Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

marts 27, 2014

  • High state officials came with a statement against political provocations aimed at split of the society
  • Legal framework for language reform in ethnic minority schools will be prepared by the next government
  • Latvijas Avize reports about activation of different Russia’s “compatriots” organisations
  • Foreign media reports about situation in Latgale region

The State President Andris Berzins, the Saeima’s Speaker Solvita Aboltina, and the Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma came with a statement calling Latvian residents not to fall on possible provocations. The statement condemns all politically motivated provocations which attempt to create tension and artificial discord in the society. According to the statement, Latvia always was a home place for representatives of various ethnicities who supported this state through hard times. “Disregard of ethnic belonging, native language, and religious views – we are one Latvian nation” – says the statement. It also calls Latvian residents to evaluate critically actions of Russia’s state authorities in Ukraine and not to prevent hopes of hostile towards Latvia powers to exploit Latvian residents as instrument for realisation of their political interests. “We affirm that Latvia is and will remain democratic European state which respects and protects Latvian and ethnic minorities’ diverse culture and different languages” – says the statements. Latvijas Avize notes that the statements was made after a session of the National Security Council which discussed situation in Ukraine and Crimea and issues of Latvian internal security.  Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

According to Vesti Segodnya, yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers made a decision to postpone preparation of a legal framework for transition of education in ethnic minority schools into Latvian language starting with 2018 on 30 October. This means that preparations for the reform will be under competence of the next government. The newspaper also notes that it is planned to elaborate proposals for models of education in national minority schools in order to raise the proportion of state language in the education content in cooperation with the members of the Advisory Council on Ethnic Minority Education.

Latvijas Avize reports about activation of different Russia’s “compatriots” organisations which pretend to protect the interests of Russian speaking residents of Latvia. In particular, the newspaper tells about an article published on Russian language local internet websites by a member of a party “For Native Language”. Its author wants to achieve that that all subjects in Russian language schools are thought only in Russian and calls parents for active protest actions. He also considers organizing a Russian riot which would be in not so proper time for Latvia and the European Union.  Large part of the internet comments published under the article supports such statements, but there are also many commentators who are sceptical and critical about it.

Vesti Segodnya reports many foreign media reports about situation in Latgale region (Eastern part of Latvia) in connection with events in Ukraine. Latgale is the region with the largest proportion of ethnic minorities and also one of the poorest Latvian regions.

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