Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 28, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will be participating in the meeting of Nordic and Baltic foreign ministers in Helsinki on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meeting intends to address the enlargement perspectives of the European Union and NATO, the influence these processes will have on the region's future, performance and potential of other international organisations in ensuring security of the Baltic Sea region. Other issues to be discussed at the conference in the Finnish capital is the future of Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, environment and nuclear safety, and the countries' positions in international organisations - the United Nations and the Council of Europe, which will soon be presided by Lithuania.

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will be participating in the meeting of Nordic and Baltic foreign ministers in Helsinki on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meeting intends to address the enlargement perspectives of the European Union and NATO, the influence these processes will have on the region's future, performance and potential of other international organisations in ensuring security of the Baltic Sea region. Other issues to be discussed at the conference in the Finnish capital is the future of Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, environment and nuclear safety, and the countries' positions in international organisations - the United Nations and the Council of Europe, which will soon be presided by Lithuania. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

Latvia's achievements for NATO integration next year by the summit meeting in Prague will be decisive, the decision made in Prague will be based on these achievements, said Denmark's Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft in a speech while in Riga for a one-day visit. "...the great trip across a sea does not end once land is in sight. The port must be approached very carefully and docking by the shore is a very complicated manoeuvre. Often this becomes the real test in navigation," said the Danish minister, adding that the Baltics should not stop at what they have achieved.

Nevertheless, Lykketoft said that NATO has a moral responsibility to support Baltic NATO accession, and said that "you have waited long enough."

Diena, Neatkariga The book of youth essays on patriotic themes, controversially valued in Latvia and Russia, Monday saw the third edition of the book published and, a total of 6000 books already have been sold. Director of Vieda, the publisher of the book "We Give Latvia to No One!", Aivars Garda, told BNS this is the first time that the publishing company has to issue the third edition of a book two months after the book's publishing. "Actually, it turns out that we are selling 100 books daily," said Garda. BNS observed the book indeed is popular at the book stores and entered the list of best selling books immediately after the publication. Although at a price of 3 lats (USD 4.82) apiece it is not cheap, people are buying it in the wake of the uproar caused around the essay competition while others are buying it as they partly or fully agree with Garda's views, among them mostly elderly people. The book published by Vieda contains what were regarded best and brightest essays sent in for a youth essay competition whose themes could be regarded as Russophobic. Top national security agency, the Constitution Protection Office, declined to open a criminal case both over the competition and the book saying neither of the two should be seen as inciting to national hatred but as a political discussion protected under the freedom of views and speech guaranteed under the Latvian constitution.

The book of youth essays on patriotic themes, controversially valued in Latvia and Russia, Monday saw the third edition of the book published and, a total of 6000 books already have been sold. Director of Vieda, the publisher of the book "We Give Latvia to No One!", Aivars Garda, told BNS this is the first time that the publishing company has to issue the third edition of a book two months after the book's publishing. "Actually, it turns out that we are selling 100 books daily," said Garda. BNS observed the book indeed is popular at the book stores and entered the list of best selling books immediately after the publication. Although at a price of 3 lats (USD 4.82) apiece it is not cheap, people are buying it in the wake of the uproar caused around the essay competition while others are buying it as they partly or fully agree with Garda's views, among them mostly elderly people. The book published by Vieda contains what were regarded best and brightest essays sent in for a youth essay competition whose themes could be regarded as Russophobic. Top national security agency, the Constitution Protection Office, declined to open a criminal case both over the competition and the book saying neither of the two should be seen as inciting to national hatred but as a political discussion protected under the freedom of views and speech guaranteed under the Latvian constitution. Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Riga City Council FHRUL deputy T.Zhdanok is named as a possible candidate to the post of the executive director for one of Rigas district.

Diena, Neatkariga Riga City Council Chairman Gundars Bojars who is on his visit to Israel at this time will depart for Moscow on August 30 to attend the city celebrations. Bojars will remain in Moscow until September 2. Bojars will be accompanied by his advisor to

Riga City Council Chairman Gundars Bojars who is on his visit to Israel at this time will depart for Moscow on August 30 to attend the city celebrations. Bojars will remain in Moscow until September 2. Bojars will be accompanied by his advisor to

foreign affairs, Armands Kruze, Kukuls, the head of the Environmental Committee on the Riga City Council Valdis Kalnozols from For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK), and a filming group of the news program "Panorama" on the Latvian Television. Kruze informed that currently only one meeting has been scheduled - with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The Riga delegation will possibly meet with representatives of the Russian working group which are working on a cooperation agreement between both cities. Kruze declined to comment whether Bojars will meet with the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's advisor Alexander Perelygin, the head of the Russian working group that was set up for drawing up the draft agreement. Latvia's refusal to issue an entry visa to Perelygin was behind the refusal of the Moscow City Council to delegate its deputies to attend the celebration of Riga's 800th anniversary.

foreign affairs, Armands Kruze, Kukuls, the head of the Environmental Committee on the Riga City Council Valdis Kalnozols from For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK), and a filming group of the news program "Panorama" on the Latvian Television. Kruze informed that currently only one meeting has been scheduled - with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The Riga delegation will possibly meet with representatives of the Russian working group which are working on a cooperation agreement between both cities. Kruze declined to comment whether Bojars will meet with the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's advisor Alexander Perelygin, the head of the Russian working group that was set up for drawing up the draft agreement. Latvia's refusal to issue an entry visa to Perelygin was behind the refusal of the Moscow City Council to delegate its deputies to attend the celebration of Riga's 800th anniversary. Jauna, Chas, Respublika

Lauku Avize

interviews Social Democrat chairperson J.Bojars about party inside problems. J.Bojars denies any possibility of the split inside the party. About the establishment of the new party headed by E.Repse, J.Bojars says that he does not think that this party will be able to do something really radical, as Repse has already made some mistakes and the people would not forget them. When asked if Social Democrats are not getting redder, J.Bojars replies that by involving left-wingers in Councils work we will be able to show their real potential, thus European organisations cannot say that they are pushed aside and isolated from power. In good policy opponent has to be involved. interviews Social Democrat chairperson J.Bojars about party inside problems. J.Bojars denies any possibility of the split inside the party. About the establishment of the new party headed by E.Repse, J.Bojars says that he “does not think that this party will be able to do something really radical, as Repse has already made some mistakes and the people would not forget them”. When asked if Social Democrats are not getting “redder”, J.Bojars replies that “by involving left-wingers in Council’s work we will be able to show their real potential, thus European organisations cannot say that they are pushed aside and isolated from power. In good policy opponent has to be involved”.

Lauku Avize

informs about the article about non-citizens given by news agency informs about the article about non-citizens given by news agency ReutersReuters. In the article it is said that many non-citizens want to become Latvian citizens and stay in Latvia, because living conditions are better in Latvia than they are in Russia, as well as these people feel more related to Latvias culture than Russias. . In the article it is said that many non-citizens want to become Latvian citizens and stay in Latvia, because living conditions are better in Latvia than they are in Russia, as well as these people feel more related to Latvia’s culture than Russia’s. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins gives an interview to

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins gives an interview to Rigas Balss concerning the Latvia Russia relations. I.Berzinsh hopes that Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars' remarks that the capital has its own foreign policy are a "misunderstanding". Berzins called such talk "foolish - Riga does not have its own foreign policy". Berzins added that he knows Bojars as a "person", and therefore he hopes that his remarks were a mistake. The foreign minister emphasised that each state official must choose what he says carefully because statements are evaluated not only by foreign countries but also in Latvia. Berzins added that he knows nothing about Bojars' reported plan to travel to Washington to help prepare next year's NATO conference in Riga.

Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars admits the possibility to establish coalition of Social Democrats and FHRUL and Centrs in the closest future.

Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars admits the possibility to establish coalition of Social Democrats and FHRUL and Centrs in the closest future. Rigas Balss

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation. Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich sees the Foundation as the main tool for the fair distribution of funds donated by foreign investors. Political scientist N.Muiznieks thinks that the current reading of the regulations does not state clearly the criteria of selecting board members, as well as duties of the director and his/her pay. Saeima FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov is not satisfied that Regulations provide for the director of the Foundation too much authority.

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation. Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich sees the Foundation as the main tool for the fair distribution of funds donated by foreign investors. Political scientist N.Muiznieks thinks that the current reading of the regulations does not state clearly the criteria of selecting board members, as well as duties of the director and his/her pay. Saeima FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov is not satisfied that Regulations provide for the director of the Foundation too much authority. Chas, Respublika

Solidarity leader I.Stalnoy came to the newspaper

Solidarity leader I.Stalnoy came to the newspaper Chas to inform that they are not going to tolerate arbitrariness of authorities therefore they will turn to international right protection organisations, including Russias Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for support.

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