Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Янв. 12, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

According to the data of the Naturalisation Board the rapid increase of naturalisation applicants after abolishing of the naturalisation “windows”, last year the interest for Latvian citizenship decreased. In 2000 there was a record number of persons receiving Latvian citizenship, but the number of applications decreased. Naturalisation Board management and political scientists foresee that the number of applicants will not decrease essentially this year.

According to the data of the Naturalisation Board the rapid increase of naturalisation applicants after abolishing of the naturalisation windows, last year the interest for Latvian citizenship decreased. In 2000 there was a record number of persons receiving Latvian citizenship, but the number of applications decreased. Naturalisation Board management and political scientists foresee that the number of applicants will not decrease essentially this year. Diena, Neatkariga

On Thursday Swedish Embassy in Latvia sent a note to the Latvian MFA where Latvia was urged to implement the decision of the International Arbitrage Court that charged Latvia to pay Swedish company SwemBalt 3 million USD as compensation for its ship turned into scrap metal.

On Thursday Swedish Embassy in Latvia sent a note to the Latvian MFA where Latvia was urged to implement the decision of the International Arbitrage Court that charged Latvia to pay Swedish company SwemBalt 3 million USD as compensation for its ship turned into scrap metal. Diena


published an article of P.Goble where he analysed the research of Estonian and Scottish scientists Baltic Barometer. Although Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party Riga organisation adopted its list for Riga City Council election, and candidates there were numbered according the alphabet, Deputy Chairman of this organisation J.Dinevics acknowledged that No 1 on this list could be D.Ivans, No2 – MP G.Bojars and No 3 – J.Gulbis. The list in the final version will be adopted on January 17 at the LSDWP Council meeting.

Although Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Riga organisation adopted its list for Riga City Council election, and candidates there were numbered according the alphabet, Deputy Chairman of this organisation J.Dinevics acknowledged that No 1 on this list could be D.Ivans, No2 – MP G.Bojars and No 3 – J.Gulbis. The list in the final version will be adopted on January 17 at the LSDWP Council meeting. Diena, Rigas Balss

Prosecutor General’s Office once more accused the 75 years old red guerrilla man V.Kononov of committing war time crimes. He was interrogated as the person accused, and the victims started to study materials of the case.

Prosecutor Generals Office once more accused the 75 years old red guerrilla man V.Kononov of committing war time crimes. He was interrogated as the person accused, and the victims started to study materials of the case. Diena, Rigas Balss, Panorama Latvii

On Thursday morning the leader of the Saeima FF/LNNK faction M.Grinblats caused unrest in the government concerning privatisation of Latvian Shipping Company by announcing that privatisation of SHC could influence the fate of the government, but already in the afternoon he said that this privatisation process should not be linked with the stability of the government, just FF/LNNK would find it difficult to take a common responsibility for it. Prime Minister A.Berzins was convinced in an interview to the Latvian Radio that FF/LNNK would not leave the government due to the SHC privatisation regulations.

On Thursday morning the leader of the Saeima FF/LNNK faction M.Grinblats caused unrest in the government concerning privatisation of Latvian Shipping Company by announcing that privatisation of SHC could influence the fate of the government, but already in the afternoon he said that this privatisation process should not be linked with the stability of the government, just FF/LNNK would find it difficult to take a common responsibility for it. Prime Minister A.Berzins was convinced in an interview to the Latvian Radio that FF/LNNK would not leave the government due to the SHC privatisation regulations. Diena, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya

S.Tocs in

Neatkariga writes that for several years public opinion polls show that about 80% of Latvian population stand for popularly elected president. Majority of politicians ignores this fact although support of establishing such an institution could become an important trump during the next election. S.Tocs considers that politicians should respect the wish of the population, and the state system and first of all legislation should correspond to what people think to be just.

Answering to the request of MP R.Pauls Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs said in a radio interview that MFA had always paid a lot of attention to establishing relations with Russia because one of Latvian priorities was establishing good neighbourly relations. The Minister said that there is a special department in the Ministry dealing Latvian – Russian and CIS states relations. The Minister also said that he was going to Russia next week as the Chairman of the CoE Council of Ministers and meet with hi s Russian colleague. Neatkariga

T.Ramishvili, Director of the International Co-operation Department of Russian MFA said in an interview that they would continue stating that in countries where Russians constituted one half or at least one third it was necessary to give the Russian language status of the second language or at least the official language. Lately Russia has made its position tougher concerning states that, according to Russias opinion, might be accused of violations of the rights of Russian speakers. And many connect these changes with the position of Russian President V.Putin. Respublika

Byelorussian Embassy in Latvia informs that, due to issuing of visas by the Russian Federation in the Republic of Latvia for non-citizens of Latvia, starting from January 2001 Latvian non-citizens crossing the territory of the Republic of Byelorussia by transit will need visa. Chas

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