Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Дек. 15, 2003

  • Visit of Russian Parliament Upper House delegation
  • On Sergey DolgopolovТs possible exclusion from the PeopleТs Harmony Party
  • Statistics on ethnicity of newborns in Latvia
  • About the statements of document УThe Actual Tasks of Russia FederationТs Armed Forces developmentФ
Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russia Parliament Upper House delegation under the guidance of the head of the CouncilТs of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs (Russia) Mihail Margelov to Latvia. Chas prints an interview with Mihail Margelov.

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russia Parliament Upper House delegation under the guidance of the head of the CouncilТs of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs (Russia) Mihail Margelov to Latvia. Chas prints an interview with Mihail Margelov. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

At the meeting of PeopleТs Harmony Party council today the issue of the possible exclusion from the party of the Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov will be discussed. The exclusion of Riga Vice-Mayor from the party could eventually lead  to the liquidation of Riga City Council PHPТs parliamentary group, because three other members of party could possibly leave the parliamentary group at the same time as Dolgopolov.

At the meeting of PeopleТs Harmony Party council today the issue of the possible exclusion from the party of the Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov will be discussed. The exclusion of Riga Vice-Mayor from the party could eventually lead to the liquidation of Riga City Council PHPТs parliamentary group, because three other members of party could possibly leave the parliamentary group at the same time as Dolgopolov. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

According to Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia data 13,000 newborns in the year 2002 were both to ethnically Latvian mothers,  5,221 to Russian mothers,  525 Ц to Byelorussian, 442 Ц to Polish, 291 Ц to Lithuanian, 180 - to Roma, 33 Ц to German and 32 - to Jewish mothers.

According to Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia data 13,000 newborns in the year 2002 were both to ethnically Latvian mothers, 5,221 to Russian mothers, 525 Ц to Byelorussian, 442 Ц to Polish, 291 Ц to Lithuanian, 180 - to Roma, 33 Ц to German and 32 - to Jewish mothers. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article of Modris Ziemiтр, analyzing a document УCurrent Development Tasks of Russia FederationТs Armed Forces.Ф The document reportedly states that Russia fully supports the democratic processes in states respecting and protecting the rights of ethnic Russians and Russian citizens. According to the document, in the case of political and ethnical instability in these states, it is possible that there Уcould arise a necessity for Russia to implement corrections in the principles of military planning.Ф According to these statements, the journalist of Latvijas Avize concludes, the observation of minority rights in Latvia will be employed as an instrument of political pressure from a side of Russia in next few years.

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