Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Фев. 25, 1994

Press Review

The meeting of trade-union activists, employees, and unemployed was held on Feb.24 at the "Daugava" indoor stadium. The issues under discussion included officially permitted minimal salaries, social taxes, etc. According to the research by the Department of Statistics and Demography of the Latvian University there is a certain increase in the percentage of Latvians among the population of the country. Currently Latvians constitute 54.2% of the population while in 1989 the percentage was 52%. The main factor that contributes to such increase is a growing assimilation of non-Latvians due to the tendency among the persons born from mixed marriages to consider themselves to be ethnic Latvians. Such persons are registered as Latvians and send their children to Latvian schools. The research also states that 28,000 persons has left Latvia during 1993.

The meeting of trade-union activists, employees, and unemployed was held on Feb.24 at the "Daugava" indoor stadium. The issues under discussion included officially permitted minimal salaries, social taxes, etc. According to the research by the Department of Statistics and Demography of the Latvian University there is a certain increase in the percentage of Latvians among the population of the country. Currently Latvians constitute 54.2% of the population while in 1989 the percentage was 52%. The main factor that contributes to such increase is a growing assimilation of non-Latvians due to the tendency among the persons born from mixed marriages to consider themselves to be ethnic Latvians. Such persons are registered as Latvians and send their children to Latvian schools. The research also states that 28,000 persons has left Latvia during 1993. Diena

In his report to the Parliament President Yeltsin stressed that Russia would pay special attention to the situation of Russians residing in the former USSR countries. He stressed that "the violation of rights of ethnic Russians" abroad is not the internal affair of particular countries but the problem that Russia would be intensively involved with. He also mentioned that along with cooperation with other countries Russia reserves the right to undertake "strict" measures.

In his report to the Parliament President Yeltsin stressed that Russia would pay special attention to the situation of Russians residing in the former USSR countries. He stressed that "the violation of rights of ethnic Russians" abroad is not the internal affair of particular countries but the problem that Russia would be intensively involved with. He also mentioned that along with cooperation with other countries Russia reserves the right to undertake "strict" measures. Diena

During his meeting with Mr.Andreyevs (Minister for Foreign Affairs) and Mr.Pavlovskis (Minister of Defence) Mr.Walesa stressed that radical steps regarding the issue of citizenship are not desirable. President Ulmanis noted that both parties understand that proper arguments should be found to make it sure that Latvia would not be criticized for ethnic purges and violation of human rights.

During his meeting with Mr.Andreyevs (Minister for Foreign Affairs) and Mr.Pavlovskis (Minister of Defence) Mr.Walesa stressed that radical steps regarding the issue of citizenship are not desirable. President Ulmanis noted that both parties understand that proper arguments should be found to make it sure that Latvia would not be criticized for ethnic purges and violation of human rights. Diena

The Saema is currently working on the draft Law on the Nation-Wide Referendum. The adoption of such law is of particular importance to the Nationalist Block as it will allow to submit the draft Citizenship Law worked out by the block to a nation-wide discussion. Another issue discussed at the parliament is the draft Law on Privatization. The most discussed issue is the question whether certificates currently issued will be also applicable without any restrictions to the privatization of industrial units.

The Saema is currently working on the draft Law on the Nation-Wide Referendum. The adoption of such law is of particular importance to the Nationalist Block as it will allow to submit the draft Citizenship Law worked out by the block to a nation-wide discussion. Another issue discussed at the parliament is the draft Law on Privatization. The most discussed issue is the question whether certificates currently issued will be also applicable without any restrictions to the privatization of industrial units. Rigas Balss, Labrit

A group of Latvian experts has left for Moscow on Feb.24 to work out a draft agreement on the social protection for retired Russian servicemen. Discussion of other points of the troop withdrawal agreement (the Skrunda radar station) is also possible.

A group of Latvian experts has left for Moscow on Feb.24 to work out a draft agreement on the social protection for retired Russian servicemen. Discussion of other points of the troop withdrawal agreement (the Skrunda radar station) is also possible. Diena

Peteris Skukis, the President of the TELETON Research Institute suggests to re-organize the Skrunde radar into an international post to monitor possible launches of missiles by third world countries. He says that the process of re-organizing and re-equipping the station may take as little as six months.

Peteris Skukis, the President of the TELETON Research Institute suggests to re-organize the Skrunde radar into an international post to monitor possible launches of missiles by third world countries. He says that the process of re-organizing and re-equipping the station may take as little as six months. Diena

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