Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Фев. 18, 1994

Press Report

Another round of Latv.-Russ. talks was accomplished on Feb.17. The final agreement on the complete set of withdrawal-associated issues has not been achieved. Though the basic problem, i.e. the problem of the Skrunde radar station has been settled there are other few to be decided upon which include: the rent for the radar site and social security for retired servicemen. A special working group will be operating on the issues unsolved until the beginning of the next round. During the meeting with Mr. Zotov with Mr. Birkavs the latter assured him that the Latvian Government will not in any manner restrict the rights of retired servicemen. Mr. Zotov refused to inform the journalists on the disputable aspects of that issue. According to the Defence Force Commander Dainis Turlo the problem is connected with those servicemen that have been retired after Russia has overtaken the USSR army under its jurisdiction. The problem is not economical since the Russian Government will pay their pensions but is of a political nature since such persons are planning to stay in Latvia as permanent residents.

Another round of Latv.-Russ. talks was accomplished on Feb.17. The final agreement on the complete set of withdrawal-associated issues has not been achieved. Though the basic problem, i.e. the problem of the Skrunde radar station has been settled there are other few to be decided upon which include: the rent for the radar site and social security for retired servicemen. A special working group will be operating on the issues unsolved until the beginning of the next round. During the meeting with Mr. Zotov with Mr. Birkavs the latter assured him that the Latvian Government will not in any manner restrict the rights of retired servicemen. Mr. Zotov refused to inform the journalists on the disputable aspects of that issue. According to the Defence Force Commander Dainis Turlo the problem is connected with those servicemen that have been retired after Russia has overtaken the USSR army under its jurisdiction. The problem is not economical since the Russian Government will pay their pensions but is of a political nature since such persons are planning to stay in Latvia as permanent residents. Diena, Labrit, Neatkariga, Cina

According to

According to Vakara Zinas the draft agreement on social security for retired servicemen will permit them to hand over their apartments to their parents or gown-up children having Latvian"propiska". Retired servicemen having no apartments will receive the apartments left by other servicemen. This means that Latvian residents will "loose the chance of receiving the apartments left by the military". Several MPs confirmed that they knew nothing about such draft agreements. The deputy head of Latvian delegation to the talks Mr.Skuja said that all documents had not been translated into Latvian yet which was the reason why they were not distributed among MPs. International scientific conference dedicated to medical and biological impact of the Skrunde radar is scheduled for June. Labrit

During his visit to Riga the Head of the British Foreign Office Mr. Heard touched upon the problems of troops withdrawal. He said that this problem should not be connected with any other problems existing between Latvia and Russia. Viktors Avotinsh evaluates the foundation of The League of The Stateless. He believes that such organization can improve the "quality of political discussions." He also points out that such organization is welcomed by those who adhere to the politics of openness and clarity and is opposed by those who intend to implement their politics without a possibility of a reaction on the part of the people to whom their politics are addressed. The author stresses that The League might act as an official representative for non-citizens thus excluding the possibility of the non-citizen problem being used by ideological and political groups to their benefit. It is also mentioned that two of the founders of the league were also the co-authors the first manifesto of the Popular Front in 1988 (Bogdanov and Maltsev).

During his visit to Riga the Head of the British Foreign Office Mr. Heard touched upon the problems of troops withdrawal. He said that this problem should not be connected with any other problems existing between Latvia and Russia. Viktors Avotinsh evaluates the foundation of The League of The Stateless. He believes that such organization can improve the "quality of political discussions." He also points out that such organization is welcomed by those who adhere to the politics of openness and clarity and is opposed by those who intend to implement their politics without a possibility of a reaction on the part of the people to whom their politics are addressed. The author stresses that The League might act as an official representative for non-citizens thus excluding the possibility of the non-citizen problem being used by ideological and political groups to their benefit. It is also mentioned that two of the founders of the league were also the co-authors the first manifesto of the Popular Front in 1988 (Bogdanov and Maltsev).

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