Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

May 19, 1998


Press Review

“During 7 years Latvia has not managed to integrate its non-citizens. The dialogue among Latvian authorities, National Human Rights Office and organisations of non-citizens should be more intensive.” These are some of the conclusions made after the visit of experts of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Riga. Experts are especially worried about the practice to consider the children of non-citizens, born after August 21, 1991 as non-citizens, inclusion of history knowledge test in the process of Naturalisation and the demand to know the Latvian language in every sector of private business.

During 7 years Latvia has not managed to integrate its non-citizens. The dialogue among Latvian authorities, National Human Rights Office and organisations of non-citizens should be more intensive. These are some of the conclusions made after the visit of experts of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Riga. Experts are especially worried about the practice to consider the children of non-citizens, born after August 21, 1991 as non-citizens, inclusion of history knowledge test in the process of Naturalisation and the demand to know the Latvian language in every sector of private business. Neatkariga, Chas

Due to the amendments to the law on the status of an unemployed person, the National Employment Office foresees an increase of unemployment in Latvia. These amendments anticipate that an employment seeker may register at the NEO without any document proving his Latvian language knowledge level, and about 10 000 people more would receive the right to apply for receiving of this status.

Due to the amendments to the law on the status of an unemployed person, the National Employment Office foresees an increase of unemployment in Latvia. These amendments anticipate that an employment seeker may register at the NEO without any document proving his Latvian language knowledge level, and about 10 000 people more would receive the right to apply for receiving of this status. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

State Audit Office revision has discovered financial and economical violations at the National Human Rights Office. The Director of this Office O.Bruveris finds this statement very serious and insulting. Due to these findings and discordance between the Director and his Deputy K.Gertnere, she lost her post. The Auditor-in-Chief R.Cernajs withhold from any comments till the next meeting of the Council, but another party involved - UNDP in Latvia refuses Bruveris’s offence.

State Audit Office revision has discovered financial and economical violations at the National Human Rights Office. The Director of this Office O.Bruveris finds this statement very serious and insulting. Due to these findings and discordance between the Director and his Deputy K.Gertnere, she lost her post. The Auditor-in-Chief R.Cernajs withhold from any comments till the next meeting of the Council, but another party involved - UNDP in Latvia refuses Bruveriss offence. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena, Rita Zinas, Chas

State President G.Ulmanis asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address Russia in order to start preparation for his and Russian President B.Yelstsin’s visit. G.Ulmanis considers that a telephone conversation between them should take place in the nearest future. The Russian party has been already informed about this wish. No further information about this possible meeting has been received, yet.

State President G.Ulmanis asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address Russia in order to start preparation for his and Russian President B.Yelstsins visit. G.Ulmanis considers that a telephone conversation between them should take place in the nearest future. The Russian party has been already informed about this wish. No further information about this possible meeting has been received, yet. Neatkariga, Diena, Lauku Avize, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Winners of the USA and EU Democratic and Civic Society Award were named at the summit meeting of the USA and EU yesterday. In Latvia this award was given to the National Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre. The Director of the Centre N.Muiznieks was one of those 6 who received this award in London. Three more Latvian institutions were nominated for this award: NHRO, NGO Centre and European Movement in Latvia. These organisations received writs of honour.

Winners of the USA and EU Democratic and Civic Society Award were named at the summit meeting of the USA and EU yesterday. In Latvia this award was given to the National Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre. The Director of the Centre N.Muiznieks was one of those 6 who received this award in London. Three more Latvian institutions were nominated for this award: NHRO, NGO Centre and European Movement in Latvia. These organisations received writs of honour. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

The representatives of

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and Latvijas Cels do not propose any changes to the Presidium of the Saeima to exchange the representatives of the opposition -the Speaker A.Cepanis and his Deputy A.Ameriks (Saimnieks). Politicians of the leading parties also consider that the decrease of influence of DPS in enterprise councils should take place in a sensible manner. Diena “For integration you need a favourable environment” - this in the title of a article in

For integration you need a favourable environment - this in the title of a article in Diena telling about the seminar Social Integration Process in Liepaja - Specifics, Successes, Problems, Perspectives organised by OSCE Mission to Latvia in co-operation with Social Sciences Centre of Liepaja Pedagogical High school. The corrspondent characterises the situation in Liepaja and speaks about the ideas put forward during this seminar. Diena

Last week,

Last week, Socialist Party, Movement Equality and Peoples Harmony Party signed a protocol on establishing a political union. It happened under the leadership of A.Rubiks former Communist Party leader in Latvia and political prisoner. He was very pleased about the fact and anticipated that this union could about 15 - 20 seats in the Saeima. Lauku Avize

Lithuanian Seima Speaker V.Landsbergis considers that EU should openly speap out about its reaction to the pressure on its associated and full-fledged members. Evaluating the latest events in Latvia, he stresses that they do not concern only Latvia, but is the future of all three Baltic States. He thinks that the pressure on Latvia is an “international game” to change the political direction before the Saeima election in October.

Lithuanian Seima Speaker V.Landsbergis considers that EU should openly speap out about its reaction to the pressure on its associated and full-fledged members. Evaluating the latest events in Latvia, he stresses that they do not concern only Latvia, but is the future of all three Baltic States. He thinks that the pressure on Latvia is an international game to change the political direction before the Saeima election in October. Rita Zinas


publishes an article written by J.Jurkans, the Chairman of publishes an article written by J.Jurkans, the Chairman of People’s Harmony PartyPeoples Harmony Party. There he expands on his understanding of the situation with Naturalisation process in Latvia. And the most guilty ones for creation of this situation he finds not . There he expands on his understanding of the situation with Naturalisation process in Latvia. And the most guilty ones for creation of this situation he finds not Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, who were radical from the very beginningwho were radical from the very beginning, , but their coalition partners - but their coalition partners - DPSDPS and and Latvijas Cels. Latvijas Cels. Similar article is also inSimilar article is also in Segodnya. Segodnya.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the situation faced by many non-citizens in Latvia. It happens when these people, having submitted an application to the DCMA to draw up an ID, come to the office and they are told that additional examination of their documents is needed. When asked for an explanation, officials just answer, We do not know. Your documents have been sent to the top for an additional examination. There exist two categories of these problem people: first are ordinary non-citizens, and the most common problem with them is some contradiction in records of their documents. And people have to wait for months in ignorance and nervousness. The other category is former military servicemen of Soviet Military Forces and their family members. They have been registered and reregistered for so many times. But if you try to get any information for the reason of examining their passports, no explanation is given. writes about the situation faced by many non-citizens in Latvia. It happens when these people, having submitted an application to the DCMA to draw up an ID, come to the office and they are told that additional examination of their documents is needed. When asked for an explanation, officials just answer, “We do not know. Your documents have been sent to the top for an additional examination.” There exist two categories of these problem people: first are ordinary non-citizens, and the most common problem with them is some contradiction in records of their documents. And people have to wait for months in ignorance and nervousness. The other category is former military servicemen of Soviet Military Forces and their family members. They have been registered and reregistered for so many times. But if you try to get any information for the reason of examining their passports, no explanation is given.

Panorama Latvii

also publishes a letter from DCMA where they explain what people should do and what they should know when inviting their relatives or friends to Latvia for summer holidays. also publishes a letter from DCMA where they explain what people should do and what they should know when inviting their relatives or friends to Latvia for summer holidays. V.Altuhov comments in

V.Altuhov comments in Panorama Latvii on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and thinks that they just seem to improve the situation of non-citizens in Latvia. Children after becoming 16 years of age will have to take the language test anyway, and the Saeima is discussing a stricter draft language law.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the conference in Novgorod Baltic Region in the New System of Geopolitical Coo-ordinates where representatives of the Baltic states and Russia with the help of Project of Ethnic relations USA tried to find common grounds to solve their problems. Whether they succeeded, journalists did not find out because they were asked to leave the room, but the positions of the parties were explained by their representatives after this meeting. writes about the conference in Novgorod “Baltic Region in the New System of Geopolitical Coo-ordinates” where representatives of the Baltic states and Russia with the help of “Project of Ethnic relations” USA tried to find common grounds to solve their problems. Whether they succeeded, journalists did not find out because they were asked to leave the room, but the positions of the parties were explained by their representatives after this meeting. When writing about the rally in Vermanis garden in Riga,

When writing about the rally in Vermanis garden in Riga, SM concentrates its attention to another aspect - so called bakarshovci who were very active during this event. Describing this movement. Latvian press was very negative, but SM finds them as people who stood up to protect the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia. The SM analyses the reasons for popularity of this organisation among students and finds as one of the reasons the present state language policy in Latvia.

Journalist Alla Petrapavlovskaya was one of the signatories of the appeal to Latvian non-citizens to become naturalised in order to get some political influence. She tells about her motives to the correspondent of

Journalist Alla Petrapavlovskaya was one of the signatories of the appeal to Latvian non-citizens to become naturalised in order to get some political influence. She tells about her motives to the correspondent of Chas. She does not see any other possibility for people living here to gain any influence on political processes in Latvia. You can participate in rallies, pickets, etc. but the problem is that people organising these events are not citizens of Latvia, so they may not vote. And as far as nothing depends on their votes, politicians will spit on them from the top shelves. Alla thinks that neither this action nor annulment of naturalisation windows will give any results because people feel very offended, dislike many things that take place in Latvia. The only way to make people naturalise is for the highest officials of Latvia to take some important steps proving that their attitude towards non-citizens has changed, making people feel needed here and that nobody will try to oust them from Latvia. Chas

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