Latvia, taking this step, had observed the main elements of international recommendations. Ministers considered that due to this fact there was no need to put forward any new demands for Latvia to amend its Law on Citizenship apart from the current OSCE recommendations. Therefore ministers of Nordic countries expressed their hope that the referendum in Latvia would confirm the Saeima decision to amend the Law on Citizenship. They also expressed their regret on existence of a whole set of not solved problems in Latvian - Russian relations and stressed that participation of Russia in signing bilateral border agreement with Latvia was an important condition to further mutual understanding. The ministers hoped that this agreement would be signed in the nearest future. Neatkariga,

According to Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs, the Nordic countries are worried that Latvia could be excluded from European integration if the amendments to the citizenship law were not adopted, though nobody expressed this opinion openly.

According to Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs, the Nordic countries are worried that Latvia could be excluded from European integration if the amendments to the citizenship law were not adopted, though nobody expressed this opinion openly. Diena

The Refugees Affairs Centre of the DCMA has received some more applications for granting the status of a refugee. The total number of applications is 19.

The Refugees Affairs Centre of the DCMA has received some more applications for granting the status of a refugee. The total number of applications is 19. Neatkariga

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and a group of experts visited Latvia from August 24 to 26. The high guest had meetings with the State President, Minister of Education, MFA State Secretary and the Head of the Naturalization Board. Max van der Stoel stressed that the amendments to the Law on Citizenship that corresponded to his recommendations, did not threaten the Latvian language and expressed his hope the Latvian citizens would support those amendments at the referendum. Both the State President and the High Commissioner acknowledged that the nation needed more explanations about the essence of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and considered that these amendments should take force. At the meeting with State Secretary, Max van der Stoel pointed out that implementation of those amendments would essentially influence the international position of Latvia, e.g. when joining EU.

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and a group of experts visited Latvia from August 24 to 26. The high guest had meetings with the State President, Minister of Education, MFA State Secretary and the Head of the Naturalization Board. Max van der Stoel stressed that the amendments to the Law on Citizenship that corresponded to his recommendations, did not threaten the Latvian language and expressed his hope the Latvian citizens would support those amendments at the referendum. Both the State President and the High Commissioner acknowledged that the nation needed more explanations about the essence of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and considered that these amendments should take force. At the meeting with State Secretary, Max van der Stoel pointed out that implementation of those amendments would essentially influence the international position of Latvia, e.g. when joining EU. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii , Bizness & Baltiya

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia A.Avdejev, answering to the questions of journalists, explained the position of Russia concerning Latvia. Russia strongly intends to improve the dialog with Latvia basing it on the principles of good neighborly relations and trust. But bilateral relations do not form so easily. Latvian - Russian relations are far from their best due to the discrimination policy of Latvian authorities against Russian speakers in Latvia. And the first steps, taken by the Saeima to amend the discriminative legislation, are blocked again. Asked about the possible changes in Russian policy after the Saeima election, A.Avdeyev answered that it was an internal matter of Latvia, but Russia cared who came to power after the election and it would form its relations with Latvia adequately to the actions of the Latvian authorities. Concerning the statement of Latvian authorities that Russian demands exceed the limits of OSCE recommendations, the Deputy Minister said that the demands of Russia were based on these recommendations, but the requirement to grant a corresponding status to the Russian language had arisen from recommendations of many international experts, who had based them on the existing legal norms. Speaking about the statements linking operation of Skrunda Radar station to the status of the most favored nation, the Russian official said that some Latvian politicians and businessmen accused Russia of economic sanctions, but Russia just wanted to arrange bilateral trade relations.

Neatkariga, SM The Head of the Saeima Education Commission Dz.Abikis thinks that the state language law should be adopted in the third reading after the Saeima election in an extraordinary plenary session. The Commission had a meeting with the OSCE High Commissioner and the experts and exchanged their opinions on correspondence of the state language law to the international norms. OSCE representatives considered that the draft law did not comply with Latvia’s international obligations in the sphere of regulating the state language use in private businesses. But the members of the Commission were not ready to yield. The High Commissioner himself did not have any essential objections to the draft law.

The Head of the Saeima Education Commission Dz.Abikis thinks that the state language law should be adopted in the third reading after the Saeima election in an extraordinary plenary session. The Commission had a meeting with the OSCE High Commissioner and the experts and exchanged their opinions on correspondence of the state language law to the international norms. OSCE representatives considered that the draft law did not comply with Latvias international obligations in the sphere of regulating the state language use in private businesses. But the members of the Commission were not ready to yield. The High Commissioner himself did not have any essential objections to the draft law. Diena, Panorama Latvii

The government has assigned the Real Property Agency to take gradually over in its property the dwelling, public, maintenance buildings and objects as well as utility constructions on the territory of Skrunda Radar station. The taking over of these buildings is conducted in accordance with Latvian - Russian agreement on Skrunda.

The government has assigned the Real Property Agency to take gradually over in its property the dwelling, public, maintenance buildings and objects as well as utility constructions on the territory of Skrunda Radar station. The taking over of these buildings is conducted in accordance with Latvian - Russian agreement on Skrunda. Diena

Russian MFA in the person of V.Rahmanin has announced that Latvian - Russian relations will not be changed in spite of the change of the government . He also expressed the concern of MFA about the future referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Concerning the announcement of the State President G.Ulmanis about a pressure from European experts and Russia on the independent Latvia, he said that Russia did not consider this pressure unfair.

Russian MFA in the person of V.Rahmanin has announced that Latvian - Russian relations will not be changed in spite of the change of the government . He also expressed the concern of MFA about the future referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Concerning the announcement of the State President G.Ulmanis about a pressure from European experts and Russia on the independent Latvia, he said that Russia did not consider this pressure unfair. Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Riga City Council refused the Russian community in Latvia to organize a picket at the Saeima, planned for August 27, motivating it to be not corresponding to the demands of the law “On meetings, rallies and pickets.” Therefore the candidates to the Saeima and Riga City Council from the party “Equality” will hold a meeting with the voters.

Riga City Council refused the Russian community in Latvia to organize a picket at the Saeima, planned for August 27, motivating it to be not corresponding to the demands of the law On meetings, rallies and pickets. Therefore the candidates to the Saeima and Riga City Council from the party Equality will hold a meeting with the voters. SM, Panorama Latvii

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