Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

May 27, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Diena informs that the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council will prepare the final report about the human rights situation in Latvia after one more visit of EC representatives to Latvia on 15 - 17 June. As the EC representative Terry Davies said after the previous visit in Riga, during 7 years of independence Latvia has not been able to integrate its non-citizens. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen the dialogue between the state authorities, non-citizen organizations, and the Latvian Human Rights committee. Mr. Davies also expressed a regret about the recent decision of the Saeima to keep the capital punishment. Diena

Cabinet of Ministers decided to join the Supplementary protocol No 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on the abolition of the death penalty. The protocol will come into force only after its ratification by the Saeima. After the governmental meeting at the press conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs said that simultaneously with the ratification of the protocol, the Saeima will have to decide on amendments in the Criminal Law. Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs admitted that Latvian prisons cannot ensure the isolation of persons sentenced to the life, therefore the abolishing of death penalty should be done after the prison reform - by the year of 2001, the latest.

Cabinet of Ministers decided to join the Supplementary protocol No 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on the abolition of the death penalty. The protocol will come into force only after its ratification by the Saeima. After the governmental meeting at the press conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs said that simultaneously with the ratification of the protocol, the Saeima will have to decide on amendments in the Criminal Law. Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs admitted that Latvian prisons cannot ensure the isolation of persons sentenced to the life, therefore the abolishing of death penalty should be done after the prison reform - by the year of 2001, the latest. Diena

The information agency Interfax informed on Monday about the statement of anonymous representative of the Russian Central Bank saying that the Russian Bank plans to begin economic sanctions against Latvia, including termination of the licences issuance for opening of the Latvian bank branches and representations in Russia. The Association of the Latvian Commercial Banks and the National Bank of Latvia think that even if this statement is serious, no grand consequences are to be expected. The National Bank also notes that in such a case Russian banks and enterprises will lose more. Prime Minister Guntars Krasts refrained from commenting this information.

The information agency Interfax informed on Monday about the statement of anonymous representative of the Russian Central Bank saying that the Russian Bank plans to begin economic sanctions against Latvia, including termination of the licences issuance for opening of the Latvian bank branches and representations in Russia. The Association of the Latvian Commercial Banks and the National Bank of Latvia think that even if this statement is serious, no grand consequences are to be expected. The National Bank also notes that in such a case Russian banks and enterprises will lose more. Prime Minister Guntars Krasts refrained from commenting this information. Diena

The Saeima Human Rights Commission will not put an issue about the dismissing of Olafs Bruvers from the post of the Director of National Human Rights Office into the Saeima agenda, head of the Commission Antons Seiksts said. Still, the Commission condemns Mr. Bruvers' reprimands towards the UNDP and donor countries. The Saeima Commission criticized the NHRO for not taking a clear stand on issues related with the human rights, for example, on the state language law. Furthermore, the Commission thinks that the NHRO should pay less attention to the social issues which are under the competence of the Welfare Ministry.

The Saeima Human Rights Commission will not put an issue about the dismissing of Olafs Bruvers from the post of the Director of National Human Rights Office into the Saeima agenda, head of the Commission Antons Seiksts said. Still, the Commission condemns Mr. Bruvers' reprimands towards the UNDP and donor countries. The Saeima Commission criticized the NHRO for not taking a clear stand on issues related with the human rights, for example, on the state language law. Furthermore, the Commission thinks that the NHRO should pay less attention to the social issues which are under the competence of the Welfare Ministry. Jauna Avize

Continuing publishing information about various actions by the Soros Foundation concerning the citizenship and naturalization issues, CHAS informs about the TV program on language and history examinations for the naturalization which was shown by the 31 Channel and Latvian Public TV.

Continuing publishing information about various actions by the Soros Foundation concerning the citizenship and naturalization issues, CHAS informs about the TV program on language and history examinations for the naturalization which was shown by the 31 Channel and Latvian Public TV. Chas

Neatkarigareturns to the issue of Valka-Valga (Latvian -Estonian border towns). Yesterday Press Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry toldNeatkariga that at this moment Latvia and Estonia work out a bilateral agreement on favourable border crossing conditions for the residents of the border zones which might be signed within a month or two. The draft agreement provides that the residents of border zones of both countries will not have time or place restrictions on the border crossing procedure. The border check point will have a list of persons who can freely cross the border upon presenting an identification card. The agreement also will include the issue of the Savienibas Street - residents of this street will be able to cross the border on this street without going around to the nearest check point. Neatkariga

The Cabinet of Ministers supports the conception of the improving quality and security of the Latvian citizen passports which provides for exchanging of the existing passports to ones with better quality. The gradual exchange of the passports might start already next year.

The Cabinet of Ministers supports the conception of the improving quality and security of the Latvian citizen passports which provides for exchanging of the existing passports to ones with better quality. The gradual exchange of the passports might start already next year. Neatkariga

Diena in Russian publishes the continuation of the story of Irma Tkeshelashvili and her daughter who do not have a legal residence permit.

Representatives of Russian and Latvian newspapers express their opinions about the campaign organized by the Soros foundation urging non-citizens to become naturalized. Acting Director of the

Representatives of Russian and Latvian newspapers express their opinions about the campaign organized by the Soros foundation urging non-citizens to become naturalized. Acting Director of the SM Alla Berezovskaya is the publication of the Appeal of Russian Intelligentsia initiated a discussion. The newspaper will continue publishing information presented by the organizers of this campaign, and she hopes that the activity of the readers will increase. At the same time Ms. Berezovskaya says that even if all people entitled to the naturalization will do so, there will be huge lines in the naturalization offices. Besides, the elimination of the naturalization windows will not eliminate the humiliating procedure of the very process. Furthermore, Ms. Berezovskaya doubts whether "it is possible to sell the citizenship with help of an advertisement." Deputy Director of Panorama Latvii Vitas Kulpinskas believes that the campaign of a collective appeal is "wrongful" - Everybody should decide himself/herself whether to get the Latvian citizenship or the citizenship of any other country. According to Mr. Kulpinskas, both supporters of naturalization and supporters of ":zero variant" should have a possibility to express their opinion. Editor of the Russkaya Gazeta Elena Zaruckaya thinks that this campaign is recurrent deceiving of non-citizens. She thinks that even if people obtain citizenship, they will gain nothing. Although the newspaper published the Appeal of the Russian Intelligentsia, it refused to participate in the project further. Vladimir Stashenko, Deputy Director ofChas who signed the aforementioned Appeal, supports the procedure of the naturalization which is not humiliating and is based on a realistic requirements. According to Mr. Stashenko, the target group of this Appeal was the youth who does not have difficulties with passing the exams, they just have to take them. Tatjana Fast, Editor of B&B, says that although the integration processes follow their own natural ways, the fastening of these processes can only be welcomed. Viktors Avotins, editor of Jauna Avize, argues that the campaign does not answer to the question why non-citizens have to get citizenship. For him, it looks like a form of a protest, but one cannot build a stable state on the protest. Sarmite Elerte, Editor-in-Chief of Diena, asks whether the society is ready for a social advertisement, since in some cases an advertisement can do what the reationally presented information cannot.

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