marts 30, 2009

  • Newspapers report about establishment of a new political party New Latvia which is composed of 60% ethnic Latvians and 40% of representatives of other ethnicities
Newspapers report about establishment of a new political party “New Latvia” which is composed of 60% ethnic Latvians and 40% of representatives of other ethnicities. At party’s founding congress, its members stated that problem of mass scale non-citizenship in Latvia should be solved. The party also considers that non-citizens should have the right to take part in managing municipalities.

Newspapers report about establishment of a new political party New Latvia which is composed of 60% ethnic Latvians and 40% of representatives of other ethnicities. At partys founding congress, its members stated that problem of mass scale non-citizenship in Latvia should be solved. The party also considers that non-citizens should have the right to take part in managing municipalities. Vesti Segodnya, Diena

marts 28, 2009

  • Vesti Segodnya reports that about half of Russian speaking bus drivers of municipal enterprise Rigas Satiksme might be fired due to new Latvian language proficiency requirements
  • Consultative council of the Ministry of Interior is elaborating new rules stipulating lowering state language proficiency requirement for security guards

Vesti Segodnya reports that about half of Russian speaking bus drivers of municipal enterprise Rigas Satiksme might be fired due to new Latvian language proficiency requirements. According to a bus driver interviewed by the newspaper, while majority of Russian speaking bus drivers have the 1st category of the state language proficiency certificates (required by previous regulations), the new rules require the 2nd category. The enterprise did not provide language training, while employees willing to pass new language exams are not able to do it because the examination commissions are hardly available due to budget cuts. Without the 2nd category bus drivers are faced with fines and dismissals. According to the bus driver, a number of experienced bus drivers already were forced to vacate their jobs due to this obstacle.

Vesti Segodnya reports that a consultative council of the Ministry of Interior (which includes trade union of workers of security guard companies) is elaborating new rules stipulating lowering state language proficiency requirement for security guards. As reported, presently, security guard candidates should have 2nd category of the state language proficiency certificate and the examination on professional skills can be taken only in Latvian language.

marts 27, 2009

  • Latvijas Avize reports about results of a study Latvian Language Proficiency and Usage in Higher Education Establishments. Results of Education Reform
  • Saeima refused proposal to grant monthly benefits to veterans of the anti-Hitler coalition

Latvijas Avize reports about results of a study Latvian Language Proficiency and Usage in Higher Education Establishments. Results of Education Reform conducted by the State Language Agency. 1st and 2nd year students (graduates of minority schools) from 12 higher education establishments were interviewed in the framework of the study. According to the study, 45% of ethnic minority students consider that they have sufficient Latvian language proficiency to study in Latvian. The rest of the students face difficulties studying fully in Latvian. 24% of students consider that they have a need to improve their Latvian. University professors interviewed by Latvijas Avize stated that Latvian language proficiency of students minority schools graduates has grown during last years, however, the biggest problems for such students is paperwork, such as bachelors and masters papers which must be written in Latvian.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused proposal of the Concord Centre to grant monthly benefits of LVL 50 (EUR 71) to the anti-Hitler coalition veterans living in Latvia.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused proposal of the Concord Centre to grant monthly benefits of LVL 50 (EUR 71) to the anti-Hitler coalition veterans living in Latvia. Telegraf

marts 26, 2009

  • The only Russian language public radio channel and programs in Russian on public TV channel might be closed due to cuts of state expenses

Telegraf reports that due to cuts of state expenses for public TV and radio channels, LTV-7 (the only public channel producing programs also in Russian) might close its programs in Russian language. Also the only Russian language public radio channel Latvian Radio-4 Dome Square might be closed. According to ex-Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks, considerable reduction of LTV-7 audience and closure of Dome Square will be a blow to society integration because these channels are almost the only opportunity for the state to speak to Russian speaking audience.

marts 25, 2009

  • Female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to speak with journalists only in Latvian language
  • Vesti Segodnya: owner of security guard company complaints about toughened state language proficiency requirements for security guards
Four female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to follow example of the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to speak with journalists only in Latvian language. The appeal labels those state officials and politicians who do not refuse speaking Russian, as cowards, door-mat carpets and as inferior to ethnic Latvian women. According to the appeal, the only words in Russian which could be said to “journalists occupants” are: “get out!”

Four female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to follow example of the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to speak with journalists only in Latvian language. The appeal labels those state officials and politicians who do not refuse speaking Russian, as cowards, door-mat carpets and as inferior to ethnic Latvian women. According to the appeal, the only words in Russian which could be said to journalists occupants are: get out! Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya interviews an owner of security guard company who complaints about toughened state language proficiency requirements. Security guard candidates are required 2nd category of the state language proficiency certificate. According to the interviewee, new rules determine that candidates are no longer allowed to pass security guard certification exams in Russian. The interviewee believes that such requirements are unjustified, because a person with excellent professional skills might fail an exam due to imperfect state language proficiency. He also claims this measure is directed against Russian employees of security companies and will result in greater unemployment.

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