Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Dec. 6, 2003

  • Survey on Latvian elites attitude towards ethnic issues
  • Societal Integration Fund will increase share of funding to integration in next two years
  • Student strike planned against the education reform 2004
  • Statements of MPs on the Peoples Harmony Party proposal to reduce the naturalization fee
  • Statements of the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia and Minister of Education and Science about the situation at the Cesis Russian-language school
  • Peoples Harmony Party member of Saeima has been nominated Man of the Year in Russia

Diena reports on survey about Latvias elite attitudes towards democracy, economics and internal and external integration issues, conducted by the director of Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa and professor of University of Oslo Anton Steen. 50% of the respondents believe that there are a couple problems concerning ethnic issues that are difficult to solve while 41% believe that there are several but not significant ethnic problems in Latvia. Only 4% believe that there are no problems in this area. The survey also establishes the significant differences between attitudes of Russian and Latvian respondents on the issue of the observation of minority rights – 60% Russians and 5% Latvians regards this issue as significant. Similarly 87% Russian and only 21% Latvian respondents agree to the statement that all the inhabitants of Latvia should have all civil rights. Only 20% Latvians and fully 90% Russians believe that minorities living in Latvia are loyal to the state.

Society Integration Foundation (SIF) will be allocating more funds for societal integration in next two years. According to the report, submitted to the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee by the director of SIF Nils Sakss, in 2003 the SIF received Ls 155,806 for its institutional activities while 1,428,260 Ls were allocated from PHARE funds and 445,409 from state funds for integration projects.  For 2004, the PHARE funding for projects will reach 1,572,965 Ls and state co-financing 717,057 Ls.  For 2005 the figures are 1,890,000 PHARE project financing and 281,215 state co-financing.

Society Integration Foundation (SIF) will be allocating more funds for societal integration in next two years. According to the report, submitted to the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee by the director of SIF Nils Sakss, in 2003 the SIF received Ls 155,806 for its institutional activities while 1,428,260 Ls were allocated from PHARE funds and 445,409 from state funds for integration projects. For 2004, the PHARE funding for projects will reach 1,572,965 Ls and state co-financing 717,057 Ls. For 2005 the figures are 1,890,000 PHARE project financing and 281,215 state co-financing. Latvijas avize

Russian-language newspapers write on new protest activities, planned by opponents to the education reform of 2004. During a meeting of Russian-speaking students’ parents and teachers of several Russian-language schools with MP Jakov Pliner and several NGOs, opposing the education reform, a decision was made to organize a students’ strike next spring.

Russian-language newspapers write on new protest activities, planned by opponents to the education reform of 2004. During a meeting of Russian-speaking students parents and teachers of several Russian-language schools with MP Jakov Pliner and several NGOs, opposing the education reform, a decision was made to organize a students strike next spring. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features the statements of parliamentarians about the proposal by the Peoples Harmony Party to reduce the naturalization fee. The MP of the party New Era Ina Druviete states that many persons are already included in categories who have lowered fees and that there is no need for extending these categories. Both Ina Druviete and MP for the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Juris Dobelis believe that the existent naturalization fee could not be an insurmountable barrier for non-citizens who really want to naturalize. Peteris Simsons form Latvias First Party allows for the possibility to further reduce the naturalization fee, if it will be shown to be the most essential barrier for naturalization.

Latvijas Avize features statements of the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Studennikov and Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis about the situation at the Cesis Russian-language school. Igor Studennikov suggests to resolve this problem by merging classes and thus avoiding the closing of the first grade at this school. The Minister regards the decision of the local government to not open a first grade, based on the insufficient number of students, as adequate. According to the Karlis Sadurskis, the ministry has asked the local government and the parents to continue a dialogue on the issue to search for new opportunities for maintaining minorities cultures and languages in Cesis.

Janis Urbanovich, MP of People’s Harmony Party, has been named Man of the Year in Russia by the Russian Institute of Biographies.

Janis Urbanovich, MP of Peoples Harmony Party, has been named Man of the Year in Russia by the Russian Institute of Biographies. Diena, Latvijas Avize

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  • Integration Monitor - daily Latvian press digest on minority and social integration issues


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